North Allegheny School District

Marshall Middle School Orchestra Student & Parent Handbook


Mrs. Dana Leasure, Orchestra Director

NAI Phone: 412-369-5530

MMS Phone: 724-934-6060

District Email:

Marshall Middle School Orchestra, “Where I Make a Difference.”

Welcome to orchestra! North Allegheny has a long-standing tradition of excellence in the orchestra program, and I look forward to continuing that tradition with you this year and for years to come. Each student is a valuable member of the orchestra. Students are expected to take pride in their ensemble and give their personal best in class. Every fine performing group has high standards in performance and behavior—our orchestra is no exception. Our cumulative efforts will make orchestra at MMS all that it can be.

National Standards for Music Education

1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.

2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.

3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments.

4. Composing and arranging music within specific guidelines.

5. Reading and notating music.

6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.

7. Evaluating music and music performances.

8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.

9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.

Student Expectations and Daily Procedures

1. Students will come to class prepared to learn. Each orchestra member will be allowed four minutes after the bell to get to their seats with instruments and all materials needed for class (music, pencil, etc). The door will be closed 4 minutes after the bell. You must have a signed pass in order to be admitted to the classroom. If you’re not in your seat and ready, you are late!

2. Students will be attentive and respectful. When the conductor is at the podium, there will be no talkingexcept by the conductor. Talking is considered a disruptive behavior because concentration is broken and goals are not met.Students should raise their hands and address all major questions/concerns (i.e. instrument problems, musical questions) to the conductor instead of discussing things among themselves.

3. Students will refrain from eating and chewing gum during all orchestra activities. There will be NO eating or chewing gum during class. Chewing gum disrupts your internal sense of pulse!

4. Complete participation is expected in class. Completing homework, reading outside materials, and engaging in other activities not related to the rehearsal is not permitted. When you do not play in a specific selection, it is expected that you stay involved in what is happening in class.

5. All orchestra members will respect the rights, the feelings, and the opinions of others. The conduct and behavior of each student in the orchestra is vital to the success of the entire ensemble. Inappropriate and disruptive behavior during class rehearsals and concerts in and out of school will not be tolerated. Discipline problems will be handled appropriately and consistently as outlined in the code of conduct. Repetitive behavior problems will be referred directly to the principal.

Care of Instruments

Storage will be available for instruments in the orchestra classroom. Students will be assigned a specific space for their instrument. Each violinist and violist in the orchestra will be responsible for bringing his/her own instrument to school for each orchestra class and activity period rehearsal. In most cases,the school provides cellos and basses. All personal instruments brought into school must have identification placed both on the inside and outside of the case. It is strongly recommended that students do not share personal instruments. Please understand that any damage that occurs to ANY instrument while in a student’s possession is that student’s responsibility.

Chamber Orchestra

The Chamber Orchestra is a select orchestra that performs additional literature after school. Work ethic, leadership, and commitment to the ensemble are as important as playing ability regarding the success of the ensemble. An additional time commitment is required including activity period and after school rehearsals and additional performances. Auditions for this orchestra will be held after school this fall. Once audition dates are announced, students may sign up for an audition time on the classroom door. Students will be placed in the ensemble at the director’s discretion. All students placed in the Chamber Orchestra must also participate fully in a grade level music ensemble.

Concert Dress Code

Boys are to wear a solid white dress shirt, tie, and black pants as well as a belt, dark socks and dress shoes. Girls are to wear a solid white blouse, black skirt or pants, neutral tights or hose and black shoes. No tennis shoes. Please plan ahead and begin looking for these items now. It will be difficult to find these items days before the concert.

Concert Etiquette

Students must arrive on time and attend the entire event. Students must get rid of GUM and be prepared in appropriate concert attire, instruments, music, and any other necessary equipment. At concerts and dress rehearsals, students must listen for instructions, report to the stage on time, and remain in the auditorium during other groups’ performances. Policies about acceptable auditorium behavior will be discussed before each concert and failure to adhere to these expectations will result in a detention.


Our grading system is as follows: 90-100=A, 80-89=B, 70-79=C, 60-69=D, 59 or below=F

Grades will be based on evaluations of class participation, after school rehearsal and performance attendance, playing tests, and other assignments.

Grades will be given in the following areas:

1. Musicianship Development: this includes playing tests, in-class performance quizzes, music listening evaluations, and written tests and assignments.

2. Class Participation

3. Performances and Dress Rehearsals

Musicianship Development: Playing Tests

A student’s playing test scores and leadership abilities will help to determine seating in the orchestra. However, the director will assume great flexibility in seating the orchestra. Students should expect their seats to rotate and change throughout the year based on what creates the best sound and result. First and second violin placement will rotate as necessary, and each section will be balanced in terms of ability. Students should expect to perform and learn the different skill sets required of both the first and second violin parts. Moving from first to second violin is NOT a demotion. Placement in one section versus the other does not determine achievement, progress, or musical talent, nor does it influence a student’s grade.

Playing Tests

Playing tests will be held several times throughout the school year. Students will be able to sign up for a performance time the week before the tests take place. Playing tests will consist of some or all of the following: major and minor scales, etudes or orchestral excerpts that are given to the student during class, and sight-reading. Students will be evaluated on: posture and instrument position, left hand position, right hand position, rhythm, tone production, intonation, accuracy of notes, accuracy of bowing, and expression.

Playing Test Repeats

Please note: PLAYING TEST SCORES ARE NOT FINAL UNTIL THE GRADING PERIOD ENDS. Students are encouraged to further their progress after a playing test is over; therefore, they may retake their playing tests as many times as they want during the grading period in which the original test took place. The procedure is as follows:

1.You may redo all scales and excerpts or just pick and choose what you want to redo.

2.Playing test repeats must take place live at a scheduled time with the director.

3.If you fail to appear at your scheduled time, your playing test repeat privilege will be revoked for the respective grading period.

Please note: Your seating placement will be based on your FIRST score of the grading period.

Concert Performances and Dress Rehearsal Attendance

The success of the group is based on the participation and commitment of ALL orchestra members. Performances are culminating activities representing a semester of work. Therefore, concert and dress rehearsal attendance is mandatory. Orchestra event calendars will be posted on the Mrs. Leasure’s website ( and will be updated immediately upon notification of any changes. All students are responsible for reading and knowing the calendar.

Excused absences

There are occasions when absences cannot be avoided. Excuses must be written and signed by a parent and must be submitted to Mrs. Leasureat least one week prior to the event. Excuses will be accepted at the director’s discretion. Students will be expected to complete an alternative assignment in order to make up the points missed by not attending the performance. There are 2 dress rehearsals and 2 concerts for the entire school year; it’s very important that you are there. An absence may be considered “excused” if:

  1. You have a significant family responsibility (wedding, reunion, etc.).
  2. There is an unavoidable academic or school related conflict at Marshall Middle School. Again, this must be presented to the director at least 1 WEEK PRIOR for consideration.ATHLETIC EVENTS (practices and games) ARE NOT AN ACCEPTABLE EXCUSE. Tell your coaches about the dates at the start of the season so they are aware of them.

Emergency Absences

Only excuses for emergency situations will be accepted after an event. If an emergency occurs the day of an event, please call the MMS main office (724-934-6060) and leave a message, send an email to Mrs. Leasure (), or bring an excuse written by a parent to the next rehearsal. An absence will be considered “emergency” if:

  1. You have a medical emergency. Parent note must be accompanied by a physician’s note.
  2. You have a personal illness.
  3. There is a death in your family.

Unexcused absences

An unexcused absence from a school orchestra concert or dress rehearsal will result in a drop of 5% in the course grade for the respective grading period. An unexcused absence is defined as:

  1. Absence from an entire after school rehearsal or performance without granted permission.
  2. Failing to report on time or leaving early from an event without granted permission, at the director’s discretion.

Class Participation
Students are evaluated on class participation on a weekly basis. Points are earned during “folder checks” for bringing materials (instrument, pencil, music) to class, actively engaging in class activities, and following daily procedures (see first page).

Music and Music Folders

Students will be given a folder containing music and a practice calendar at the beginning of the year. It is expected that students keep these items in their folder at all times. Music should be marked with a pencil only, no pens. Please always bring your own music folder and pencil in case your stand partner is absent. Markings and notes that are made during rehearsal are expected to be in all parts (not just one part per stand).

PMEA Jr. District Orchestra

Eighth and ninth grade students may be selected by their school orchestra director to apply for participation in PMEA Jr. High District Orchestra festivals. PMEA, then, actually selects students from the applications. PMEA District 1 selects students from every participating school district in Fayette, Green, Washington, and Westmoreland counties. At NAI and NASH, students will have the opportunity to participate in PMEA Honors Orchestra and District, Regional, and State Orchestra Festivals.


In the music world, “practice” is another word for “homework.” Your practice card is your assignment book for orchestra. Students will use the practice card daily to record practice time, track musical goals and executive skill development, and mark reminders for important dates (activity period rehearsals, dress rehearsals, concerts). Practice time should be spent developing a variety of musical and executive skills such as expression, intonation, shifting, vibrato, left and right hand technique, and appropriate use of bow weight, bow speed, bow placement, and bow tilt. Therefore, practice at home must go beyond playing through the concert sheet music to truly achieve success in performing, creating, and listening. In order to receive full credit for the practice card checks, the card must contain: a minimum of 100 minutes/week, parent signature, indication of musical goals and executive skill development, and important dates. Parents may be contacted at any time if a consistent practice routine is not observable, and are encouraged to help children find a practice routine that works for their child.

Private Lessons. Please see Mrs. Leasure for a list of teachers whom you may then contact directly to schedule a lesson.