North Carolina Locksmith Licensing Board

January 12, 2009

Cutting Board Restaurant Burlington, NC

Welcome and Call to Order-- Laura Busse
Attendees: Laura Busse, chair, Kevin Seymour, Greg Wright, T. Alan Boone, Hosie King, and Chris Boykin
Non-Members: Steve Bright, Ralph Fuller, Smith Underwood
Ms. Busse asked that Mr. Wright read the Ethics Awareness Statement and that all attendees introduce themselves.
Approval of the Minutes:
Ms. Busse asked that everyone review the minutes. She indicated there were two minor typos on the minutes that needed correcting. Mr. Seymour motioned that the minutes be approved following the corrections, Mr. Wright seconded the motion and it passed.
Treasurer's Report:
Ms. Busse asked that Mr. Seymour present the treasurer's report. He then presented the three year projected budget because of new members and guests present. He reported that halfway through the fiscal year, that the board's revenues were at 63% noting that many licensees had renewed before year's end. Mr. Seymour then offered to entertain questions from the Board. Mr. Boone asked what the testing fee indicated; Ms. Busse stated that these were fees from a contract with ALOA for their shipping, handling and care of the examinations.
Mr. Seymour moved that the December treasurer’s report be approved, Mr. Wright seconded and the motion carried.
Document Creation:
Public Relations Committee Report:
Ms. Busse indicated interest in contacting the Better Business Bureau regarding putting an article into their publication. She indicated that this item did not require a vote, but was still a lingering action item.
Examination Committee Report:
Ms. Busse indicated that there would be an exam on February 13th in Charlotte. She said she would be busy with the trade show. Mr. Boone said he was planning on being there and he would be willing to proctor the exams. Ms. Busse explained the procedures for the exam and would agree to work with Mr. Boone scheduling the exam.
Mr. Boone asked if the examinations were going to be changed in the near future. Ms. Busse reported that there is discussion to move the exam to an electronic format that could be offered at multiple sites. Ms. Busse then explained how the committee worked and how turn over in the Board had led to the stalling of the process.
Rules Committee Report:
None, however Mr. Fuller reported that he had been in conversation with the General Assembly regarding changes to the law.
Ms. Busse indicated the need to appoint new committee members. The new committee members were selected. See Committee List attached below.

Continuing Education Committee:
Mr. Wright presented the two sponsorship agreement forms, one from William D. Davis, Jr. and one from Vance-Granville Community College and motioned for their approval, Mr. Boykin seconded and the motion carried.

The Board presented Mr. Boykin with a plaque recognizing his service.
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
Elections were required.
Mr. Boykin motioned for Julie Hampton to be Secretary/Treasurer, Mr. King seconded.
Mr. Boykin motioned for Greg Wright to be Vice Chair, and Mr. King seconded.
Mr. Boykin motioned for Kevin Seymour as Chair, and Mr. King seconded and the motion carried.
The motions were then voted on collectively and carried unanimously.
Standards Committee:
Standards Committee asked for more correspondence from an active case being investigated by the committee.
Mr. Wright motioned to approve the renewals and the apprenticeship applications, and Mr. Boykin seconded and the motion carried.
Ethics Committee:
Ethics committee is issuing letters to persons currently under investigation.
Adjournment and Meeting Date:

Wednesday, February 25th 11am Cutting Board Restaurant was proposed as the next meeting. Mr. Seymour motioned for the meeting date, and Mr. Wright seconded and the item carried.

Committee Assignments 2009:

Chair: Kevin Seymour

Vice Chair: Greg Wright

Treasurer/Secretary: Julie Hampton

Exam: Hosie King, Alan Boone, and Steve Bright (non-Board reference)

Continuing Education: Greg Wright and unseated member from Speaker of House

Rules: Laura Busse, Julie Hampton, and Ralph Fuller (non-Board reference)

Public Relations: Laura Busse and Kevin Seymour

Standards: Julie Hampton, Laura Busse, and Greg Wright

Ethics: Kevin Seymour, Alan Boone, and Hosie King