Fellowship Dates: July 1-December 31, 2014

Please provide the following:

Completed Application Form (see below)

Personal Statement (maximum 700 words): Discuss any professional, academic and personal experiences and achievements that you think have helped to prepare you to be a LankaCorps Fellow. How might your participation in such a fellowship contribute to your career ambitions and/or plans for future study? What is your understanding of leadership and how have you exercised it to influence a group or organization in the past?

Statement of Purpose (maximum 500 words): In what sector -- public, private/business, or community development/nonprofit -- and kind of agency or organization would like to work? Are there specific skills or areas of expertise that you would bring to the table?

Two letters of recommendation (attesting to professional and academic qualifications)

Current and detailed C.V.

Proof of U.S. Citizenship (copy of passport face page)

Use the Tab Key to move the cursor
Name: / M / F
(Given) (Middle) (Family)
Telephone: / (Mobile) / (Home) / (Office)
Current Employer: / Position:
Office Address:
Skype Name (if available): / Email address:
Emergency Contact: / Telephone:

Please turn to the next page:


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Please provide the following information, as applicable:

1. Other schools or special training programs not included on your CV: (indicate fields, dates, and certificates):

2. Major non-academic activities (e.g., community engagement), explaining the nature of your involvement and any significant achievements:

3. Any of the following: learned, scientific, or professional societies of which you are a member; creative works or publications developed; or special honors, awards, or fellowships received:

4. Experience traveling or living abroad (state year, country, duration, and purpose):

5. Prior experience in Sri Lanka, or pertaining to Sri Lanka, if any:

I hereby certify documentation submitted to The Asia Foundation in support of my application for a LankaCorps Fellowship to be true and complete.

Signature: ______Date: ______