Mr D Fallon
/ Freedom of Information Unit
Force Headquarters

09 March 2011 Tel: 01392 452839

Dear Mr Fallon

Freedom of Information Act Request No: 001186/11

I write in connection with your request for information dated 19/02/2011, which was clarified and this clarification was received by this office on 21/02/2011. I note you seek access to the following information:

I have noticed on the internet that the speed limit on part of the A3022 has been reduced from 40mph to 30mph, see

From the article I cannot see a logical reason for the reduction, and quoting "The signs will be on roads known for speeding." this decision, by p.c Chris Lancaster and Councillor Chris Lewis, seems to be wrong in terms of safety, as inappropriately reduced limits encourages traffic bunching, dangerous overtaking and the risk of head on accidents. I am sure that these safety people know of these consequences, but under FOI I would appreciate knowing more about over-all circumstances.

1.  "The decision to reduce the limits was agreed by councillors in June 2009".Please advise of the names of the councillors who attended, and how they voted in terms of for or against or abstain. A majority vote must have occurred and the information should be held by Partnership member Councillor Lewis. I would appreciate seeing a copy of the minutes regarding the decision, as pdf attachment, for reassurance that the issue was properly debated. Please direct this part of the request to Councillor Lewis to complete as the public need to be reassured that councillors are acting responsibly.

2.  It is an odd decision to reduce limits on a fast flowing road, which encourages overtaking, rather than to enforce the existing 40mph limit. Please provide evidence of the reasons behind the reduction decision, in terms of three year accident data or local community concern letters, or any other considerations. I am sure there must be some evidential justification.

3.  On the A3022, how many reminder signs advising motorists of in force speed limit of 40mph were along the route prior to the speed reduction, and how many legal reminder signs advising of the 30mph limit are currently in place? On the same issue of signage, I believe that temporary 30mph advisory signs were in place for a while, so please also advise how many of these signs were put up and if they are still in place. How many `speed camera` advisory signs are in each direction in the same area? These queries are to establish, for obvious safety reasons, how well motorists are being informed about the enforcement and limits subsequent to the reduction.

4.  The new Government Minister, Mr Pickles, has explained that they are dedicated to see transparency of data, and thus in regards to the section of A3022 subject to the speed reduction, what was the 95 percentile speed prior to the reduction, and when measured subsequently? What were the Killed/Seriously Injured figures prior to the reduction, and quarterly KSI figures subsequent to the reduction? How many motorists, in each direction, have been caught speeding, on a monthly basis, subsequent to the limit being reduced?

5.  Please advise if the A3022 speed reduction has been legally approved by a Traffic Regulatory Order, the date the TRO came into effect, the description of the roads covered by the TRO, and where a copy of the TRO is held for inspection.


The scope of my FOI relates only to the area detailed by the SouthWest business news

QUOTE "A stretch of the A3022 Brixham to Dartmouth Road between Bascombe Road at Windy Corner, and East and West Lodge at Strawberry Bends, Churston, has been reduced from a 40mph to 30mph. The cut in the speed was agreed by councillors in June".

Please also note that I wish to amend my references to "95 percentile" speed data with "85 percentile"speed data, as I believe that is the statistic that would have been assessed before and after implementation.

Following receipt of your request searches were conducted within Devon & Cornwall Constabulary to locate information relevant to your request. I can confirm that Devon & Cornwall Constabulary hold the information you have requested.

Extent of Searches to Locate Information

To locate the information relevant to your request searches were conducted within the Devon Basic Command Unit.


I have today decided to disclose the located information to you in full.

Please find the attached document Record 1.


If you are not satisfied with the service you have received in relation to your request and wish to make a complaint or request a review of our decision you should write to the Head of Information Management, Information Management Department, Devon & Cornwall Constabulary, Middlemoor, Exeter, EX2 7HQ, Devon.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your Force complaint or review, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner at Commissioner’s Officer, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF, telephone 01625 545700.

Should you have any further inquiries concerning this matter, please write or contact quoting the reference number above.

Yours sincerely

Georgina Kemp

Assistant Freedom of Information Officer