Norman J. Girardot

[as of January 2013]

Institutional Address

Religion Studies Dept.

Maginnes Hall 9


Bethlehem, PAUSA 18015

Cell: 484 515 8818; FAX (610) 758-3391; E-Mail

Home Address

54 E. Church ST.

Bethlehem PA 18018

Educational Background

__College of the Holy Cross (Worcester, Mass.)61_65, BS cum laude

__Dartmouth MedicalSchool 65_66

__University of Chicago, History of Religions, MA (68), Ph.D.(74)

dissertation director: Mircea Eliade & Anthony Yu

__Language study and research, Taipei, Taiwan (ROC), 70_71


–University Distinguished Professor, LehighUniversity, 99–

-- Acting Chair, Religion Studies Dept., 2005

--Full Professor, Religion Studies Dept., LehighUniversity, 89--

--Chair and Professor, Religion Studies Dept., Lehigh University, 87-89

__Chair and Associate Professor, Religion Studies Dept., Lehigh University, 80-87

__Visiting Assistant Professor, Religion Dept., OberlinCollege, 79_80

__Assistant Professor, Theology Dept., Notre DameUniversity, 72_79

__Editorial Assistant, History of Religions, 68_70

--Personal Assistant/Secretary to Professor Mircea Eliade, University of Chicago 67-70

Honors and Awards

-- primariy author and co-principal investigator of two Henry Luce Foundation Grants (total of 720k)

--Deveronarts keynote speaker on “The Legacy of James Legge,” Huntly, Scotland 2009

-- Lehigh University Chinese Bridge Project, $300,000 grant from the Luce Foundation, Principal Investigator, 2009-2011

-- The “Mircea Eliade Centennial” Jubilee Medal, awarded by the President of Romanian, Traian Basescu, in Bucharest, Romania on September 21, 2006, “as a sign of appreciation for praiseworthy activity and remarkable contribution to the history of religions.”

– Libsch Award for Outstanding Research, LehighUniversity, 2004

– Victorian Translation of China winner of the John King Fairbank Prize for outstanding book on Chinaof the American Historical Association, 2004

– Berz Lectureship at GeorgeWashingtonUniversity, April 2003

– Victorian Translation of China Award for Excellence in Historical Studies, AmericanAcademy of Religion, 2003

– fellowship in Arts Commentary: Critical Issues in the Arts, Pennsylvania Humanities Council and Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, 1/2001

– resident fellow at the HambidgeCenter for Creative Arts, Rabun Gap, GA. August 1999

--National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, Projects Division, Interpretive Research, 93-95 [2 year collaborative fellowship for a total of $250,000; extended to August 1996]

--Chiang Ching-kuo Fellowship in Chinese Studies, 93-95

--Pacific Cultural Foundation Writing Fellowship, 93-95

--American Council of LearnedSocieties Fellowship, 93-94, declined

--Consortium Professor, LehighValley Association of Independent Colleges, 87-88, 98

__National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for College Teachers, 82-83

__Woodrow Wilson Fellow, 67-68

__University of Chicago Fellow, 69-71

--Nomination for Fulbright Research Grant, 79-80--declined

__Phi Beta Kappa

– many faculty research grants at Lehigh (most recent 99); Hewlitt grant 99, Ventures funding 2001

Professional Activities

--international editorial board, Journal of Daoist Studies, 2007-

-- executive editor and International Board, International Journal of Humanistic Ideology, Studies into the Nature and Origin of Humanistic Ideas, 2008-

-- consultant for the Encyclopedia of Outsider Art, edited by Colin Rhodes, University of Chicago Press, 2008

-- inaugural member of AmericanAcademy of Religion special national awards committee on art and religion 2006-

-- member of American academy of Religion national book award committee 2006—

-- Lehigh chapter representative for the national triennial meeting of Phi Beta Kappa, Atlanta, 2006

-- expert consultant for the creation of an outsider art center at North CarolinaStateUniversity, 2006 --

– evaluator for Research Grants Council of the University Grants Committee of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005

– official expert evaluator for the Comparative Section, AmericanAcademy of Religion, 11/2000

– expert evaluator for National Endowment for the Humanities and the Guggenheim Foundations, multiple times; The British Academy; the Whiting Foundation; and the Rockefeller Foundation

–president, Society for the Study of Chinese Religions, 1999– 2000

–Principle Advisor for Asian Religions, Merriam-Webster’s Encyclopedia of World Religions, Wendy Doniger, consulting ed. (Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, 1999).

– National Advisory Board, Forum on Religion and Ecology, 1998–

--National Advisory Board, Folk Art Society of American 1989–

--member, American Society for the Study of Religion

--International editorial board, Journal of Chinese Religions

--executive committee, History of the Study of Religions Group, American Academy of Religion 1997-

--invited member of departmental review/visiting committee: AllentownCollege, College of William & Mary, WesternMarylandCollege

--invited expert evaluator for tenure & promotion: York University/Canada, Dartmouth College, Georgetown University, University of Missouri, College of William and Mary, Santa Clara University, University of Georgia, Rutgers University, Boston University, Trinity University, Queen’s College, Emory University, Duke University, etc.

--expert evaluator of the Chinese Religions Group, AmericanAcademy of Religion

--chair, Nominations Committee, American Academy of Religion, 89-91

__executive committee, Chinese Religions Group, AmericanAcademy of Religions, 84-86

--executive committee, Mid-Atlantic Region Association for Asian Studies, 87-89

__executive committee, Comparative Studies of Religion, 84-90

__member, AmericanAcademy of Religion

__member, Association for Asian Studies

__member, Society for the Study of Chinese Religions

--member, Columbia University Seminar on Traditional China

--member, In'tuit, Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art

--organizer of two national conferences ("Coincidentia Oppositorum: the Scholarly and Literary Worlds of Mircea Eliade"/University of Notre Dame; Mid-Atlantic Region of the Association of Asian Studies/Lehigh University)

__book review board for East Asian Religion,Religious Studies Review78-82

__book review board for History of Religions, 85-87

--China area co-editor, Harpers Dictionary of Religions

__consultant: Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopedia of Bioethics, Encyclopedia of Religions, Oxford Companion to Religions, The Reader's Adviser, Harpers Dictionary of Religions, etc.

-- expert evaluator for University of Chicago Press in outsider art and Asian religions, 2005, 2006

__reader: University of Chicago Press, University of Notre Dame Press, Scholars Press, Macmillan, Greenwood Press, State University of New York Press, University of South Carolina Press, Princeton University Press, Yale University Press, Three Pines Press, Tharcher Press, Wylie-Blackwell, University of California Press, etc.

--ms. evaluation: History of Religions, Journal of the History of Ideas, Taoist Resources, Journal of Chinese Religions, Ritual Studies, Method and Theory in the Study of Religion, Philosophy East and West, Journal of Politics, Material Religion, Religion, etc.

__lectures/talks/symposia:American Academy of Religions (many times), Mid-Atlantic Relgion Association of Asian Studies, Notre Dame University, St.Mary's College, Chestnut Hill College, Yale University, Oberlin College, Guelph University/Canada, Holy Cross College, Columbia University, Moravian College, Muhlenberg College, Lafayette College, Occidental College, Colby College, University of Chicago, College of William and Mary, George Washington University, Smithsonian Institution, Harvard University, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences/Beijing (Institute for the Study of World Religions), Hong Kong Baptist University/Hong Kong, Newark Art Museum, University of Georgia, Lehigh University (two International Relations Colloquia), Lancaster University/England, Muhlenberg College, Aberdeen University/Scotland, Third International Elvis Presley Conference/Memphis TN, St. Louis Art Museum, Harvard Center for the Study of World Religions, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, American Museum of Folk Art/New York, Cambridge University/England, University of North Carolina/Charlotte, Georgia State University, University of Pittsburgh, Magdalene College/Oxford University, Boston University, Central Washington University, National Public Radio (Radio Times), North Carolina State University, Kutztown University, Nanjing University, Nanjing China; Beijing University of Science and Technology, Beijing China; Tongji University Shanghai China; MLA conference presentation LA 2011; Hangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, etc.

Professional Activities at Lehigh

-- director summer 2012 Chinese Bridge cohort in China

-- overseer of Chinese pavilion construction, Spring/Fall 2012

-- organizer & chair, panel of Black Mountain College/South Mountain College, Oct 2012

-- co-curator, African Visions of Barack Obama exhibition, main gallery, LUAG, Sept-Dec, 2012

-- organizer & performer for Cage Style Happening November 6, 2012, LUAG

-- poetic presentation on Ricardo Viera, 2012

-- featured speaker,Dialog Lehigh Learning with Purpose: Inquiry & Problem solving drive the undergraduate experience, Office of Research and Advancement Office Nov 11, 2011

-- co-director of summer in China Lehigh Chinese Bridge Project Cohort (Shanghai & Beijing), 2011

-- co-Principal Investigator, Henry Luce Foundation Grant, Chinese Bridge Project, 2010-12, 2012-2013

-- planning and professor of record for special triple cross-listed course as part of the Chinese Bridge Project—Spring 2012 the Chinese Pavilion

-- ongoing faculty advisor for The Lehigh Review

-- director and faculty coordinator, ArtsLehigh, 2005-2008

-- coordinating PI for the Chinese Bridge Project proposal 2007-

-- Cultural Entrepreneurship Panel, South Side Initiative Conference, Lehigh University 2008

-- organizer of interdisciplinary colloquium “Bridging Disciplines: Beauty & Utility” 2006

-- member of Creativity Task Force, College of Arts & Sciences, 2005

– Mellon Global Citizenship Committee, 2003-04

-- Advisory Board, Lehigh University Press, ongoing

– Research Advisory Group, ongoing

– chair, Dean’s Committee on Reconceptualizing/Revisioning the Arts at Lehigh Committee, 2001

– Luce and Mellon Committees, 2001

– Venture’s Fund for Course Development, Raw Vision 2002

--departmental chair, 1980-1989

--chair, General Studies Program, EngineeringCollege 1983-1985

--chair, Art Council, 1987-1990

--member, Cosmos Club

--member, Williams Prize Committee

--member, Dean Search Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, 1989

--editorial board, Lehigh University Press, 1986--

--member, Faculty Fellows, TaylorCollege ongoing

--member, College of Arts and Science Policy Committee, 1988-1991

--member, College of Arts and Science Promotions Committee, 1988-90, 1996-

--co-convener (with L. Silberstein) of Faculty ‘Interpretation Seminar,’ mid-1980s

--acting chair, East Asian Studies Committee, 1985-1987

--member, Asian Studies Committee, 1992-

--advisory committee, Jewish Studies Center, 1985-1989

--acting director, College Scholars Program, 1990-1991

--member, Faculty Committee, College Scholars Program, 1992-

--founding member, Faculty Editorial Board, Lehigh Review, 1992

--member, managing editorial board,Lehigh Review, 1992-

--coorganizer of Eckardt Memorial Dinner, 1993

--"Favorite Faculty Member" LehighUniversitySTARAcademy, 1995

--experimental course development: “The Daoist Phantasmagoria”/1995, “Jesus/Buddha/Confucius and Elvis”/1996, “Deep Play: Doing Myth and Ritual at Lehigh”/1997: “Raw Vision: Creativity and Ecstasy in the Work of Shamans, Mystics, and Outsider Artists” Spring & Fall 2000

--President, Lehigh Beta chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, 1997-98

--Promotions Committee, Modern Foreign Languages Department, 1997-98

--Arts & SciencesCollege Promotions Committee, 1997-99

–organizer of Lehigh Millennium Arch site and establishment of Art Enclave on campus

–organizer, curator of “Four Outsider Artists; The End is a New Beginning” Zoellner, LUAG, Nov 2000-Feb 2001

May, 1998

– Director of the Dissertation for Ma Xiaohong, “The First Taoist Pantheon: T’ao Hung-ching (456-536 CE) and His Chen-Ling-Wei-Yeh-T’u” Ph.D.TempleUniversity, degree received

-- 2005-2007 reader for the Ph.D. dissertation in history of mission studies of Jonathan Seitz, PrincetonUniversity

-- 2004-5 reader for M.A. dissertation in American Studies, LehighUniversity, for Matthew Burns

– reader for sixLehighUniversity dissertations in English and Educational Psychology (“Martin Amis: Fiction, Form, and the Postmodern” by John Dern and “Psychological Aspects of Artistic Creativity” by Adam Cox); Jason Schwartz; 2003 PH.D. dissertation reader for Tom Bierowski in the English Dept; reader for Anne DeLong in the English Department 2006--



-- co-editor with Bryan Rennie, Remembering/Reimagining/Revalorizing Mircea Eliade (Bucharest: Romanian Association for the History of Religions, 2011) A Special Issue of Archaevs

-- [Chinese translation of The Victorian Translation of China. James Legge’s Oriental Pilgrimage]Chaojin dongfang: Liyage ping chuan 朝觐东方:理雅各评传, translated by Duan Huaiqing, Guanxi Normal University Press, 2011.

-- [Chinese translation of Daoism & Ecology]Daojiao yu shengtai: yuzhou jingguan de neizai zhi dao道教与生态 : 宇宙景观的内在之道.Nanjing: Jiangsu Education Press, 2008.

-- [New Edition] Myth and Meaning in Early Daoism. The Theme of Chaos (Hundun).MagdalenaNM: Three Pines Press, 2008

– author, The Victorian Translation of China. James Legge’s Oriental Pilgrimage. BerkeleyLondon: University of California Press, 2002

Winner of national awards from the AmericanAcademy of Religion and the American Historical Association

Many reviews including (not complete): Times Literary Supplement, Taipei Times, Journal of Chinese Philosophy, Religious Studies Review, Journal of Religion, Taijiquan Journal, First Things, Daoist Studies, Journal of Religion and Society, Social Sciences Abroad, etc.

Review essay in Social Sciences Abroad (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing) No. 1 (2006): 81-83

Wang Hui, Translating Chinese Classics in a Colonial Context. James Legge and His Two Versions of the Zhongyang Bern: Peter Lang, 2008.

– N. J. Girardot, James Miller, & Liu Xiaogan. Daoism and Ecology. Ways Within a Cosmic Landscape. Cambridge, MA: HarvardUniversityCenter for the Study of World Religions, HarvardUniversity Press, 2001.

Many reviews including (not complete):

Deane Curtin in Environmental Ethics 26 (2004): 105-106.

Bruce Monserud in Worldviews 7 (2003): 355-361.


--special editor for China, The HarperCollins Dictionary of Religion, ed. Jonathan Z. Smith & William Scott Green (San Francisco, HarperSanfrancisco, 1995).

--co-translator, Isabelle Robinet, TaoistMeditation (Albany: SUNY, 1993).


Scott Lowe, China Review International 1 (1994): 214-218

D.L. Overmyer, Studies in Religion 24 (1995): 123

S. Whitfield, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 3rd Ser. 4 (1994): 454-455.

D. Lancashire, 192-194

T. Peterson, Taoist Resources 5 (1994): 70-72

F. Pregadio, Journal of Chinese Religions 23 (1995): 217-220

Yuet Kung Lo , Journal of Oriental Studies 34 (1996): 103-105.

__author, Myth and Meaning in Early Taoism, Berkeley and Los Angeles:University of California Press, 1983

--paperback edition with new preface, University of California Press, 1989

--designated as "best selling paperback" by University of California Press

--reviews of Myth and Meaning:

a. review essays

--Leon Thomas, Comptes rendus: Myth and Meaning.Revue de l'Histoire des Religions, CCIII(1986):300-305.

--M. Levering, "Imagination and Myth: The Chuang Tzu and Myth." Religious Studies Review 10(1984): pp. 234-237.

--R. Neville, "From Legumes a la Grecque to Bouillabaisse in early Taoism." Philosophy East and West35(1985): pp. 431-443; and "Comments on Girardot's 'Response'," Philosophy East and West 36(1986):271-273.

--J. Berthrong, Journal of Chinese Religions 12(1984): 95-104.

--Eugene Eoyang, "Chaos Misread: Or, There's Wonton in My Soup!"Comparative Literature Studies26 (1989): 271-284.

--Anne M. Birrell, "Studies on Chinese Myth since 1970: An Appraisal" Parts I and II History of Religions33 (1994): 380-393; 34 (1994): 70-94.

--Hakim Bey, “The Way of Godzilla, An Anarchist Appraisal of N. J. Girardot’s Myth and Meaning in Early Taoism: The Theme of Chaos (Hun-tun),” IOAM SoHo Arts Weekly

– S. Field, “In a Calabash,” Talus 9/10 (1997): 52-97.

b. reviews and notes

--Wong Yuk, T'oung Pao 73(1987):324-325.

--J. Berling, Journal of the AmericanAcademy of Religion 54(1986): 173-174.

--S. Field, Journal of Asian Studies65(1986): 819-821.

--R. Janelli, Journal of American Folklore97(1984):475-476.

--V. Mair, Pacific Affairs (1985):318-319.

--Choice Mar. 1984.

--S. Allan, Bulletin of the Schools of Oriental and African Studies 48(1985).

--D. Harper, ParabolaWinter, 1984.

-- Theology Digest 31(1984).

--Yes!Guides 1984.

--C. Bell, "On Chinese Chaos," History of Religions 24(1985):280-281.

--J. O'Leary, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 25(1986):138-139.

--Christopher Justice, Nexus: The Canadian Journal of Anthropology1/8 (1990)

--L. Kohn, Asian Thought and Society14 (May-Oct, 1989): 215-216

__coeditor, Imagination and Meaning:The Scholarly and Literary Worlds of Mircea Eliade, New York, Seabury-_Winston/Harper and Row Press, 1982

--reviews and notes:

--M. Calinescu, Journal of Religion65(1985):250-257

--J. Cullum, Journal of the AmericanAcademy of Religion51(1983): 718-719.

--Virginia Quarterly Review58(1982): 116.

--J. Buchanan, Religious Studies Review 9(1983): 22-24.

--Philosopher's Index17(1982), no. 11.

--The Christian Century Feb. 1983.

--H.B.P., The LivingChurchOct. 10, 1982, p. 17.

--R. Allen, The Clergy Journal 5-6(1983): 74.

__coeditor, China and Christianity, Notre Dame:Center for Social and Pastoral Ministry, 1979.

--reviews and notes:

--O. Lattimore, The Heythrop JournalDec. 1980, p. 109-110.

--V. T. Johnson, Worldmission 1980.

2. Symposia/Catalogs/Exhibitions

--co-curator and catalog essay African Visions of Barack Obama, main gallery, LUAG, Sept-Dec. 2012

-- curator for Art/Life/Spirit: At Home with Mr. Imagination, exhibition and catalog, GoggleWorks, ReadingPA, 2007

-- co-curator for Small Worlds: The Intimate Vision of Dale Gibbons, exhibition, GoggleWorks, Reading PA 2007

–co-curator and catalog essay author for Howard Finster (1916-2001): Revealing the Masterworks (Bethlehem: LehighUniversityArtGalleries, 2004)

-- review “Howard Finster Retrospective Exhibition, Lehigh University, Pennsylvania, USA, October 2004,” in Material Religion (March 2006), pp. 140-142

– co-curator and catalog essay author for “Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory. Religious Folk Art in America” Savannah College of Art and Design, in cooperation with the Folk Art Society of America, October 2002

--coeditor, Special symposium issue, The Mythic Imagination, double issue of History of Religions 16 (1977): 279-426

__coeditor, Special symposium issue on "Myth and Symbol in Chinese Tradition," Journal of Chinese Religions, Boulder:Society for the Study of Chinese Religions, 1985-86

__coeditor, "Current Perspectives in the Study of Chinese Religions" special double issue symposium of History of Religions 17(1978):207_434.

--co-curator of two folk art exhibitions at LehighUniversity (The Finsters at Lehigh, 1986; Natural Scriptures, 1990)

--author, coeditor/co-curator, The Finsters at Lehigh. Catalog and monograph. Bethlehem: LUAG, l986.

--author and coeditor, Natural Scriptures: Visions of Nature and the Bible in the Work of Hugo Sperger, Mini and Garland Adkins, Jessie and Ronald Cooper, and Howard Finster. Catalog and monograph. Bethlehem: LUAG, 1990.

-- museum exhibition “James Legge and the Victorian Encounter with China,” MarishalMuseum, Aberdeen University, Scotland

– curator and brochure writer, “Four Outsider Artists: The End is a New Beginning,” Zoellner LUAG, Nov 2000-Feb 2001

– catalog Four Outsider Artists: The End is a New Beginning, Bethlehem, PA: LUAG, 2001

3. Conferences & Quasi-Shamanistic Productions of Public Ritual Events

-- lectures at Nanjing University, Tongji University, Hangzhou Academy, and USTB China, 2011, 2012

-- “The Legacy of James Legge” keynote presentation for the Deveronarts Conference on the “Palace of Puzzles: The Legacy of Legge—China and the West” in Huntly, Scotland, 2009.

-- “A shorter Inquisition into the Art Seminar,” presentation as a parat of the Arts, Literature, & Religion section of the AmericanAcademy of Religions, Chicago 2008

-- presentation at the Nek Chan conference in Chandighar India 2007

-- featured presentation “My Eliade: The Utilitarian Splendor of the Strange, the Sacred, and the Sublime,” at the special symposium “Eliade and his Legacy” as a part of the joint meeting of the International Association for the History of Religions, the European Association of the History of Religions, and the Romanian Association for the History of Religions, Bucharest Romania, September 2006

-- featured presentation “Transformation Through the Arts” and workshop “Para-Shamanistic Performance Art Practices In and Out of the Classroom: A Myth and Ritual Approach to Higher Education” for the symposium Vibrant Spirits: Outsider, Folk, and Contemporary Artistic Visions, Nov 10, 2006, KutztownUniversity