First Sunday in Lent

Saturday, February 13Vigil Mass

5:00 p.m. +Cecilia & George Colwell

Sunday, February 14

8:30 a.m.People of the Parish

10:00 a.m. +Ferrullo Family

5:00 p.m. +Thelma Micholoski

Monday, February 15

9:00 a.m. +Antonia S. Dando

Tuesday, February 16

7:30 a.m. +Cremilde Fernandes

Wednesday, February 17

5:00 p.m. + Andy Satorski

ThursdayFebruary 18

7:30 a.m. +Alice Faye Coalangelo

Friday, February 19

7:30 a.m. +Alipio Rodrigues

Weather Advisory: In the event of an active snow or ice event, we will follow the South River School closing and Mass will be cancelled.


+Altar Candles+

Mary Hauser

+Candle for Mary+

Special Intention

+ Sanctuary Candle +

Carol Canuso-Balitsky

Contact the parish office to make arrangements to offer Candles, Flowers, or Bread and Wine in honor of a loved one, or for a special occasion.

We would like to update our prayer list. All current names will remain on the list thru the end of the month, We will update the list every three months. If you would like to remain on the list, contact the parish office.

Jennie Mianulli, Joyce Hanula, Helen Kovacs,Craig Scott,

Rachel Shawlinski,Carol Ostrowski,Martha Basulto,Rose Casey,

Lauren Carney,Ann Flood , Susan Wiecek Shecter, Rita Payor,

Fr. Kevin Casey, Karen Kleinschmidt, Josephine Dehlinger,

Joanne Manfre,Charles Manfre, Sharon Calabri,Kristin Rein,

Michael Martinez, Evelyn Perec,Eleanor Munck,

Patricia Ronan, Genevieve Mroczko, Anne Fox,

Peggy Reynolds, Darlene Forrester,Carole Anderson,

Margaret Derkack,Richard Leonard,Edward Wales,

Edward Evancik,Kathleen McGreevy, Vivian Go,

Veronica Canuso, Rosario Guinto, Lorraine Carunchio,

Antoinette Rossi, Helen O’Donnell, Rebecca Rannazzisi,

Milton Kohlhepp,Suzanne Casey Boyce, Samuel Saloom, Jr

Renee Giliberti,Debbie Canuso-Danley,Stephen Weiss.

Stewardship – Time, Talent & Treasure

Our Treasure Sharing for February 7–$6,271.00

Mail Donations $1,196.00

Total Plate Collection $7,467.00

Many Thanks for Your Continued Generosity!

Please remember Corpus Christi Parish

in yourwill and estate planning.

Stations of the Cross

Friday evenings 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday following 7:00 p.m.

Portuguese Mass.

Sunday – February 14, 2016

First Sunday in Lent

“I have now brought you the first fruits of the products of the soil which you, O Lord, have given to me.” (DEUTERONOMY 26:10)

This line from the Old Testament offers two challenges. First, do you give to God from your “first fruits”, the best that you have to offer, or do you give from what is leftover? Second, do you remember that everything you have has been given to you by God? Ask God for a grateful and generous heart, every day.

Please note at any time, you may begin ON LINE GIVING by logging on to our website:

ON LINE GIVINGOur thanks to the many families that have signed up for Online Giving! If you manage your bills online, we’re sure you’ll like the convenience of giving to your parish online. It’s safe and secure, and you decide exactly when your gift is made. You may even view your giving history just by logging in Visit our website: – and get started

Catholic Spirit- The annual drive to support our diocesan newspaper is taking place during the month of February, National Catholic Press Month. Any amount you contribute will show your support. Thank you!

Paschal Candle

Our Paschal Candle has been donated this year

In Memory of

Vicente Asis Espiritu, Sr.

Tecia Atillo Espiritu

Ernest Wellington Fuller

Ernest Norman Douglas Fuller

Please read Bishop Bootkoski’s Letter in today’s bulletin regarding next weekend’s Second Collection for the Church in Central & Eastern Europe.

President’s Day

Monday, February 15, 2016

Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 a.m.

The Parish Office will be closed and re-open on Tuesday, February 16th at 9:00 a.m.

2016 LUCKY MONEY CALENDARSWe are extending our Blue Light Special BUY TWO, GET ONE FREE! For $50.00 you will have three tickets in the drum every month until the end of the year. It is not too late to submit your returns for the Lucky Money Calendar. There are still 12 chances left to win

Congratulations to Tammy Aarseth our Lucky Winner for the February 2nd drawing. Next drawing is Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Thank you to all who have supported our Lucky Calendar. Calendars are still available to purchase.

Best LENT Ever

– Perhaps you didn’t have a chance to read the book you received for Christmas Rediscover Jesusby Matthew Kelly. A perfect way to experiencea 40-day spiritual journey, is to read a chapter a day during the 40 days of Lent. Dynamic Catholic Best Lent Ever program is based on Rediscover Jesus. You are invited to sign up fora free email program. All you have to do is sign up at

Let’s do something life-changing this Lent.

Corpus Christi Altar Rosary Society meets the first Sunday of every month following the 10:00 a.m. Mass. After Mass a brief meeting is held in the rectory basement.

“Lenten Day of Retreat” – See insert in today’s bulletin.

All are welcome to attend.

Hunterdon Hills Playhouse – Saturday, April 16, 2016

Neil Simon’s Elegantly Funny Farce – RUMORS

$75.00 per person. Includes Dinner, Bus & Show. RSVP before March 10, 2016. For further information please call Pam at (732)432-0365 or the Parish Office at 732-254-1800.

Come and experience the life-changing effects of God’s mercy!-The Diocese of Metuchen’s Office of Evangelization would like to invite you to a three day encounter with God’s Mercy during this Jubilee Year. The event starts on Thursday, March 31st at 7:00 p.m. with a reflection entitled, “God’s Mercy: the Beating Heart of the Gospel” and concludes on Saturday April 2nd with the Vigil Mass for the Feast of Divine Mercy. There will be vibrant preaching, compelling testimonies, prayer opportunities, music and much more. For info call 732-562-1990 ext.1634.

Expert Advice on Living the New Year of Mercy:

A Jubilee Symposium by Kathryn Jean Lopez

I woke up as 2015 was coming to a close with the question on my heart, mind, and soul:

What makes a new year in a Year of Mercy different?

How can and should we make it different?

So she did what any good writer does: She asked friends and within the next couple of weeks advice, concrete suggestions, plans of attack and resources from friends will be shared:

Marge Fenelon, author of Our Lady, Undoer of Knots: A Living Novena

A Year of Mercy in a new year should be a New Year of Mercy. I personally feel that we’re being called to a new level of mercy – not only by Pope Francis’ decree of the Year of Mercy, but also by what’s going on in the world around us.

In many respects, lack of mercy is at the root of the atrocities we’re seeing – lack of mercy for Christians, lack of mercy for the unborn, lack of mercy in families and between countries…I can’t solve all – or perhaps any – of those problems directly, but I can help to counter them by working hard to become a merciful person myself.

Our resolutions for 2016, therefore, should encompass some aspect of mercy. One suggestion: Release your debtors, whether it be a material, emotional, spiritual, or psychological debt they owe to you.

Dynamic Catholic’s Beautiful Mercyis a great resource to help folks consider these external expressions of mercy.

2015 Bishop’s Annual Appeal

Grace, Mercy & Peace

Ministering to those experiencing pain, confusion and fear, and those preparing for death is the role of the clergy assigned to Hospital Ministry. They respond to calls at every hour of the day and night providing sacramental and pastoral presence in hospitals and health care facilities throughout the diocese.

Your gift to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal helps to support this important pastoral ministry.

Corpus Christi has reached 67.9% of our parish goal of $28,800.00 as of February 5, 2016. Our In-Pew Commitment Weekend is scheduled for February 27-28.

A funny thing…..