Report Outline GuideVersion 3 – 2/19/08
1.0Foreward - (Prof. Longuski)
Professor Longuski will write something nice here.
2.0Acknowledgements – (Schwing)
This is where we thank all of the people that contributed to the project.
3.0Project Overview / Abstract
This section is a high-level review of our analysis and vehicles.
3.1Mission Goals – (Schwing)
3.2Mission Requirements – (Schwing)
3.3Interpretation of Mission Requirements – (Schwing)
3.4Model Analysis – (Schwing)
3.5Costing Methods – (Schwing)
3.6Risk Analysis – (Schwing)
3.7Final Design – (Briden)
3.7.1200g Payload
3.7.21 kg Payload
3.7.35 kg Payload
Lessons Learned – (Schwing)
4.0Detailed Design
This is where we will be looking at our three vehicles in detail.
Each of the sections should read as a Launch Vehicle User’s Guide. Performance characteristics and CAD should be presented. All major components should be described. This is not the place for analysis, but is merely a presentation of the final product. Analysis will be in the Appendix.
I am prepared for these three sections to be ‘cookie cutter’ with nearly identical format and ordering with only the content changing between vehicles. Right now, only one has substance to it, the others will have identical headers; authors may change.
Sample User’s Guides can be found here:
4.1200g Payload
I expect 20-40 pages for each of the vehicles. Here is an example of what I imagine these guides will include
4.1.1Vehicle Overview - (Briden) Detail
Diagrams of each stage and complete CAD images. Materials and major components should be listed. The rational behind these decisions will be detailed later, though. Characteristics
A table, most likely, of the performance characteristics for each stage. Isp, burn time, masses, prop type, maximum g’s, cost. Mission Timeline
A table or chart of the major milestones in ascent: launch, stage burnouts, fairing separation, payload delivery. Times and altitudes should be provided.
4.1.2Nominal Trajectory – (Breitengross)
Illustrations and details about he nominal trajectory. A description of the allowable deviations and range safety concerns should be included.
-Table with all relevant output/orbit characteristics with descriptions
-Trajectory plot (before orbit insertion)
-Orbit plot
4.1.3Subsystem Details
Each subsystem will then talk about the specific components for each and the vehicle’s behavior with respect to each subsystem. A brief explanation about the design constraint that motivated that decision is appropriate, but do not include detailed methods. All substantial components should be included: materials, engines, propellants, computational packages, protective coatings, drag/lift/moment diagrams versus Mach and AoA, etc…
Describe your group’s components. Provide a list of what you want included and the authors by 2/22/08.
Describe your group’s components. Provide a list of what you want included and
the authors by 2/22/08.
Describe your group’s components. Provide a list of what you want included and the authors by 2/22/08.
Describe your group’s components. Provide a list of what you want included and the authors by 2/22/08. and Controls
Describe your group’s components. Provide a list of what you want included and the authors by 2/22/08. Analysis - (Schwing) – (Schwing)
4.21 kg Payload
4.2.1Vehicle Overview – (Briden) Detail Characteristics Mission Timeline
4.2.2Nominal Trajectory – (Guzik)
4.2.3Subsystem Details and Controls Analysis - (Schwing) - (Schwing)
4.35 kg Payload
4.3.1Vehicle Overview – (Briden) Detail Characteristics Mission Timeline
4.3.2Nominal Trajectory – (Donahue)
4.3.3Subsystem Details and Controls Analysis - (Schwing) - (Schwing)
5.0About the Team
I want to see a paragraph for each author: what you did for the team, your major/minor, and your plans for after graduation. We will work on this later.
The Appendix will include ALL work done by the team other the course of the semester. This will be the details for our analysis and provide the background to some of the design techniques that we used. Organization will be by topic area and I expect groups to provide their own subtitles for their ‘Design Methods’ section. Below are some exaples for MAT work, Aerothermal, and Avionics – these were my ideas and represent about 3 minutes of thought, you can do a much better job.
This should be a 1 to 2 page introduction to the contained discussion. A treatment to the scope of the group – what was important to get right, what not so much. I imagine that the group contact will write this but that is not a requirement.
A.1.2Design Methods
Each subsection should be a body of work or focused task. Order is not important, but please be consistent within your group. I expect a list of subjects and authors by 2/22/08.
Organize this perhaps with a method to the analysis, feel free to tell a story. It might be easier to just have each author write about the things that they worked on and order this by the author’s last name. What is important to me is that all work is represented. There are no page minimums or maximums for this section.
Not all analysis has let to finished products and some avenues did not yield results. I still want this work included. Feel free to talk about the birth of this work (why we wanted to use this method) and the approach taken. Mention all milestones and thoughts for improvement along the way. Close one of these sections with a mention for why this work was not trusted, included, or finished and comment on its importance to a more thorough design. Also note the impact that this incompleteness had on the project, if any.
A.1.2.1 Drag
This is a sample analysis section. In it I want a statement of why the work was important to the team. List the inputs that were required for the analysis and the outputs’ effect on the design. Mention group relations and how this impacted the work of others.
Detail your methods and highlight sample results. Explain clearly all assumptions made and limitations to the analysis. Be methodical and think about the story that you want to tell. Take your time. Leave nothing out. Impress upon the reader both the volume and quality of work that you have performed.
Mention codes that were written and how they aided design, but do not give them a detailed treatment. There will be attached User’s Guides for each code that was used.
A.1.2.2Pitching Moment
A.1.2.3Lift and Lifting Bodies
A.1.2.5Computational Fluid Dynamics
A.1.2.6Assent Aeroheating Analysis
A.1.3Closing Comments
This should be a 1 to 2 page closing on the group’s contribution. Where will more time need to be spent, what difficulties were faced, be honest and open about the work. I imagine that the group contact will write this but that is not a requirement.
This should be a complete list of references used in the group’s section. Use AIAA citation standards.
A.1.5User’s Guides for Aerothermal Codes
I expect every code used by the group to have a user’s manual in the format that was sent out. If a code has many ‘helper codes’, it is not necessary to write a document for each m-file presented, but there should be a written description of the helper code (one paragraph).
Please also include a flow chart as it applies to give the reader a sense of how your codes flow together to provide final results.
A.2.2Design Methods
A.2.2.1Link Budget Analysis
A.2.2.2Range Safety Considerations
A.2.2.3Sensor Requirements and Design
A.2.2.4Power Budget
A.2.2.5Tracking Considerations
A.2.3Closing Comments
A.2.5User’s Guides for Avionics Codes
A.3.0Dynamics and Controls
A.6.1Introduction – (Harkness)
A.6.2Design Methods
A.6.2.1 Equations of Motion - (Harkness)
A. Launch – (Ferris)
A. Launch – (Ferris)
A. Launch – (Ferris)
A. and Atmosphere – (Donahue and Guzik)
A. – (Chua)
A. and Drag – (Ferris)
A.6.2.2 Steering Law Development – (Briden and Kanehara)
A. Launch
A. and Ground Launch
A.6.2.3 Optimization – (Chua)
A.6.2.4 DeltaV Analysis – (Breitengross)
A.6.3Closing Comments – (Harkness)
A.6.4References – (Harkness)
A.6.5User’s Guides for Trajectory Codes – (Harkness)
A.7.0Model Analysis
A.7.1Introduction – (Yaple)
A.7.2Design Methods
A.7.2.1 Assumptions
A.7.2.2 Procedure
A.7.2.3 Automation
A.7.2.4 Winning Cases
A.7.2.5 Validity of Results
A.7.3Closing Comments – (Yaple)
A.7.4References – (Yaple)
A.7.5User’s Guides for Model Analysis Codes – (Yaple)
A.8.0Risk Analysis
A.8.1Introduction – (Schwing)
A.8.2Design Methods
A.8.2.1 Non-Catastrophic Failure – (Schwing)
A. – (???)
A. – (???)
A. and Controls – (???)
A. – (???)
A. – (???)
A. – (???)
A.8.2.2 Catastrophic Failure – (Schwing)
A. – (???)
A. – (???)
A. and Controls – (???)
A. – (???)
A. – (???)
A. – (???)
A.8.3Closing Comments – (Schwing)
A.8.4References – (Schwing)
A.8.5User’s Guides for Risk Analysis Codes – (Schwing)
A.9.0Costing Methods
A.9.1Introduction – (Schwing)
A.9.2Design Methods
A.9.2.1 Avionics – (???)
A.9.2.2 Aerothermal – (???)
A.9.2.3 Dynamics and Controls – (???)
A.9.2.4 Propulsion – (???)
A.9.2.5 Structures – (???)
A.9.3Closing Comments – (Schwing)
A.9.4References – (Schwing)
- User’s Guides for Costing Methods Codes – (Schwing)
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