Normandy 2017: Final Arrangements
Departure: Please park in the school yard at 05.15 am on Monday 3 July. I am sure you will understand that the coach cannot wait for boys who arrive late. We will then drive to Portsmouth and take the ferry to Caen (6 hours). Boys should wear their school tracksuit to travel in so they can be easily identified.
Passports: All boys must bring a valid passport with them and give it to their group leader on Monday morning with their European Health card. Luggage should be soft bags and not hard cases.
Staff: There will be five adults accompanying the boys on the trip, one of whom is a qualified first aider. The group leader’s mobile is 07947 687 656. Please do not use this number except in the most urgent cases.
Accommodation: The group will be staying in Grange d’Espins
Boys will need to bring their own soap and towels.
Money: All excursions have already been paid for. The ferry journey is long so boys may like to use the arcade games at 2 euros a go or go to the cinema which costs between 6 and 12 euros. Boys may wish to buy cheese and cider from the farms we visit. We also visit a market and a supermarket. Staff are not responsible for money or any other valuables though we will look after sterling intended for the return journey if it is put in sealed envelopes with your son’s name clearly marked.
Meals: All meals will be provided by the centre, with the exception of lunch on the outward journey. Boys may take a packed lunch with them or buy a snack on the ferry and on the way back.
Visits: We will be visiting the following: a goats cheese farm; a cider farm; a market; The Caen Peace Memorial; The Bayeux Tapestry; and a British War cemetery. There will also be one day’s activities at the centre during the week which will include orienteering and aeroball (basketball played on trampolines) and a language lesson.
Clothing: Be prepared for all types of weather. Some form of sun protection is essential, as well as a waterproof and two pairs of trainers. Old clothes that you do not mind getting very soiled would be a good idea for the activities at the centre. Please also pack a bin liner for dirty washing, a small rucksack and a water bottle.
Medication: If your son requires medication, it should be handed to the group leader at the beginning of the trip in clearly labelled containers with details of the dosage. Alternatively, your son may look after his own medication if you are happy for him to do so. Please bring medication from home, not the supply kept at school.
Banned Goods: Boys are not allowed to buy: alcohol, tobacco, cigarette lighters, fireworks, knives or anything else that teachers consider inappropriate. All electronic games, gadgets and mobile phones should be left at home.
Return: We are due to arrive back at school at 11.00pm on Friday7 July. In case of late or early arrival, the group leader will inform the school who will update the school website, so please check the website for the latest information.