Florida Atlantic University


Strategies for retaining a higher percentage of students

at FAU for the entire duration of their undergraduate career goals

Entrance Surveys

§  survey entering FTIC students on their goals and expectations

§  a local survey administered at Orientation

§  can be customized for transfer students as well

Entering Student “Connections” and Referrals

§  Follow-up phone-calls to all FTIC students from Retention/Orientation staff to check student progress and make referrals as needed

Survey of “Leavers”

§  survey first baccalaureate students who leave FAU prior to graduation

§  why did they leave?

§  can we help them to return to FAU in the future?

Survey of Withdrawing Students

§  survey first baccalaureate students who withdraw from all courses

§  why did they leave?

§  can we help them to return to FAU in the future?

§  best accomplished through personal phone calls

Counseling for students on probation

§  Undergraduate Programs currently places holds on these students

§  Additional follow-up is needed, possibly through Counseling Center intervention

Student Focus Groups

§  To increase awareness of student needs and concerns

§  Include target groups (FTIC, partner campuses, non-traditional and other transfers, students with disabilities, athletes, commuter students, residential students, at-risk, specific majors, etc.)

§  Identify possible barriers to student success and make recommendations

Develop a comprehensive “First-year-experience”

§  to include Orientation, initial advising, mandatory SLS 1501 course, residential life

§  creation of cohort groups

Retention Newsletter

§  Newsletter to be published once each fall and spring semester

§  Distributed University-wide

§  Educate community as to their role in retention


Faculty and Staff Involvement

§  Enhance student service/name tags for staff

§  Involvement in recruiting/orientation/advising/retention activities

§  Train faculty and staff to make referrals to campus-wide services

Evaluate services that are key for retention and make recommendations

(at all levels and all campuses)

§  Academic advising

§  Orientation programs

§  Tutorial services

§  Mentoring program

§  Counseling services

§  Career services

§  Financial Aid and scholarships

§  Housing

§  Campus Life

§  Honors programs


§  Involvement of parents (Parent Weekend, Parent Orientation program, Parent Association)