North Fort Homeowners Association

Minutes of the Board meeting

April 6, 2017

The regular called meeting was held on April 6, 2017 at Thanksgiving Fire Department, President Bobbitt presiding.

Board members present: Officers present: Architectural Cttee: Owners/residents:

John Kronz Jamie Bobbitt Pam Meek

Carey Seavy Terri Stone

Shiloh Sickler Scott Hill

Paulette Williams

Vickie Woodard

Quorum: A quorum was declared by the President at 6:35 p.m.

Minutes: Minutes from the Annual Meeting were summarized and approved.

Financial Report: The Treasurer was not in attendance and no Budget/Financial information was discussed/approved for April’s HOA meeting.

Architectural Committee:

A homeowner has requested approval for a playhouse structure. Two examples were submitted by the Architectural Committee to the board on behalf of the homeowner for consideration. The Board determined the first option would not be approved as it is a ground structure and would fall under the accessory building category and therefore would require a foundation and brick. The second option is an elevated tree house structure. The Board requested more information from the homeowner with specifics (dimensions and materials, etc.) in order to possibly approve the elevated play house structure as this could be considered a temporary structure. Initial dimensions mentioned by the homeowner were 8x10 and the Board felt that seemed large and wanted more information before a final determination on option two could be made.

Old Business:

Pond Walkway Improvements:

President Bobbitt provided an update on the discussions and research with Paul (fire department). After measuring the existing area available, it was determined that it would not be possible to improve the path such that a fire truck can travel safely. Plats were not reviewed, so it was not confirmed with plat lines, but Paul and Jamie both agreed that it was not able to be pursued.

New discussions were held on what improvements should be made now. The floating bridge option was discussed again. The concern about wheelchair accessibility was mentioned with this option. Carey mentioned that a homeowner just recently had their driveway redone and it is about the length the walkway would need to have repaired. Carey is going to reach out to the homeowner to inquire about the contractor and cost for reference and review by the Board.

The concept of adding benches to the pond was revisited. Concerns were expressed about the possibility of trash and littering increasing due to the benches and potential cookouts, etc. Quite a bit of trash and litter is already collected by some of the homeowners living on the pond and the concern is valid and was noted for further discussion. The pathway is going to be improved first and if there were funds left over, they would go towards benches. It was determined that when that time arrives, the Board will revisit the benches discussion.

Front Entrance Erosion:

John completed this work approximately two weeks ago. Two pallets of sod, six yards of topsoil, one pound of centipede seed and straw was applied to the eroded areas. The approved budget for this expense was $1,000 and the total cost was $785.97. John has submitted the expenses to the PO Box for reimbursement. The Board and Officers expressed appreciation to John on behalf of the entire neighborhood.

Signature Management Discussion:

Covenant violation letters were submitted by Signature Management at the request of President Bobbitt. The Board will need to receive and review the updated violation list from Signature Management and determine recipients of second letter and the language to be included.

A discussion was held about defining what qualifies as a commercial vehicle. Is a Commercial vehicle defined by the weight of the vehicle, commercial tags, company logo, or the intended use of the vehicle (i.e. a dump truck attachment, etc.). More discussions will need to be held in order to determine how North Fort HOA will define a commercial vehicle for the purposes of covenant violation letters.

New Business:

A potential buyer reached out to the Board via an email through the HOA website with concerns about buying a home for sale in the neighborhood. They were interested in a property, but they were curious if the house beside the property they were interested in was in violation of covenants due to some of the appearance and items located on the property. President Bobbitt did respond to the inquiry and let the potential buyer know that Signature Management Company was in the process of sending out communications about those violations.

Next Meeting: The next Board meeting will be 6:30pm May 4th, 2017 at the Thanksgiving Fire Department.

Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Executive/Board Session: None held.