Fellowship Dates: July 1-December 31, 2014
Please provide the following:
o Completed Application Form (see below)
o Personal Statement (maximum 700 words): Discuss any professional, academic and personal experiences and achievements that you think have helped to prepare you to be a LankaCorps Fellow. How might your participation in such a fellowship contribute to your career ambitions and/or plans for future study? What is your understanding of leadership and how have you exercised it to influence a group or organization in the past?
o Statement of Purpose (maximum 500 words): In what sector -- public, private/business, or community development/nonprofit -- and kind of agency or organization would like to work? Are there specific skills or areas of expertise that you would bring to the table?
o Two letters of recommendation (attesting to professional and academic qualifications)
o Current and detailed C.V.
o Proof of U.S. Citizenship (copy of passport face page)
ApplicationUse the Tab Key to move the cursor
Name: / M / F
(Given) (Middle) (Family)
Telephone: / (Mobile) / (Home) / (Office)
Current Employer: / Position:
Office Address:
Skype Name (if available): / Email address:
Emergency Contact: / Telephone:
Please turn to the next page:
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Please provide the following information, as applicable:
1. Other schools or special training programs not included on your CV: (indicate fields, dates, and certificates):
2. Major non-academic activities (e.g., community engagement), explaining the nature of your involvement and any significant achievements:
3. Any of the following: learned, scientific, or professional societies of which you are a member; creative works or publications developed; or special honors, awards, or fellowships received:
4. Experience traveling or living abroad (state year, country, duration, and purpose):
5. Prior experience in Sri Lanka, or pertaining to Sri Lanka, if any:
I hereby certify documentation submitted to The Asia Foundation in support of my application for a LankaCorps Fellowship to be true and complete.
Signature: ______Date: ______