Parke County All Hazard Mitigation Plan June 29, 2017

Hazard Mitigation Plan

Parke County, Indiana

Original Adoption Year: 2008

Updated: 2016

Primary Point of Contact:

Mrs. Amy Hensley
Parke County Emergency Management Agency
110 E. High Street
Rockville, Indiana

2016 update prepared by:

Cyndi Todd

Intern: Meghan Bullington

Partnership Parke County

105 N Market Street

Rockville, Indiana 47872

And Parke County Emergency Management


Parke County’s multi-hazard mitigation plan was developed in 2008 by the Parke County Emergency Management Agency, Parke County Board of Commissioners, The Polis Center, and West Central Indiana Economic Development District, Inc.

Partnership Parke County prepared the 2016 update to the original plan. Meetings were held with the planning committee to review existing plan and hazards/risks. New input from the committee was added to plan in addition to any hazard/risk occurrences from 2009-2016.

Table of Contents Page 2

Parke County All Hazard Mitigation Plan June 29, 2017

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Section 1 – Public Planning Process

1.1 Narrative Description

1.2 Planning Team Information

1.3 Public Involvement in Planning Process

1.4 Review of Technical and Fiscal Resources

1.5 Review of Existing Plans

1.6 Neighboring Community Involvement

Section 2 – Jurisdiction Participation Information

2.1 Adoption by Local Governing Body

2.2 Jurisdiction Participation

Section 3 – County Profile

3.1 Topography

3.2 Climate

3.3 Population and Demographics

3.4 Economy

3.5 Industry

3.6 Land Use and Development Trends

3.7 Major Lakes, Rivers, and Watersheds

Section 4 – Risk Assessment

4.1 Overall Hazard Ranking

4.1.1 Existing Plans

4.1.2 Planning Team

4.1.3 National Hazard Records

4.1.4 Hazard Ranking Methodology

4.1.5 Calculated Priority Risk Index

4.1.6 GIS and HAZUS-MH

4.2 Vulnerability Assessment

4.2.1 Asset Inventory Processes and Sources for Identifying Assets Critical Facilities List Facility Replacement Costs

4.3 Future Developments

4.4 Hazard Profile

4.4.1 Tornado Hazard Vulnerability Analysis and Loss Estimation

4.4.2 Flooding Hazard Vulnerability Analysis and Loss Estimation

4.4.3 Earthquake Hazard Vulnerability Analysis and Loss Estimation

4.4.4 Thunderstorms Line Winds Hazard Vulnerability Analysis and Loss

4.4.5 Drought Hazard Vulnerability Analysis and Loss Estimation

4.4.6 Winter Storm Hazard Vulnerability Analysis and Loss Estimation

4.4.7 Hazardous Materials Release Hazard Vulnerability Analysis and Loss Estimation

4.4.8 Ground Failure Hazard Vulnerability Analysis and Loss Estimation

4.4.9 Fire Hazard

Section 5 – Mitigation Strategies

5.1 Community Capability Assessment

5.1.1 National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)

5.1.2 Storm Water Management Stream Maintenance Program/Ordinance

5.1.3 Zoning Management Ordinance

5.1.4 Erosion Management Program/Policy

5.1.5 Fire Insurance Rating Programs/Policy

5.1.6 Land Use Plan

5.1.7 Building Codes

5.2 Mitigation Goals

5.3 Mitigation Actions/Projects

5.3.1 Completed or Current Mitigation Actions/Projects

5.4 Implementation Strategy and Analysis of Mitigation Projects

5.5 Multi-Jurisdictional Mitigation Strategy

Section 6 – Plan Maintenance

6.1 Monitoring, Evaluating, and Updating the Plan

6.2 Implementation through Existing Programs

6.3 Continued Public Involvement

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Parke County All Hazard Mitigation Plan June 29, 2017

Executive Summary

The Parke County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan was developed to guide the county in a risk-based approach to prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from disasters. The plan may also be used to identify specific prevention projects or provide supporting documentation to illustrate a need.

The plan update was a collaborative effort among the Parke County planning team and Partnership Parke County.

The team updated the following content in the plan:

·  Updated planning team members

·  2016 Planning Meeting dates and goals

·  Update Neighboring Community Involvement

·  Updated County Profile with 2010 - 2015 census and employment data

·  Added Cyber Attack as a possible risk

·  Updated number of critical care facilities and beds

·  Added 2009 – 2015 Tornado data

·  Added 2009 – 2015 Flood data

·  Removed number of structures that were demolished in Montezuma due to flooding/FEMA buyout

·  Added 2009 – 2015 Thunderstorm hazard data

·  Added 2009 – 2015 Drought hazard data

·  Added 2009 – 2015 Winter storm hazard data

·  Removed reference to Lee Alan Bryant facility in Hazard Material Storage and Transportation

·  Added 2009 – 2016 Fire hazard data

·  Added mitigation for cyber attack

Section 1 - Public Planning Process

1.1 Narrative Description

Hazard Mitigation is defined as any sustained action to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to human life and property from hazards. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has made reducing hazards one of its primary goals. Hazard Mitigation Planning and the subsequent implementation of the projects, measures, and policies developed as part of these plans, is a primary mechanism in achieving FEMA’s goal.

The Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan (MHMP) is a requirement of the Federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA 2000). The development of a local government plan is a requirement in order to maintain eligibility for certain federal disaster assistance and hazard mitigation funding programs. In order for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) communities to be eligible for future mitigation funds, they must adopt the MHMP.

It is required that local jurisdictions review, revise, and resubmit the MHMP every 5 years to fulfill the commitments outlined in the previously approved MHMP. The updated MHMP may validate the information in the previously approved Plan, or may be a major plan rewrite. The updated MHMP is not intended to be an annex to the previously approved Plan; it stands on its own as a complete and current MHMP.

The Parke County MHMP Update is a multi-jurisdictional planning effort led by the Parke County Emergency Management Agency. This plan was in partnership with Parke County, the Town of Bloomingdale, the Town of Marshall, the Town of Mecca, the Town of Rockville, the Town of Montezuma, and the Town of Rosedale. Representatives from these communities were invited to attend the planning committee meetings. Each town will be asked to assist with the local adoption of the approved Plan. As each of these communities had an equal opportunity for participation and representation in the planning process, the process used to update the Parke County MHMP satisfies the requirements of the DMA 2000 in which multi-jurisdictional plans may be accepted.

Adoption by the local governing bodies within the county legitimizes the plan and authorizes responsible agencies to implement mitigation responsibilities and activities. To be eligible for federal mitigation funding, each participating jurisdiction must adopt the plan. Parke County Board of Commissioners adopted the plan on <date adopted>. Additional adoptions are included in Appendix C.

1.2 Planning Team Information

Amy Hensley, the County Emergency Management Agency Director, heads the Parke County Multi Hazard Mitigation Planning Team. Mrs. Hensley is the primary point of contact. Members of the planning team include representatives from the County Commissioners, County EMA, County E-911 Services, incorporated towns, police/sheriff, fire and other county offices. Table 1-1 below identifies the planning team individuals and the organization they represent. The planning team was identified in the original plan as the Local Emergency Planning Committee and Emergency Management Advisory Committee. The table below reflects the participants of the planning members who met with Partnership Parke County during the planning process. Other participants include; the remaining LEPC members, town boards, the Parke County Fire Chiefs, the Parke County School Safety Commission, and other members of the community. Table 1-1 Multi Hazard Mitigation Planning Team Members

Name / Title / Organization / Jurisdiction
Shawn Clover / Deputy / Parke County Sheriff’s Dept. / Parke County
Justin Cole / Sheriff / Parke County Sheriff’s Dept. / Parke County
Amy Hensley / Director / Parke County Emergency Management Agency / Parke County
Terry Hensley / Director / Emergency Medical Services / Parke County
J.T. Jukes / Member / LEPC / Parke County
Peggy Keith / Resident / Parke County Community / Parke County
Randy Kneeland / Chief / Rockville Police Dept. / Rockville
Jeff Koning / Manager / Parke County Health Dept. / Parke County
Chuck Murphy / Deputy / Indiana State Police / State of Indiana
Ashley Overpeck / Board Member / North Central Parke Community School Board / North Central Parke
Tom Stambaugh / Board Member / Parke County Council / Parke County
Brenda Stites / Board Member / Mecca Town Council / Mecca
Cyndi Todd / Executive Director / Partnership Parke County / Parke County
Diane Wood / Fire Dept. / Bloomingdale Fire Dept. / Bloomingdale
Stephen Wood / Fire Dept. / Bloomingdale Fire Dept. / Bloomingdale
Holly Wyatt / Member / LEPC / Parke County
Dan Jones / Post Commander / Indiana State Police / Regional

The Disaster Mitigation Act (DMA) planning regulations and guidance stress that the planning team members must be active participants. These individuals in Table 1-1 served on the committee because they were knowledgeable of local hazards; have been involved in mitigation; have the tools necessary to reduce the impact of future hazard events’ and/or served as a representative on the original Planning Committee in 2008.

1.3 Public Involvement in Planning Process

Planning began with Parke County LEPC County emergency officials and chief elected officials were invited to attend the kick-off meeting for the update scheduled June 9, 2016. Meetings were open to the public and members were encouraged to inform citizens of the community about the updating process.

The planning team held three meetings during the planning process. The dates and goals of the meetings were as follows.

Meeting 1 – June 9, 2016

·  Introduce/overview of project

·  Review committee member packets

·  Review and discuss hazards/risks

Meeting 2 – July 14, 2016

·  Discuss goals of Pre-Disaster Mitigation State programs

·  Complete Calculated Priority Risk Index

·  Create mitigation strategies

Meeting 3 – August 4, 2016

·  Review Calculated Priority Risk Index

·  STAPLE+E Planning Factors

·  Update mitigation strategies

Further planning includes a final review and edit of the plan by the Local Emergency Planning Committee. After final review and edits, the plan will be presented to the town boards for any project additions or changes, followed by a public hearing, and review and input from neighboring counties. The final step will be the adoption of the updates by first the Parke County Board of Commissioners, then each of the six incorporated towns as detailed below.

1.4 Review of Technical and Fiscal Resources

During the development of the 2008 Parke County MHMP, several sources of information were reviewed either as a document, or through discussions with local personnel. This plan was to gather updated information and to assist the committee in developing potential mitigation measures to reduce the social, physical, and economic losses associated with hazards affecting Parke County.

The 2016 MHMP Update planning team included representatives from key agencies to assist in the planning process. New technical data, reports, or studies were input by Partnership Parke County. However, new mapped hazard simulations were not performed or found necessary due to the minimal change in business, homes, and critical infrastructure.

Table 1-3 2008 Key Agency Resources Utilized

Agency Name / Resources Provided
Indiana Department of Homeland Security / Provided technical service. Flood insurance statistics
Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water / Provided digital flood maps and access to historical flood studies and reports. Provided information from flood levee projects
Indiana Geological Survey / Analysis of earthquake hazard
Parke County Planning/Zoning / Parke County Comprehensive Plan
Parke County Emer. Man. Agency / Parke County Emergency Management Plan

1.5 Review of Existing Plans

Parke County and its associated local communities utilized a variety of planning documents to direct community development. These documents include land use plans, master plans, emergency response plans, municipal ordinances, and building codes. During the MHMP updating process, the following documents were available as relevant sources and incorporated the existing natural hazard mitigation elements from the previous CEMP planning efforts. Table 1-4 lists the plans, studies, reports, and ordinances used in the development of the plan.

Table 1-4 Planning Documents Used for MHMP Planning Process

Author(s) / Year / Title / Description / Where Used
Parke County / 2007-2027 / County Comprehensive Plan / Comprehensive plan for land use, transportation, and public facilities. / Sections related to hazards incorporated into MHMP.
Parke County Emergency Management / 2016 / County Emergency Management Plan / Comprehensive Plan for County Emergency Management Agency / Mitigation Strategies being instituted currently and in the future

1.6 Neighboring Community Involvement

The Parke County team invited neighboring counties to review the draft plan and provide input on content, including mitigation strategies. Details of neighboring stakeholders’ involvement are summarized below.

Table 1-5 Neighboring Community Involvement

Person Participating / Neighboring Jurisdiction / Organization / Participation Description
Mark O’heir / Vermillion County / Emergency Management / Director
Dorene Hojnicki / Vigo County / Emergency Management / Director
Bryan Husband / Clay County / Emergency Management / Director
Tom Helmer / Putnam County / Emergency Management / Director
Shari Harrington / Montgomery County / Emergency Management / Director
Joe Whitaker / Fountain County / Emergency Management / Director

Section 2 - Jurisdiction Participation Information

The jurisdictions included in this multi- jurisdictional plan are list in Table 1-3 below.

Table 2-1 Participating Jurisdictions

Jurisdiction Name
Parke County
Town of Bloomingdale
Town of Marshall
Town of Mecca
Town of Montezuma
Town of Rockville
Town of Rosedale

Section 1 – Public Planning Process Page 11 of 128

Parke County All Hazard Mitigation Plan June 29, 2017

2.1 Adoption by local governing body

The draft plan was made available on <date> to the MHMP Update planning team, Parke County Commission, and participating jurisdictions for review. Comments were then accepted. The Parke County Hazard Mitigation Planning Team presented and recommended the plan to Parke County Board of Commissioners, who adopted the Parke County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update on date adopted. Resolution adoptions are included in Appendix B. of this plan.

2.2 Jurisdiction Participation

It is required that each jurisdiction participates in the planning process. Table 2-2 lists each jurisdiction and how each participated in the construction of this plan.