North East Learning
Research and Practice

To be held on

Tuesday 7 July 2009

(10AM - 4PM)

Mental Health services for people with learning disabilities


Clinical Skills Centre

School of Health, community and Education Studies, NorthumbriaUniversity

Coach Lane Campus West


Newcastle upon Tyne



This is the second meeting of the North East Learning Disability Research and Practice Network meeting. This is open to all health and social care practitioners, academics, researchers, people with learning disability and their carers.

The aim of these network meetings is to share research and practice developments in the North East region.


This is a FREE Event

Places are limited. Places will be offered on a first come first serve basis.

Please complete and return the attached booking form to Christine Hutton ()

Room H007, School of Health Community and Education Studies, Northumbria University, Coach Lane Campus East, Benton, Newcastle upon Tyne NE7 7XA .

Tel: 0191 215 6693

Enquiries about the North East Learning Disability Research and Practice Network event is be directed to: Dr. Raghu Raghavan, School of Health Community and Education, NorthumbriaUniversity


NE LD Research and Practice Network

Mental Health Services for people with learning disabilities

7 July 2009 (10 am to 4pm)

Clinical Skills Centre, Coach Lane Campus West





Organisation ......







Email ......

N.B. Lunch is not included. Participants can purchase lunch from the nearby cafeteria

Further information will be sent to registered participants by email

Registration will start from 9.30 am and the sessions will commence at 10am

and will finish at 4 pm

Dr. Julian Whaley (Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Trust): Adding Value to Patients/Clients and Carers: A Consumer-Driven Approach to Service Development.

Dr. Raghu Raghavan (Northumbria University) Mental Health services for people with learning disabilities: Policy and Practice

Ruth Hicks (Middleborough Social services):The Impact of
personalisation on Commissioning of mental health services.

Debra Moore and Scott Cunningham(Debra Moore Associates)

Green Light for Mental Health: Services in the North East.

Dr. Barry Ingham (Northumberland, Tyne and wear NHS Trust)Developing biopsychosocial formulation based working within inpatient services

Dr. Jill Everett and Patricia Collin (Northumberland, Tyne and wear NHS Trust)Developing a joint protocol between a specialist mental health and learning disability services