Register/Sign up:
- User can find the “Register” at the top of the website.
- User can register with Valid username and mail id
- Password will send to registered Email address
- Register with personal details
Log in:
- User can login with valid username and password
- User have a option with forget password
- Password will send to registered Email address
Home screen:
- User have the search option based on tours and hotels
- User can view the top tours categories
- User can view the cost and reviews of the tour
- User can wish list a product only after login
- User can view all the tours and popular tours
- User have the option to book the tour
Search tour:
- User can search throughout the following
- Date information
- Trip type
- Search terms
- People count
Tour management:
- User can sort by price and rating
- User can view the tour categories in list and grid format
- User can view the price per person
- User can view the tour place on Map
- User have the modify search option
- User can view all the tour categories
- User can filter the product by :
Tours detail management:
- User can view the description of the tour
- User can view the schedules of the tour
- User can view the reviews and leave a review
- User can book the tour for n number of member based on:
- User can view the tour place on Map
- User can wish list only after login
Tour booking summary management:
- User can search using the search option
- User can view the recent post
- User can view the categories
- User can view the selected tour category with the summary
- User can modify the search
- User can post a comment
- User can book the tour
Tour Booking:
- User can search using the search option
- User can view the recent post
- User can view the categories
- User can view the booking summary
- User can modify the search
- If the user is registered then the user can book the tour directly
- If the user is not registered following details are to be filled:
User details
User address
Tour booking confirmation:
- User will receive the confirmation message for tour booking
- User can view the booking summary
- User can search using the search option
- User can view the recent post
- User can view the categories
- User can post a comment
Search hotel:
- User can search hotel through
- Hotel name
- Check in and checkout date
- Room count
- People count
- Preferred location
Hotel management:
- User can view the tour categories in list and grid format
- User can sort by price and rating
- User can view the price per person
- User can view the route to the hotel on Map
- User have the modify search option
- User can filter the hotel by
Hotel detail management:
- User can view the description of the hotel
- User can view the room types
- User can view the reviews and leave a review
- User can check the availability for the hotel based on:
Check in
Check out
- User can view the route to the hotel on Map
- User can view the contact details and timing of the hotel
- User can wish list only after login
Hotel availability:
- User can view the hotel availability details
- User can post a comment
- User can search hotels based on search option
- User can view the recent post
- User can view the categories
Wish list:
- User can wish list a hotel and tourafter login
- User can view all the news of the tours and hotels
- User can search the tours and hotel in the search box
- User can view the recent post
- User can leave a comment and view the comment
Pricing Table:
- User can subscribe the packages for travelers
- User can also view all the pricing tables
- User can also view the membership FAQ
- User can search in the search box
- User can view the recent post
- User can view the categories
Tourist guide:
- User can view the guide for the travel
- User can view what customer says
Tour timeline:
- User can view the schedules and timelines with description
- User can search the tour
- User can view the recent post
- User can view the categories
Gallery management:
- User can view the images and videos from travelers
- User can search the tour
- User can view the recent post
- User can view the categories
- About us
- General page
- Social network connection
- Registered member can login to their profile with valid username and password.
- In case of forget password the forget password option can be used
- Admin can see the list of registered user
- Admin can View statistics of tour and hotel
- Admin can view the partner details in the site
- Admin can view the recent post
- Admin can view the comments and pages
User management:
- Admin can add and manage the user details
- Admin can search a member
- Admin filter the user using roles
User type detail management:
- Admin can Add and manage user type
- Admin can search user type details
Tour management:
- Admin can add and manage all the tour categories
- Admin can easily search using the search box
Tour details management:
- Admin can add and manage all the details of the tour
- Admin can easily search using the search box
Tour booking management:
- Admin can add and manage all the booking details of the user
- Admin can view all the booked details
- Admin can easily search using the search box
Hotel management:
- Admin can add and manage all the hotel details
- Admin can easily search using the search box
Hotel details management:
- Admin can add and manage all the details of the tour
- Admin can easily search using the search box
Pricing Table:
- Admin can add and manage all the pricing details of the hotel and tour
- Admin can easily search using the search box
- Admin can view the payment details
- Admin can search the plan payment details using search box
Gallery management:
- Admin can add and manage all the images and videos
Blog management:
- Admin can add and manage all the news.
Wish list management:
- Admin can add and manage all the wish list
Tour timeline management:
- Admin can add and manage all the timeline details of the user
CMS management:
Admin manage the following content pages
- About us
- General page
- Social network connection
General setting:
- Admin can manage
- Site title
- Site address
- E-Mail address
- Time zone
- Date and time format
- Site language
- Social connection links details
- Favicon and logo