Sutton Bonington

Normanton on Soar Kingston on Soar


November and December 2017



The speaker at the WI meeng on Tuesday 5 January will be Geo# Cu%s

who will talk about “The work of the RNLI”. The compeon will be for a

boat in any form. The meeng will be chaired by Sue L James and the

hostesses will Doreen Carlisle, Sally Dicker and AnnaCaves.

There will be no speaker at the meeng on Tuesday 2 February. This is

the Annual General Meeng when a light supper will be provided by the

commi%ee followed by a social evening..

All meengs take place at the village hall in Normanton on Soar and start

at 7.30pm. Visitors are welcome at all meengs - £4 to include



The new programme for the <rst part of 2016 is being drawn up. When

completed it will be posted to the website Walks will connue to be adversed in the Village News

secon of the Loughborough Echo. The last walk on the current

programme is on Thursday 7 January. It will be an easy a?ernoon walk at

ElvastonCastle with tea in the cafe [depending on the weather]. Meet

at the pay and display car park at the Castle for 1pm. Please contact the

leader, Mary Ashworth, 01509 854446 or 07946 332085 if you intend to




The speaker at the WI meeng on Tuesday 5 January will be Geo# Cu%s

who will talk about “The work of the RNLI”. The compeon will be for a

boat in any form. The meeng will be chaired by Sue L James and the

hostesses will Doreen Carlisle, Sally Dicker and AnnaCaves.

There will be no speaker at the meeng on Tuesday 2 February. This is

the Annual General Meeng when a light supper will be provided by the

commi%ee followed by a social evening..

All meengs take place at the village hall in Normanton on Soar and start

at 7.30pm. Visitors are welcome at all meengs - £4 to include



The new programme for the <rst part of 2016 is being drawn up. When

completed it will be posted to the website Walks will connue to be adversed in the Village News

secon of the Loughborough Echo. The last walk on the current

programme is on Thursday 7 January. It will be an easy a?ernoon walk at

ElvastonCastle with tea in the cafe [depending on the weather]. Meet

at the pay and display car park at the Castle for 1pm. Please contact the

leader, Mary Ashworth, 01509 854446 or 07946 332085 if you intend to


A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to All Our Readers!


Yes, it’s a particularly special introduction to this edition of the Village News because it’sfifty years this year since the first issue appeared – a simple, four-page, typewritten script, printed on a Caxton press- sometime during the first half of 1967 and circulated to households in Sutton Bonington and Normanton. Kingston had yet to be discovered. To mark the occasion, a copy of that first issue is included with this one and it would be interesting to know just how many current readers recall that time. When Lady Elton, as she became, was an ordinary Mrs, as she later became again. Old, three-figure telephone numbers preceded by village or town names,sometimes abbreviated.Andwhen Normanton had its own Baptist church. Here’s to another fifty!

THANK YOU TO EVERYONEwho supported the Sutton Bonington Show this year, on one of the coldest days we have ever known. Nonetheless, the show was, once again, a success with some new trades, crafts and entertainment all provingpopular. Early indications are that a profit of £5,700was made. Thanks must also go to everyone who supported the dance on the Friday evening,organised by the Playgroup to raise money for them. And it did - £3300! The money will be used for equipment at Playgroup and Baby and Toddlers which will be there for very young families and early-year children to benefit from. Thanks to everyone who gave their time so freely to everything over the show weekend from setting up, support on the day and clear-up afterwards, all of which is very much appreciated by the organisers.

SB CAMPUS CHRISTMAS CONCERT! The Sutton Bonington Symphony Orchestra and Sutton Bonington Singers will be performing once again at their annual Christmas Concert on Saturday 9th December in the Barn, Sutton Bonington Campus! Come and join us for our Christmas celebration which will include popular Christmas classics, famous film music and even a little jazz - so there will be something for everyone! Doors open at 6:30pm for a 7.00pm start. Tickets are £5 (which includes refreshments) and can be purchased at Sutton Bonington post office from 27th November, from the Farmers Market on Wednesday 6th December or at the door. There is no charge for children under twelve if accompanied by an adult. Please contact Issy () for any further information.

A BIG, BIG THANK YOU FROM CAROL STANTON to everyone who has supported her, her husband, Pete and the rest of the family during her recent struggles. It has all been very much appreciated.

CANCER RESEARCH UK’s CHRISTMAS FUNDRAISER will be on Saturday 11th November between 2.00pm and 4.00pm in Sutton Bonington Village Hall. Free entry to find Christmas cards, gifts, homemade cakes, refreshments and all sorts of other items. Please join us. We will be particularly delighted to speak to anyone who feels they could help keep the Garden Walkabout event going!

THE UNITED CHOIRpresents Vivaldi's Gloria at The Methodist Church on Sunday 10thDecember at 6.30pm.The retiring collection willbe donated toAction for Children. Everyone welcome.

SAVE THE CHILDREN CHRISTMAS FUNDRAISING will again be held at Terry and Sylvia Holt’s house, 17 Gables Lea on Friday evening 1st December from 7.00pm to 10.00pm with mulled wine and mince pies and on Saturday morning 2nd December from 10.00am to 12.30pm with coffee and biscuits. All welcome!

SUTTON BONINGTON PARISH COUNCIL Earlier this year it was noted that work was being carried out atthe former Nottinghamshire County Council depot adjacent to Hathernware on the A6006,hitherto used to store fairground equipment.Rushcliffe Borough Council was immediately informed and the various activities at the site investigated. Following this, it appears that, to date, no contravention of the existing planning consent has occurred and the site owner has told Rushcliffe Borough Council that the site will continue to be used for storage of fairground equito another fiftypment in line with the original planning consent granted in 1981. Both the Parish Council and Rushcliffe Borough Council will continue to monitor the site.

Speeding in the village (Park Lane). Over sixty speeding tickets have been issued by the police to drivers on Park Lane. However, volunteers are still required to operate the new speed-check equipment which is now available. If you would like to keep the village safer and help with speed monitoring please contact the Clerk, Jenny Faulks (560807).

LADIES’ WALKING GROUP Monday 6th November - Staunton Harold to Worthington, 5 ½ miles. Meet at Sutton Bonington Playing Fields 09:30. The contact for this walk is Alison Keay - 01332 863828 or 07944 699864. Tuesday 21st November - Groby Pool, 3 ½ miles with one or two stiles. Meet at Sutton Bonington Playing Fields 09:30 or the start point, Groby Pool car park, Newtown Linford Lane LE6 0FR, at 10.00am. The contact for this walk is Sue James 01509 673460 or 07960 526114. The full walks programme is available to view under Activities on the following web site: -group


Bonfire and Fireworks Display

Saturday 4th November


Sutton Bonington Playing Fields

Gate opens at 6:30pm

Adults & Over 16’s - £4 (or £3 in advance)

Children /OAPs & NUS card holders - £3 (or £2.50 in advance)

Pre-school Children - Free

Advance tickets are available from school

Alcohol and sparklers are strictly prohibited

As usual our wood collection will take place on the Saturday morning so please leave any wood out by 10.00am along with a note stating “For Collection”. Please note that we can’t take wet leaves, greenery, etc. Any cash donations for wood collection will be gratefully received.

Should you wish to arrange collection please contact Ben Edmonds on

07970 325361/01509 672262

If you are concerned that your wood has not been collected on the morning of the 4thplease contact Ben on the above number.

We will post any changes in details to the fb pages “I love Sutton Bonington” and “Sutton Bonington Primary School PTA”

SUTTON BONINGTON LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY’s meeting on 8th November features a talk by Stephen Flinders on Terror From the Skies – The Night the Zeppelins Came in January 1916. The talk covers this area’s role in what later became known as The Great Midlands Zeppelin Raid, touching on Loughborough’s involvement. On 13th

December, Suella Postles presents George Africanus, the success story of a former slave who was brought to England at the age of three and who went on to become Nottingham’s first black entrepreneur. Meetings are held on Wednesdays at 7.30pm in the Methodist Schoolroom and visitors are very welcome (£3 including coffee).

SOAR VALLEY U3Awill be holding a general meeting at 2.00pm on Tuesday28th November in Normanton-on-Soar Village Hall when the guest speaker, Tony Irwin, will be recalling his experiences as a test pilot flying fighter jets and civil aircraft. He'll be sharing some incidents, anecdotes and goofs with us in his talk Aviation TriviaYou Might Not Know. If you're retired or semi-retired you're welcome to join us.Non-members are most welcome and refreshments are provided. Soar Valley U3A (University of the Third Age) provides relaxed learning and leisure activities for retired people in the area. For more information, phone Membership Secretary Lorna Orton (01332 811030) or visit our website

VILLAGE WORSHIP, our new monthly service, is becoming established witheight families regularly attending. It is designed to be short, very informal and to appeal to people of all ages, from babies to grannies (not forgetting grandads!). You will be assured of a warm welcome, be able to sing some of your favourite hymns and enjoy refreshments afterwards.From November until March, services will be held in St Anne’s and begin at 11:00am. The next two services will be on 19thNovember and 17thDecember.We do hope you will be able to join us.

THE CHURCH HISTORY PROJECTwas launched a few years ago by the Diocese and Nottingham University to establish a reliable database of historical information about all the churches in the Diocese. Southwell is the only Diocese in the country to tackle such a project and, so far, there are full entries for 261 churches, including St Anne’s and St Michael’s. Go to and you will find both our churches in the index. In the left hand column of the introductory page is all the information about each church under various headings such as bells, organ, glass etc. The detail is very comprehensive and the photographs are stunning. Many thanks to everyone whose publications and articles have been used in the research. If you have a smartphone you can walk round the churches while reading the history of each feature. Both St Anne’s and St Michael’s churches are open for visitors from roughly breakfast to teatime.

REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY A United Service of Remembrance with parade by the uniformed organisations, will be held at 10.45amon Sunday 12th November at St Michael’s church. The service will include wreath laying and the two minutes silence at 11.00am. Poppies will be scattered from the tower at the end of the service. Children of all ages are most welcome.

A MEMORIAL SERVICEwill be held on Sunday 5th November at 4.30pm in St Anne’s church. This is a chance to take part in a service and light a candle in memory of a loved one. If you would like to light a candle for someone who has died, however long ago that was, please let Beth Clarke know that you will be coming and the name of the person to be remembered(16 Gables Lea, 672110 or ). Children are very welcome. If you find it difficult to get up the steep path to St Anne’s, parking is available at the top of Rectory Close and you can come into church through the vestry door. Cups of tea will be served after the service.

THE CHRISTMAS MARKET will be held on Saturday 25th November at 2.30pm in Sutton Bonington Village Hall. And Santa has promised to be there!

THE CHRISTMAS JOURNEY will be held at the Methodist Church from Monday November 27th to Friday December 1st. Several local primary schools have signed up for sessions. If you are interested in helping in any way, e.g. setting up or clearing away, please contact Liz Hartley (674042).

SUNDAY SERVICESFrom Sunday November 19th, morning services will be held at St Anne’s church at 11.00am and not at St Michael’s.

CHRISTINGLE This service, held in aid of the Children’s Society, will be on Sunday 3rd December at 4.00pm in St Michael’s church. The Christingles, which are oranges holding candles and decorated with red ribbon, dried fruit and sweets, will be made in St Michael’s church in the morning and everyone is most welcome to come and help. In the days before the service, the children will be given candle-shaped collecting tubes in which to collect money for The Children’s Society. Collecting tubes will be available from Beth Clarke, the uniformed organisations or from St Michael’s or St Anne’s churches.

POSADA Each year the olivewood figures from St Michael’s and St Anne’s Christmas Crib travel around the village to remind us of Mary’s and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem, when there was no room for them at the inn. This is a tradition from Mexico – Posada is Spanish for Inn. If you would like to have the figures stay at your home for a night in December, please contact Beth Clarke (672110 or ) so that your name can go on the journey rota. Please note that you are welcome to take part regardless of age or whether you attend church services. If you took part last year, your name will be included again unless you let Beth know to the contrary.

THE CHRISTMAS NARRATIVEservice will be held on Sunday 17th December at 11.00am in St Anne’s church. All ages are welcome. Costumes are available for the children to dress as the characters from the Nativity while the story is sung. If children would like to take part would they please come at 10.30am. No rehearsals necessary.

NINE LESSONS & CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT will be held on Sunday 17th December at 6.30pm in St Michael’s church. The collection will be divided between Children in Distress (the children’s hospice in Caernovoda, Romania) and Rainbows (the children’s hospice in Loughborough).

CHRISTMAS SERVICESwill be held in St Anne’s church as follows:-

Christmas Eve – Blessing the Crib at 4.00pm and Midnight Communion at 11.30pm (Collection for Framework Housing Trust)

Christmas Day – Family Service at 11.00am (Collection for Shelter). (No morning service on Sunday Dec 24th).

HOLY INNOCENTS’ DAY On Thursday 28th December candles will be available throughout the day in St Anne’s church for visitors to light in memory of a child or baby who has died or been miscarried.

SUTTON BONINGTON HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY’snext meeting will be on Thursday 16th November at 7.30pm in Sutton Bonington Village Hall Library. Alan Clements of Cascade Garden in Matlock will explain how he has developed his garden over the last twenty years to produce a garden that blends with the natural landscape of rocks, cliffs and woodland. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please note that there will be no talk in December.

SING CHRISTMAS will be at 7.00pm on Monday 18th December at the Anchor Inn, Sutton Bonington. Come and sing traditional carols as part of Radio Leicester's annual broadcast. Song sheets will be provided. This is always a lovely family-friendly event.

LUNCH CLUB Don't forget the dates! 9thNovember will be our normal lunch club, with coffee and tea available from 11.30 and lunch at midday. On 14thDecember we’ll have our Christmas lunch complete with all the trimmings!! If you are a new senior and would like to join a friendly lunch club we have good food and company right in the village centre. Please come and join us. Contact Sue James (673460) for more information. And if you think you may be able to help in some way, Sue would be delighted to hear from you!

NORMANTON ON SOAR MEN’S ASSOCIATION On Monday 27thNovember there will be a talk entitled Tax, Care and Toy Boys in the Plough at 8.00pm. In December we will be celebrating Christmas in some way, the details of which had not been worked out at the time of going to press. More details about the November talk can be had from Bernard Lyner (672476).

KURLING IS BACK!Another Kurling evening will be held at Normanton on Soar Village Hall on Friday 10thNovember at 7.30pm. Tickets will be available from Normanton Village Shop at £6.50 to include a fish & chip supper. There will be a licensed bar. Furtherdetails from Neil Blythe (843825).

HEARING AID CLINICSThe free Hearing Aid Clinics run by Laura Ainsworth from The Ear Foundation continue on the second Tuesday of the month in Normanton Village Hall between 2.00pm and 3.00pm. The next clinics will be on Tuesdays 14th November and 12th December.

NORMANTON-ON-SOAR PARISH COUNCIL An allotment has become vacant on the allotment site behind the Village Hall on Main Street. If you are interested in taking up this vacancy, please contact Jenny Faulks on 01509 560807 or e-mail

TALK ON THE TRANSFORMATION OF ST PANCRAS STATION There will be an illustrated talk on Wednesday 29thNovember (7.30 pm for 8.00 pm) in Normanton Village Hall about the transformation of St Pancras station. Please don't think this is only for train buffs. It’s for anyone with an interest in history, world-class architecture or elegant engineering. Or just a great story! The talk, which is liberally illustrated with slide photos, describes how the fantastic mid-Victorian Gothic railway cathedral came to be built and how the long-neglected building has undergone a breath-taking transformation.The speaker is Nigel Lowey whose original amateur interest in St Pancras over the years led him to become an expert and described as a historian of thebuilding.This wide-ranging topic will interest lots of people - we all love St Pancras!There will, of course, be a licensed bar.Tickets (price only £2.50) will be on sale in Normanton Village Shop.For further information contact Neil Blythe (843825).