
North Kingstown High School

150 Fairway Drive, North Kingstown, RI 02852

Denise Mancieri, Ed.D. Barbara Morse, Ed.D. Donna Sweet
Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal
Teaching & Learning Student Services
Telephone: (401) 268-6236 / Fax: (401) 268-6210 / Guidance: (401) 268-6240
GPA Policy Change
North Kingstown High School has calculated an unweighted grade point average and a weighted class rank for over twenty-five years. Given the national trend in the college admissions process that places less emphasis on class rank and more emphasis on grade point average and course selection, we introduced a weighted GPA beginning with the class of 2014. Please do not draw a comparison between the unweighted GPA and the weighted GPA as the scales differ. In some instances, the weighted GPA may be lower than the unweighted GPA. We respectfully ask that you use the highest grade point average, regardless if it is weighted or unweighted as posted on the transcript for both admission and scholarship consideration. Please do not hesitate to contact our guidance staff if you have any questions or concerns regarding the change we have made.

North Kingstown High School

150 Fairway Drive, North Kingstown, RI 02852

Denise Mancieri, Ed.D. Barbara Morse, Ed.D. Donna Sweet
Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal
Teaching & Learning Student Services
Telephone: (401) 268-6236 / Fax: (401) 268-6210 / Guidance: (401) 268-6240


North Kingstown High School is a four year comprehensive high school educating students who reside in the communities of North Kingstown and Jamestown, RI. Our school is comprised of students who demonstrate a diverse range of ability levels, backgrounds and interests. The NKHS community is a partnership of educators, parents, and the community, creating a support system that provides an opportunity for all students to develop intellectually, emotionally, aesthetically, socially and physically. NKHS was selected by US News and World Report in 2008, 2010, 2014 and 2016 as one of “America’s Top 500 High Schools” based on the equity, access and excellence of our academic programs.


Our mission is to educate our students to become intellectually active adults, to inspire them to reach individual excellence, and to challenge them to become responsible members of society.


  • All students are scheduled for a minimum of seven credits and a maximum of eight credits per year.
  • Highest unweighted GPA for class of 2017was 4.00. Highest weighted GPA for class of 2017 was 4.66.
  • Median unweighted GPAfor Class of 2017 was 3.32. Median weighted GPA for class of 2017 was 3.21.
  • 2017AP Exam Scores - 74 % of students taking the test received a score of 3 or better
  • 220 students took 403AP exams
  • 99% of students taking an AP course take the AP exam
  • Students who do not take the AP test do not earn the AP weight in rank and GPA
  • 25 AP Scholars, 12 AP Scholars with Honors, 19 AP Scholars with Distinction, and 2 National AP Scholars.


North Kingstown High School is accredited by the New England Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools and the Rhode Island Department of Education.


24 credits are needed to earn a diploma from NKHS.

Full year courses earn 1.0 credit, while semester courses earn .5 credit.

NKHS Students must complete: NKHS Students must also demonstrate proficiency on standards:

Social Studies
Fine/Performing Arts
Technology Readiness
* 4th credit may be a “math related” course in Grade 12. / 4.0 Credits
3.5 Credits
4.0 Credits*
3.0 Credits
2.0 Credits
.5 Credit
.5 Credit
6.5 Credits
24.0Credits / Comprehensive Course Assessmentsand Senior Project Exhibition
The Comprehensive Course Assessments allow students to show that they are meeting high expectations as well as providing a way for students to express their individuality through validated tasks called Anchor Assignments.
The Senior Project Exhibition is a large-scale research project designed by the student with an adult mentor, derived from an essential question based on the students’ interests and passions. This exhibition showcases both applied learning and content standards and should reflect what we do to solve problems in the real world.
The exhibition has multiple parts:
  • a research component
  • a portfolio of collected process pieces,
  • a presentation, involving visual and oral communication.


88%of the class of 2017will be attending a two or four year school

68% will be attending 4-year institutions

20%will be attending 2-year institutions

9% plan to work or have other plans

3% joined the Armed Forces


A - 90-100B - 80-89C - 70-79 F - Below 70

P =Pass (Not included in GPA calculation) I=Incomplete (Work owed at marking period) M=Medically Excused

SS=Summer School-highest earned grade is 70

E2020=Edgenuity Online remediation

Presently 14 courses are offered in Advanced Placement:

Biology / English Literature / Psychology / Statistics
Calculus AB / Environmental Science / Spanish Language and Culture / Studio Art, 2D and 3 D
Chemistry / European History / Spanish Literature and Culture / US History
Computer Science Principles / Physics 1


Advanced Placement= / 3.7
Honors= / 3.4
College Prep= / 3.0
General= / 2.6


NKHS Mean581 590

State Mean513528

Total Group533538

NKHS calculates a weighted GPA on the following scale:





GENERAL 3.00 2.67 2.33 2.00 1.67 1.33 1.00 0.67 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.00

Unweighted GPA is factored on a 4.0 scale:

94 – 100 / 4.0 / 90 – 93 / 3.8 / 87 – 89 / 3.6 / 84 – 86 / 3.3 / 80 – 83 / 3.0 / 77 – 79 / 2.6
74 – 76 / 2.3 / 70 – 73 / 2.0 / 67 – 69 / 1.6 / 64 – 66 / 1.3 / 60 – 63 / 1.0


American U, Appalachian State U, Arizona State U, Assumption C, Belmont U, Bentley U, Boston College, Boston University, Bridgewater State,Bryant U, Cape Cod C.C., Clark U, Colgate U, College of the Atlantic, Columbia College Chicago, CCRI, Cornell U, Dartmouth C, Eastman School of Music, Emerson College, Emmanuel C, Fairfield University, Fitchburg State U, Florida Atlantic U, George Washington, Hartwick C, Hofstra, Johnson and Wales, Keene State C, Lasell C, Marist C, New England College, New England Tech, Northeastern,North Carolina State U, Nova Southeastern U, Ohio U,Pace U, Plymouth State, Providence College, Purdue U, Quinnipiac, Rhode Island College, RIT, Roger Williams,Rollings C, Saint Anselm C, Salve Regina, San Diego State U, San Francisco State U, SCAD, Springfield C, Stonehill, Suffolk U, Susquehanna U, Temple U, Trinity C, U of Alabama, UCLA, U Colorado Boulder, U Conn, U Delaware, U Maine-Orono, U Maryland, U Mass. Amherst, U Mass. Dartmouth, U Michigan, UNH, UNC-Chapel Hill, URI,U San Francisco, U South Carolina, U South Florida, U Tampa, UVM, U Washington, Vassar C, Williams C, WPI, Xavier U

Elizabeth Parvo-Brown
Class of 2020 A-Do
Class of 2018 A-Ki

(401) 268-6246 / Cindy Normand, Department Chair
Class of 2020J-Mo
Class of 2018 Kn-Ma

(401)268-6261 / Cheryl DeCotis-Thomas
Class of 2020 Mu-Z
Class of 2018 Mc-Z

(401) 268-6267
Erin Ward
Class of 2020 Du-I
Class of 2019 A-Co
CTE students

(401) 268-6244 / Mia Toro
Class of 2019 Cr-Ma
Class of 2021 A-J

(401)268-6238 / Emily Bell
Class of 2019 Mc-Z
Class of 2021 K-Z

(401) 268-6237