The subject,task & purpose of physiology. Peculiarities of the modern period of its development. The organism as a biosystem. The principles of interaction with environment. Adaptational & homeostatic regulation of bioconstants. The mechanism of feedback. Physiological functions. Principles, levels, & mechanisms of their self regulation. Systemic regulation of functions.Central mechanisms of functional systems of the regulation of organism's bioconstants.
Modern conception about a structure & function of membranes. Active & passive transport of substances through membranes.
The electrical phenomena in excitable tissues. A current of rest & a current of action, history of their discovery. Resting membrane potential, its origin & methods of registration. The process of excitation, its mechanism. Local & propagated excitation. Action potential & its phases. Methods of the registration of action potential.
Excitability. The measure of excitability. The changes of excitability during the excitation, their nature.The laws of irritation within the limits of a cell.. The laws of irritation of excitable tissues.Lability of excitable tissues.
The modern theory of muscle contraction. The role of the action potential in its generation. Types & kinds of contraction of skeletal muscles. Single muscle contraction , its phases. Tetanic contraction of muscles. Motor units.The morphological features & physiological properties of nerve fibres. The propagation of excitation along myelinated & unmyelinated fibres.
Neuron as a structural & functional unit of the CNS, its functions & interrelation with glial cells.
The structure, classification & functional properties of synapses. The features of excitation conduction in chemical & electrical synapses. Excitatory & inhibitory synapses. Inhibition in the CNS (Sechenov). The mechanisms of the central inhibition. The importance of inhibition.
Features of excitation conduction on reflex arc: one - way conduction, summation, transformation of rhythm, posttetanic potentiation, etc. The basic principles of distribution of excitation in the CNS: convergence, divergence, circulation.
The nervous centers. Physiological properties of the nervous centers: flexibility, fatigue, high sensitivity to oxygen's deficit , etc. Principles of interaction of the nervous centres: irradiation, facilitation, dominant, etc.
The morpho-functional characteristics of the somatic & autonomic nervous system.
The morpho-functional characteristics of the sympathetic & parasymathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system.
Functions of the spinal cord. The important clinical spinal reflexes. Functions of the medulla oblongata. Function of the mid-brain & cerebellum. Functions of the thalamus. . Functions of the hypothalamus.
Muscular tone. Types, the importance of muscular tone, mechanism of its development & regulation. Righting-tonic reflexes, the mechanism of their occurrence & the physiological significance.
The limbic system. Its role in regulation of the autonomic function & in the formation of motivations & emotions.
The morpho-physiological organization of the cortex of the large hemispheres. The concept about the dynamic localization of functions.
Blood, its composition & functions. Plasma of blood.Blood bodies: erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets & their functions.Hemoglobin & its compounds.
The clotting of blood. The phases & mechanisms of coagulation.The anticlotting mechanisms. Anticoagulants, their classification. The regulation of blood clotting.
Blood grouping features. ABO system & Rhesus-system.The physiological basis of blood transfusion.
Respiration, its stages. The external respiration. The biomechanics of inhalation & exhalation. The pressure in the pleural cavity, its origin & role in respiration.Gas exchange in lungs & tissues. The factors determining a direction & speed of gas diffusion.The transport of gases by blood. The transport of oxygen. The hemoglobin-oxygen (HbO2) equilibrium curve. The oxygen capacity of blood. Transport of carbon dioxide by blood.
The respiratory centre, the modern notions about its structure & localization. Automaticity of the respiratory centre.The mechanism of phases change of a respiratory cycle.The humoral factors of the regulation of respiration, mechanisms of their action.
The heart, its function. The cardiac cycle. Stroke volume and cardiac output.The heart sounds, their origin & the methods of research.
Automaticity of the heart, its substrate & nature. A gradient of the automaticity of the heart. Excitability of a cardiac muscle. A ratio of excitation, contraction & excitability in various phases of a cardiac cycle.Contractivity of the heart & its feature.Conductivity of the myocardium & its features. The heart blocks.
Cardioregulation. The nervous mechanism of regulation of the cardiac activity.The humoral mechanism of regulation of the cardiac activity.The hemodynamic mechanisms of regulation of the cardiac activity.
The basic characteristics of the hemodynamics. The volume and linear velocity of blood flow in different departments of the vascular bed.. Blood pressure. The factors determining the value of blood pressure; the value of blood pressure in various departments of the vascular bed. The kinds of blood pressure, their nature & clinical importance.
The nature of vascular tone. Basal tone and myogenic mechanism of its regulation.The reflex regulation of vascular tone.The humoral regulation of vascular tone.
The morpho-functional characteristics of the microcirculatory bed. Capillary blood flow & its features.The exchange processes in a capillary bed, their mechanisms. The formation & circulation of lymph.
Digestion, its meaning.The functions of an alimentary tract. Types of digestion. Principles & mechanisms of regulation of digestion. Motor function of various departments of an alimentary tract, methods of its investigation, mechanisms of regulation. Digestion in the mouth. Structure & physiological role of a saliva. Regulation of the salivation.
Digestion in the stomach. Secretory activity of the stomach & methods of its research. The composition & properties of gastric juice. Regulation of the gastric juice secretion. The phases of gastric secretion. The analysis of gastric secretion curves on meat, bread & milk.
The extrasecretory function of the pancreas. The composition & properties of the pancreatic juice. The control of pancreatic secretion.
The role of the liver in digestion. Production & ejection of bile. The role of bile, the control of its ejection in the duodenum.
Digestion in small intestine. The composition & properties of the intestinal juice. The methods of study of secretory activity of the intestine, the mechanisms of its regulation.
Absorption of substances in various departments of an alimentary tract, its types & mechanism.
The basal metabolism & its determining factors. The methods of its measurement. The exchange of energy during work.Daily energy expediture. The physiological basis of nutrition.
The body temperature of human & its daily fluctuations. The physical & chemical termoregulation.
The functions of kidneys. A role of a kidney in the maintenance of water-salt homeostasis of an organism. Nephron, its structure & blood supply. The mechanism of formation of glomerular filtrate (primary urine), its amount & composition. The mechanism of formation of final urine,its amount & composition. The mechanisms of regulation of the kidneys activity.
The structural & functional organization of the glands of internal secretion. Self-regulation of the endocrine system. The hypothalamo – hypophyseal complex.. The connections of hypothalamus & pituitary gland. Pituitary gland & its hormones. The participation of pituitary gland in the control of the endocrine glands activity.
The morpho-functional organization of sensory systems: multilayerty, multilevelty, multichannalty, bihemispherity. The receptor level of sensory systems. The classification, functions & physiological properties of receptors.
The acoustic sensory system. The principles of coding & processing of the information about power, temporary & spatial characteristics of a stimulus.
The visual sensory system. An eye, its refractive media. Refraction, accommodation, their abnormalities. Acuity of vision. The receptor apparatus of the visual analyzer. Photochemical processes in a retina as the mechanism of coding of the information. A role of subcortical & cortical structures of the visual sensory system in the analysis of power, temporary & spatial characteristics of stimulus & formation of a visual image.
The biological & medical importance of pain. The structure of the nociceptive system. The mechanism of nociception. The interaction of the nociceptive & antinociceptive systems.
Conditioned reflexes, their classification. The conditions of formation & the morpho-functional organization of conditioned reflexes.The inhibition in the higher functions of the nervous system, its variety.
Sleep, its phases. The theories of sleep.
The reticular formation, its role in the integrative activity of the brain.The analytic & synthetic activity of the cortex of the large hemispheres. A dynamic stereotype, its role in learning & labour skills obtaining.
Requirements & motivations. The classification, the nature & mechanism of occurrence of motivations. Emotions, their classification & role. The theories of emotions. The vegetative & somatic components of emotions.
Memory, the classification of memory types. The location and mechanisms of the memory.
Pavlov’s conception about types of the higher nervous activity, the classification of types & their characteristics.
Medicine department
Rheobase, chronaxie and their significance in clinical practice
Principles of preparation of blood-substituting solution.
Plasma proteins, their functions. Oncotic pressure of blood and its role.
Blood osmotic pressure. The functional system providing a constancy of blood osmotic pressure.
Heart activity changes in exercise.
The electrocardiography and its impo. Mechanisms of heart activity regulation after its transplantation.
Blood circulation as a component of the various functional systems determining a homeostasis.
Features of renal blood supply.
The mechanism of respiratory dysfunctions in pneumothorax.
The functional system of a gas homeostasis. The analysis of its peripheral and central mechanisms.
Physiological principles of using of the mixture: 96% of O2 and 4% of CO2.
The mechanism of caisson’s disease (decompression sickness).
The EEG characteristics of human in different functional states.
Endocrine function of a gastrointestinal tract.
Concept about adrenergic and cholinergic receptors.
Artificial kidney and its application in clinical practice.
Hormone regulation of renal calcium excretion.
Homeostatic function of kidneys.
Role of kidney in Na+ balance maintenance.
Role of kidney in water balance maintenance.
Liver as multifunctional organ: participation in a metabolism, digestion, and a homeostasis.
Principles of dietetics. Balanced diet depending on age, a kind of work.
The functional system providing a temperature constancy of the internal environment of an organism.
Features of optic pathways. A field of vision.
Physiological significance of fast and slow sleep
Hemispheres asymmetry and its role in realization of higher mental functions (speech, thinking, etc.).
Physiological bases of anesthesia.
Role of a cortex, subcortical structures and humoral factors in formation of painful reactions.