MINUTES of meeting on Wednesday 3rd February 2010at 7.30 pm atAshbrooke, Sunderland
Tim LewisJohn Sale
David Thorman Steve MooreIan Coultas
Jeremy GoughMiles HudsonRob Allchin
Simon JonesJonathan Couhig
Robin HartDavid Miller
Newcastle Medics had not responded to a query on umpire status
To be reminded.
2.8Website Updating
JC reported that most problems had been resolved except access to the Cancellation Sheet. This was being worked on by Fixtures Live.
7.2Player in Debt to DurhamCity - Alan Bailey
Neither club had heard anything further from the player
3.3Tynedale III Fixture Backlog
Tynedale III had been withdrawn from Conference North and the clubs had been informed.
3.5 Tynedale I v Northumbria St Georges II & Tynedale II v Morpeth III [07.11.09]
Because of the timing of the offence notification Tynedale had been given 14 days from Jan 16th to lodge an appeal with NCHA. Investigations by IC indicated that they had done this although there was some doubt as to whether it had been lodged in time. In any case DT had not been copied in as required under rule 5.4.
DT to investigate the timing issue and indicate to NCHA the committee’s reservations regarding permitting the appeal on the basis that the requirements of the rule had not been met.
3.10Northumbria St Georges – Transfer of Lewis Robson
Northumbria St Georges had lodged an appeal with NCHA and details of the hearing were awaited. All opposition clubs except NewcastleUniv. had indicated a wish to replay the games but these were on hold pending the outcome of the appeal.
3.11DurhamCity II v Hartlepool Caledonians I [12.12.09]
5 Unregistered players had played in the DurhamCity team. Of these 4 were registered with the North and 1 new player was completely unregistered. 4 of the 7 goals scored by DurhamCity had been by unregistered players of which 2 were regular first team members. Detailed explanations covering the selections had been received from DurhamCity. Some of the unregistered players had played a number of times in the NEHL&C. The explanations regarding selection were generally accepted but the fielding of the new player was considered an act of strengthening.
Durham City fined a total of £150 and their 2nd team deducted 3 points. Subject to opposition agreement, game to be replayed within 43 days of notification at the expense of Durham City.
6.1Possible Restructuring of North League Hockey
DM handed out copies of the paper he had brought to the previous meeting together with his ideas on a new format for league hockey in the North [copy attached]. He noted that EH had scheduled a national review of league hockey. The basic principle of the proposals was to have identical feeder league set ups based very much on the NEHL&C model. Promotion could be dependant on qualifying teams electing for it and subject to the approval of the relevant committee.
DM asked for any ideas on the proposals to be forwarded to him.
7.2Tynedale’s Poor Administration
DT had contacted Tynedale and there had been a swift response with revised officer details and arrangements, indications of a replacement pitch and withdrawal of the 3rds [see 3.3 above]. However there had been continued problems thereafter with a number of emails from JC and DT unanswered.
Tynedale to be instructed to send up to 2 representatives to the next committee meeting to discuss the issues and their proposals for improved performance.
7.4Hild Bede I vDurhamUniv.III Result Card [21.11.09].
Following receipt of comments from JC and discussions with SJ following the last meeting it had been determined that the results card had contained a falsified umpire’s signature. This had been raised with Hild Bede and they had removed responsibility for results cards away from the team captain.
Hild Bede to be informed of the committee’s concern that, after a number of years successful development of the club, their administration should now be so lacking. Also that they must take appropriate disciplinary action against the team captain and inform DT of the nature of it in time for the next committee meeting
3.1Funding for TeesValley Hockey Development Officer
Last seasons outgoing committee had agreed to continue funding this post and DCHA had requested a donation of £750. This was approved.
DT to invoice JG.
3.2Northumbria St Georges III v North Shields II [31.10.09]
Both the umpire and umpire assessor at this game had complemented the teams on their high standard of player discipline and behaviour.
Both clubs awarded4 Fair Play ‘plus points’.
3.3Late Results Card Fines.
In recognition of postal problems fines had not been applied until the card was over 2 weeks late. This was approved.
3.4Match Cancellations & Rearrangements
JC presented a report on the current situation.
Standard Fines and other penalties to be applied where appropriate.
3.5 Stockton HC Involvement in national Indoor Tournament
DT had given Stockton permission to postpone relevant games
3.6Wilton HC – Late payment of EH Affiliation Fees
These had not been paid until after 16.01.10. However Wilton’s fixtures on that date had been postponed.
3.7Effects of Weather on League Programme
IN view of recent problems it was decided that the 29 day period for replaying postponed fixtures would be extended to 43 days.
DT to inform all clubs and remind them of the requirements for postponements and rearrangements..
3.8Wilton I v Stockton III [28.11.09]
Wilton had raised concern regarding possible strengthening of the Stockton side. Investigation had revealed that 4 of the Stockton players had been unregistered. Some of the unregistered players had played a number of times in the NEHL&C. However no evidence of strengthening had been determined.
Stockton fined £100.
James Proctor: South Shields to Whitley bay & Tynemouth.
Richard Bowker: Marton Furness to DurhamCity – cleared after debt settled.
Robert Jinks: Marton Furness to DurhamCity.
Peter Brewer: Marton Furness to Wilton -cleared after debt settled.
Joseph Alan Roberts: Requested transfer from Tynedale to DurhamCity but no further contact after DT insisted on confirmation from current club on debt situation.
3.11Conference Cup & Plate Finals
It was agreed that the league would fund pitches and umpires for the finals of these competitions on 14.03.10.
TL to arrange venue for the Cup final [probably The Parks] and JS to arrange Plate final at Norton.
3.12Tynedale I v Marton Furness II [24.10.09]
This game had been abandoned at half time due to an unplayable pitch. Tynedale had recently requested reimbursement of costs. It was agreed that since both teams and umpires had deemed the pitch playable at the start of the game then reimbursement was inappropriate.
3.13 Marton Furness Website Content
DT reported on email correspondence with the captain of Marton Furness IV after the latter had asked JC why they had not been awarded the game following a postponement when Tynedale II had insufficient players. DT had explained that the guidance on decisions had changed at the last AGM. Subsequently comments regarding the committee had been published on the club website. DT read these out and the committee concluded that they were defamatory.
DT to inform the club of the committees concerns and require them to publish an apology on the front page of their website and to take disciplinary action against the captain concerned and inform him of the nature of it in time for the next meeting.
3.14League Tables & Disciplinary Cards Records
JC handed out current copies.
4.1 Accounts
JG reported on £3760.51 held in the current account and £1411.82 in the reserve account.
4.2 Fines
A number of clubs had outstanding overdue fines.
JG to provide a full schedule to DT. Clubs to be informed that any outstanding fines not paid within 7 days of notice would be doubled.
4.3 D&NHUA
Had taken club subscriptions but had declined travel money.
4.4Position as Treasurer
JG indicated that he would be standing down at the AGM in order to pursue his other hockey interests.
5.12 umpires’ courses were schedule in March, one at NorthumbriaUniversity and the other at BarnardCastleSchool. It was possible that another course would be arranged at Norton in May
6.1League - See 6.1 in matters arising.
6.2Council – Holly Woodford from EH had attended to give a presentation on their push on new developments. The main thrust had been on league reorganisation within the areas. DM proposed to ask her to a similar presentation in the NE.
Wednesday 10th March 2010 commencing at 7:30pm at Ashbrooke, Sunderland
Page 1 NEHL Minutes 03.02.10