Flex Fitness Club were established in May 2014. All members of the club are members of the Ardoyne Community Gym. We decided to form a fitness club, just like a football team, or GAA team we see ourselves as a team.
Why were we formed?
"Togetherness" and "Being part of a team" - the main reason a lot of people do not stick with the gym and stop going is that they have "nobody to go with"; - we did a bit of research and found that the lack of social experience turned going to the gym into a choir and we found that unless there was somebody there to motivate people and encourage them they would quite easily fall into a rut.
Our Concept
We champion fitness and health and unlike typical team sports ability and skill does not matter - we all support one another we all have each others numbers so anybody can send a text or call and ask "Who's going to the Gym" and there will always be somebody to go with. We enjoy the same camaraderie and social experience as we would if we are part of a typical team.
The Gym is our Pitch, our Track our Arena.
Fitness is our Game.
We work together, support one another and motivate one another to achieve personal goals - its not a about winning games or competitive competitions; its about making fitness fun..
Vision Statement –
That all people who join the fitness community have a healthy life.
Mission Statement
To support members of our fitness team to achieve their health goals.
Strategic Aims –FFChas 5 Strategic Aims
- Create an awareness of mental & physical health wellbeing amongst organisation members and organisation coaches and administrators
- Encourage members to prioritise mental wellbeing as much as physical wellbeing and skills
- Encourage organisation s to form partnerships with the charitable and statutory agencies which are addressing mental health issues and support physical health projects;
- Develop and deliver programmes which will result in an improvement of general health and wellbeing through activity and education
- Utilise the structure of sports organisation s to get access to vulnerable people with mental health and physical issue
Role Descriptions
Volunteering Opportunities Form
Organisation Details
Organisation Name / FFCContact Details Name:
Email: / Robert White
Summary of opportunities available
Role / Type of Role e.g. marketingVolunteer / Chair
Volunteer / Secretary
Volunteer / Treasurer
Volunteer / Coach
Volunteer / Event organising
Volunteer / Admin
Volunteer / Fundraising
Volunteer / Community Outreach
Volunteer / PR/Marketing
Volunteer / Committee Member
Role Title / Volunteer
Role Type / Chair
Location / North Belfast – Ardoyne Area
Purpose of Position / Representing the organisation in terms of strategic development and direction
Proving leadership support and represent organisation in the community
Key Activities / Chairing Meetings
Providing Leadership
Promotion the Organisation
Influencing decisions and organisation direction
Leading on change in terms of strategic direction supportive adoption of new initiatives
Period of Opportunity / Not limited
Commitment Expected / Attendance at key meetings and using own initiatives
Skills required / Enthusiastic, friendly, listening skills. I.T skills.
Skills volunteer will gain / Ability to work within a team.
Training/support available to volunteer / Supervision
Staff support
Peer support
Training as necessary or required.
Volunteer’s Expenses / Travel & subsistence paid on production of receipts – subject to funding availability.
Method of Selection
e.g. Interview / Must be elected at AGM, Organisation meeting, Access NI check (if working with young people)
Role Title / Volunteer
Role Type / Secretary
Location / North Belfast – Ardoyne Area
Purpose of Position / Representing the organisation in terms of strategic development and direction
Proving leadership support and represent organisation in the community
Key Activities / Providing Secretarial Support
Providing Governance Guidance /Updates
Promotion the Organisation
Influencing decisions and organisation direction
Leading on change in terms of strategic direction supportive adoption of new initiatives
Period of Opportunity / Not limited
Commitment Expected / Attendance at key meetings and using own initiatives
Skills required / Enthusiastic, friendly, listening skills. I.T skills.
Skills volunteer will gain / Ability to work within a team.
Training/support available to volunteer / Supervision
Staff support
Peer support
Training as necessary or required.
Volunteer’s Expenses / Travel & subsistence paid on production of receipts – subject to funding availability.
Method of Selection
e.g. Interview / Must be elected at AGM, Organisation meeting, Access NI check (if working with young people)
Role Title / Volunteer
Role Type / Treasurer
Location / North Belfast – Ardoyne Area
Purpose of Position / Representing the organisation in terms of strategic development and direction
Proving leadership support and represent organisation in the community
Key Activities / Providing Financial Support
Providing Governance Guidance /Updates
Promotion the Organisation
Influencing decisions and organisation direction
Leading on change in terms of strategic direction supportive adoption of new initiatives
Period of Opportunity / Not limited
Commitment Expected / Attendance at key meetings and using own initiatives
Skills required / Enthusiastic, friendly, listening skills. I.T skills.
Skills volunteer will gain / Ability to work within a team.
Training/support available to volunteer / Supervision
Staff support
Peer support
Training as necessary or required.
Volunteer’s Expenses / Travel & subsistence paid on production of receipts – subject to funding availability.
Method of Selection
e.g. Interview / Must be elected at AGM, Organisation meeting, Access NI check (if working with young people)
Role Title / Volunteer
Role Type / Coach
Number of Roles Available / Welcome as many as possible
Location / Various Areas
Purpose of Position / To train young people
To set up new programmes and initiatives based on sport and mental health
Key Activities / Training Young People and Older Members
Acting as responsible person when working with young people
Period of Opportunity / Not limited
Commitment Expected / 2- 3 Nights per week
Off school Period Schemes
Skills required / Enthusiastic, friendly, sport focused and can demonstrate ability to lead
Skills volunteer will gain / Ability to inspire members, provide instruction and guidance
Training/support available to volunteer / Coaching Badges
CPD Courses
Leadership Courses
Volunteer’s Expenses / Expenses can only be considered subject to any successful grant applications.
Method of Selection
e.g. Interview / Informal interview, Access NI check & character reference.
The organisation aim to encourage development of coaches internally e.g. Young Members so there will be a focus to recruit and develop internally.
Role Title / Volunteer
Role Type / Event Organising
Location / Various Locations – mainly North Belfast
Purpose of Position / To assist in the organising of planned events such as fundraisers, launches, health fairs etc.
Key Activities / Planning
Seeking sponsorship
Event details
Ensuring staff/volunteer cover available for events
Period of Opportunity / Not limited
Commitment Expected / Minimum 1 day per month
Summer Schemes/Off School Events
Skills required / Enthusiastic, friendly, planning skills, articulate.
Skills volunteer will gain / Ability to work within a team.
Planning & organisational skills
Training/support available to volunteer / Supervision
Staff support
Peer support
Training as necessary or required.
Volunteer’s Expenses / Subject to successful grant funding expenses may be allocated for events.
Method of Selection
e.g. Interview / Informal interview, Access NI check & character reference.
Role Title / Volunteer
Role Type / Admin
Location / n/a Access to PC/Computer – work from home.
Purpose of Position / General admin duties, book keeping, grant application preparation
Key Activities / Data input
Phone calls
Recording of information
Period of Opportunity / Not limited
Commitment Expected / Minimum 4 days per month
Skills required / Enthusiastic, friendly, IT skills
Skills volunteer will gain / Ability to work within a team
Admin experience
Training/support available to volunteer / Supervision
Staff support
Peer support
Training as necessary or required.
Volunteer’s Expenses / n/a
Method of Selection
e.g. Interview / Informal interview, Access NI check & character reference.
Role Title / Volunteer
Role Type / Fundraising
Number of Roles Available / Welcome as many as possible
Location / Various
Purpose of Position / To look at possible areas of funding/fundraising and participation in fundraising events.
Key Activities / Sourcing fundraising opportunities e.g. bag packing, sponsored walks, fundraising discos etc.
Participation in such events
Period of Opportunity / Not limited
Commitment Expected / Minimum 1 day per month
Skills required / Enthusiastic, friendly
Skills volunteer will gain / Ability to work within a team.
Fundraising skills
Training/support available to volunteer / Supervision
Staff support
Peer support
Training as necessary or required.
Volunteer’s Expenses / Expenses can only be considered subject to any successful grant applications.
Method of Selection
e.g. Interview / Informal interview, Access NI check & character reference.
Role Title / Volunteer
Role Type / Community Outreach Worker
Location / Various
Purpose of Position / To assist in building community networks for benefit of young people e.g. tying in with key community groups that promote mental health, employment and learning and youth intervention.
Key Activities / Build Community Network
Link in with projects/initiatives based on youth development (signposting)
Period of Opportunity / Not limited
Commitment Expected / Minimum 4 day per month
Skills required / Ability to listen to others
Sympathetic listener
Ability to create links and partnerships and signpost to opportunity for further development
Skills volunteer will gain / Effective Communication
Ability to plan and organise
Ability to create links and develop community based initiatives
Training/support available to volunteer / Supervision
Staff support
Peer support
Training as necessary or required.
Volunteer’s Expenses / n/a
Method of Selection
e.g. Interview / Informal interview, Access NI check & character reference.
Role Title / Volunteer
Role Type / PR/marketing
Location / n/a access to PC
Purpose of Position / To promote awareness of the organisation
Key Activities / Looking at ways of promoting organisation and it’s aims within the public arena or to potential funders
Creating organisation based promotional material and managing Facebook page
Period of Opportunity / Not limited
Commitment Expected / Minimum 4 day per month
Skills required / Knowledge facebook and good IT skills
Skills volunteer will gain / Ability to work within a team.
P.R. Experience
Training/support available to volunteer / Supervision
Staff support
Peer support
Training as necessary or required.
Volunteer’s Expenses / n/a
Method of Selection
e.g. Interview / Informal interview, Access NI check & character reference.
Role Title / Volunteer
Role Type / Committee Members
Location / North Belfast – Ardoyne Area
Purpose of Position / Representing the organisation in terms of strategic development and direction
Proving leadership support and represent organisation in the community
Key Activities / Promotion the Organisation
Influencing decisions and organisation direction
Leading on change in terms of strategic direction supportive adoption of new initiatives
Period of Opportunity / Not limited
Commitment Expected / Attendance at key meetings and using own initiatives
Skills required / Enthusiastic, friendly, listening skills. I.T skills.
Skills volunteer will gain / Ability to work within a team.
Training/support available to volunteer / Supervision
Staff support
Peer support
Training as necessary or required.
Volunteer’s Expenses / Travel & subsistence paid on production of receipts.
Method of Selection
e.g. Interview / Must be elected at AGM, Organisation meeting, Access NI check
4.1.Definition of a Volunteer
Volunteers are people who undertake activity on behalf of FFC through choice, with no contract of employment and without expectation of financial remuneration. Volunteers provide the opportunity to undertake activities that would not otherwise be carried out. Furthermore, volunteers can supplement the service provided, rather than supplement the work of employees. They will not be asked to carry out activities of such a nature so as to deprive employees of any component of their work, career development or job satisfaction.
4.2Commitment to Volunteering
FFC values the vital contributions volunteers can make in realising its mission, as outlined above, and enhancing the quality of our delivery. Volunteer participation in the work of FFC will help reflect the interests, needs and resources of the community we aim to serve and bring new perspectives and skills to the organisation. FFC recognises volunteers as a core part of our team.
FFC recognises its role in enabling volunteers to develop their skills, knowledge and experience and is committed to managing volunteers in a way that ensures that the needs of both parties are met.
4.3Statement of Equal Opportunities
FFC strives to create a diverse and inclusive organisation; through our Equal Opportunities Policy we are committed to equality of access and treatment across all policies and procedures. FFCwill actively engage volunteers from the diverse communities of Northern Ireland regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, ethnic origin, nationality, religious/political belief, disability or marital status.
4.4Statement on Vulnerable Adult and Child Safeguarding Policy
FFC wishes to ensure that vulnerable adults and children are protected from harm and that all staff and volunteers are provided with the necessary training and information to ensure the safety of others and their own safety when working with vulnerable adults. This will be done by:
- Ensuring that our volunteers and staff are carefully selected, briefed in issues of vulnerable adult and child safeguarding and provided with appropriate and relevant supervision; and
- ensuring volunteers and staff are aware of FFCChild Safeguarding Policy and Procedures;
In accordance with Government guidelines any volunteers who will be undertaking roles that could be defined as regulated or controlled activity will be asked to undertake Access NI/ISA checks. All volunteer roles developed will be checked against the defining criteria for regulated or controlled activity.
4.5 Statement of Mutuality
FFC recognises that our relationship with our volunteers is mutually beneficial and believes it to be one of mutual responsibility, respect and commitment, within which FFCand our volunteers both have rights and responsibilities. We are committed to managing volunteers in a way that ensures the needs of both parties are met. We hope that volunteers will enjoy their involvement and gain from it in terms of their own personal objectives.
4.6Purpose of Policy
The adoption of a Volunteer Policy reflects the purpose, values, standards and strategies of FFCand its involvement of volunteers. This policy;
- Confirms FFCs commitment to fostering and developing volunteering;
- Recognises the contribution volunteers can make to FFC;
- Provides a framework for the future development of volunteering within FFC;
- Provides overall support, guidance and direction to volunteers;
- Ensures decisions are made fairly;
- Clarifies volunteer rights and status;
- Helps ensure the ongoing quality of both the volunteering opportunities on offer and the activities carried out by volunteers;
- Provides a framework for recruiting and supporting volunteers including people from under-represented groups (young people, people with a disability, older people and people from black and minority ethnic communities);
- Commits FFC to identify and adequately meet the financial and personal costs of the volunteer programme and to support volunteering through funding and other forms of help.
4.7Statement of Principles of Good Practice
In involving volunteers, FFCwill be guided by the following principles of good practice. This will involve ensuring that all existing and future procedures and policies will be checked to be inclusive of volunteers.
4.8Recruitment and Selection
Recruitment and selection procedures seek to ensure the service provided by FFCvolunteers is of the highest quality. Volunteers will therefore have a key role in helping FFCfulfil our goal in continuing to delivery high quality services. Recruitment and selection procedures are put in place to protect potential volunteers. These procedures will help clarify what the voluntary role will entail and gives individuals the necessary time and information to assess whether they feel the role is right for them.
Volunteer recruitment will be ongoing but will be dictated by the availability of equipment, staff members to supervise and budgetary constraints, which may restrict the number of volunteers it is possible to recruit at any one time. Records may be kept of expressions of interest until a role becomes available at which point the individual will be notified as such and invited to attend an informal interview. These procedures also ensure that a suitable match between an individual’s skills and experience and voluntary role is made.
4.9.Volunteer Code Of Conduct
All Volunteers will be expected to sign up and adhere to the Volunteer Code of Conduct – in regards to duties they will be in line with what has been presented in this policy.
4.10 Registering Interest
All potential volunteers will be asked to record their interest in volunteering with FFC. The organisation will hold committee meetings to determine recruitment of volunteers.
4.11.Selection of Volunteers
Selection of potential volunteers will take place as follows;
- Volunteers will be invited to attend an informal meeting;
- Individuals’ needs, experience and interests to BE available (or future) volunteer roles and
- task descriptions;
- Access NI checks/ISA will be undertaken as required, if volunteer roles and duties fall within the regulatory guidelines for doing so (e.g. regularly working with children or vulnerable adults);
- Volunteers will be asked to sign aup to the Volunteer code of conduct which contains an agreed Role Description which clarifies the expectations of each party and outlines their duties and responsibilities;
- Once placed, volunteers will be asked to act in accordance with existing policies and procedures.
- Volunteers will be supplied with briefs of these and, where necessary, provided with relevant training when available.
4.12Volunteer Management and Induction
Once placed, volunteers will be managed by the head coach and answerable to the lead committee. The head coach/committee will be responsible for ongoing guidance and will be available for consultation and assistance. No volunteer will be asked to undertake duties outside of the role description unless agreed by discussion in advance.