School Nutrition Association of North Carolina
Article I – Name
The name of this organization shall be ______CountyChapter, School Nutrition Association of North Carolina
Article II – Purpose
The purpose of this association shall be to:
Section A. To provide direction and leadership for developing and
promoting quality, cost effective nutrition and nutrition education
programs for all children and the school community.
Section B. To establish professional standards, encourage qualitypractice
and provide service to members to assist in reaching programgoals.
Section C. To cooperate in the promotion of a State and National policy.
Section D. Purpose is to be achieved through educational chapter meetings, qualified speakers, field trips, seminars, sanitation classes, and national conferences.
Article III – Membership
Section A. Active members. Anyone engaged in or interested in nutritionally
sound nonprofit programs for children may be a member upon application and
payment of dues.
Section B. Dues. $______annually for local chapter to be paid by ______(date)
State and National dues must be paid annually at members renewal date.Local chapter members must also be State and National members, to be in compliance with Bylaws for School Nutrition Association.
Article IV – Organizational Structure
Section A. Executive Board. The Executive Board of the chapter shall be the
governing body of the chapter and shall consist of the President, President-Elect,
Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Child Nutrition Director may serve as an ex-officio member in the advisory capacity without vote.
The elected officers of the association shall consist of a President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer to be nominated and elected
at the April meeting and to be installed at the May meeting, every two (2) years.
Section B. Standing Committees: The following Committees shall be formedupon recommendations by the Executive Board:
1. Ways & Means 2. Resolutions & ByLaws 3. Nominating
4. Member Services 5. Public Policy & Legislation 6. Nutrition
7. Education/Certification
Section C. Elections. Elections of chapter officers shall be by a democratic process at the April meeting. A majority vote shall be required for election.
Article V – Officers
Section A. Qualifications. To be eligible for elected offices they shall be a
member of the local chapter and state and National association. They shall be
regularly employed by a non-profit organization in an eligible field.
Section B. Responsibilities. The primary responsibilities are listed below but
Shall not be limited to those duties only:
1. President. The president shall serve for two (2) years. The
President shall preside at all meetings of the chapter, serve as a voting
member of The State House of Delegates, and perform all duties usually
associated with the office of President. The President shall appoint, with
the approval of the Executive Board, chairs and members of all committees.
The President shall represent the organization.
2. President-Elect. The President-Elect shall serve for two (2) years.
The President-Elect shall study the duties of the President, represent the
chapter at the request of the President, perform duties of the President in the President’s absence, serve on the Executive Board, and serve as Program Chair.
3. Vice-President. The Vice-President shall serve for two (2) years. The
Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President-Elect in the President-Elect’s absence, serve on the Executive Board, and chair Resolutions and Bylaws Committee.
4. Secretary. The Secretary shall serve for two (2) years. The Secretary
shall accurately record all minutes of the Executive Board and chapter meetings.
5. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall serve for two (2) years. The treasurer
shall receive all funds of the chapter and shall keep accurate records of receipts and disbursements, signing all checks with the designated person, and present books for audit.
Article VI – Meetings.
There shall be at least four (4) meetings per year. Special meetings may be called as the need arises.
Article VII – Publications
The chapter may print and distribute a program booklet and other pertinent publications as deemed necessary.
Article VIII – Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the chapter shall coincide with the State Association’s fiscal year.
Article IX – Parliamentary Authority
“Robert’s Rules of Order” should constitute the parliamentary authority for conducting chapter meetings in all cases not covered by these bylaws.
Article X – Resolutions and Amendments
These articles may be amended by a two-thirds affirmative vote with a five (5) day previous written notice to chapter members.
Article XI – Effective Date – Implementation
These bylaws shall become effective (date)______
Standing Rules
These are chapter traditions and may be expanded or deleted.
Rule No. 1Officers and committee chairs shall keep a record of all business and
material pertaining to their offices. This record shall be given to the
incoming officers.
Rule No. 2Area representatives – directors shall be invited to at least one (1)
meeting a year where possible.
Rule No. 3Installing officer may be a past or present local president, your area
representative, State President, or Past State President.
Rule No. 4Installing officers material may be paidfor by local chapter or host
chapter, including a president’s pin.
Rule No. 5 Local chapters are encouraged to send representatives to state board
meetings and other state association sponsored activities.
Rule No. 6To participate in association-paid events, members must attend at least
four (4) meetings and participate in at least two (2) fundraisers.
Rule No. 7 Our association will donate $______yearly to the Education Foundation
of ______County Schools as a scholarship incentive. Scholarship will
be at the discretion of the Education Foundation.
Rule No. 8Our organization will give as an incentive prize to one attending member at each local meeting a one-year’s membership to local (renewing), state
and national organization.
Rule No. 9Our organization established a $______yearly scholarship for ______College. Preference is given to an employee, employee’s child, or student in the Dietetic Program, or a program that would enhance employability in the Child Nutrition area. Evaluation and nomination for recipient would be the responsibility of the Scholarship Committee.
Last update to Rules: January 18, 2006