The Katharine Susannah Prichard Foundation Inc
11 Old York Road, GreenmountWA 6056
Telephone: (08) 9294 1872
ABN: 20-561-349-123
Ref.No.Katharine Susannah Prichard
Speculative Fiction Award 2013
Name: ______
Address: ______State:____PCode:______Phone: ______Email:______
Category:______Age(for Young Writers only):______
Story Title:______Word Count:______
Closing date: Friday, September6, 2013
- Katharine Susannah Prichard Open Awards
- Mundaring National Young Writers Awards (20 years and under)
Both sections are open to all Australian residents.
Minimum 1500 Maximum 3500
- Katharine Susannah Prichard Open Awards - $7.00 per story,
to be paid by cheque or money order only, payable to: KSP Foundation Inc.
- Shire of Mundaring National Young Writers Awards – no entry fee.
- Katharine Susannah Prichard Open Awards: 1st $600 2nd $300 3rd $175
- Mundaring National Young Writers Awards: 1st $75 2nd $25 Commended 5 of $10
- Mundaring National Young Writers Encouragement Award: $25
Every form of Speculative Fiction such asscience fiction, fantasy , horror, mystery
and supernatural/superhero fiction are welcome.
The Awards will be announced and presented at the Awards Ceremony
at KSP Writers’ Centre on Sunday, December 8, 2013.
Conditions of Entry
- Work to be original, unpublished, not have received an award in another competition, and not under consideration elsewhere from the time of entry in these awards until the official announcement of winners.
- Limit of one story per author. Individual stories cannot be entered in more than one section.
- Entries to be typewritten, double-spaced on one side only of A4 white paper, with pages numbered, a wide left-hand margin, and story title on each page. A good photocopy is acceptable. Post in an A4 size envelope.
- To ensure anonymity NO WRITERS’ NAMES TO APPEAR ON MS. Please attach a COVER SHEET with title of story, word count, Section entered, and age if Young Writer
- MSS will not be returned and will be destroyed after the competition, so keep a copy of your work.
- Results will be posted on the KSP web site at
- Award winners will be notified by phone or mail prior to announcement at the Katharine Susannah Prichard Writers’ Centre on Sunday afternoon, December 8, 2013, when those winners able to attend will be invited to read excerpts from their stories.
- Members of the KSP Foundation Management Committee are not allowed to enter.
- The judges’ decisions are final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
- The KSP Foundation Inc. reserves the non-exclusive right to publish the winning entries once only in an anthology but only if given the permission of the author at the time the anthology is proposed and provided that any such anthology is published within one year of the author’s permission being given.
Please note: All entries must be accompanied by a fully filled in Entry Form.
I certify that this is an original story which has not been published.
I have read and agree to the Condition of Entry.
Signature of Author:______Date:______
Signature of Parent/Guardian (if author is under 18):______
Please send entries to:
KSP Speculative Fiction Awards
11 Old York Road
Entries which do not reflect the stated conditions, which are not accompanied by a fully filled Entry Form or are postmarked later than 5pm on Friday, September6, 2013may be disqualified and the fee/s forfeited.
The Foundation is dedicated to providing a Writers’ Centre and related community activities at Katharine’s Place,
the former home of Katharine Susannah Prichard (1883-1969) the internationally celebrated author of
Coonardoo, Working Bullocks and many other novels, stories and plays.