Spring 2005
MuskingumValley ESC Elementary Educators,
Nonfiction text often challenges our students. Research indicates that we need to explicitly teach skills and strategies to help our students effectively meet those challenges. Trying to find ways to address nonfiction-related, grade-level indicators is often challenging for educators.
This document provides some ideas to support 2nd – 4th grade teachers and their students who are working toward those indicators. The activities/questions/strategies are based on grade appropriate reading materials. They have been used with students in a small group situation. The materials noted are from Modern Curriculum Press and the Wright Group. This nonfiction resource was created by Bobbi Howard, Kathi Spencer and Judy VanVoorhis with Adriane King providing technical support.
This is a beginning. It came about because teachers began recording what they were doing with students so they could share their ideas with other teachers. Continuing this document with contributions from many teachers could produce a very helpful resource. If you know of additional indicator-support materials, please contact Judy VanVoorhis, Ph.D. at MuskingumValleyEducationalServiceCenterat .
Table of Contents
Correlated Matrix of Mathematics, Science and Social Studies...... 2
Grade 2...... 3-7
Grade 3...... 8-13
Standard-Based Nonfiction Resources...... 14
Grade 2...... 15-21
Grade 3...... 22-46
Guide to Support 2nd – 4th Grades Nonfiction Language Arts Indicators
with Correlated Mathematics, Science and Social Studies Grade-level Indicators
IndicatorCode / Indicator / Book/Author / Level / PgRef / S or T / Writing / Math / Sci / SS / Tech
c.2.1 / Establish a purpose for reading (e.g., to be informed, to follow directions or to be entertained). /
The First Hot-Air Balloons
Phillip MooreWright Group / K / S / d.2.1
(A, B)
(A, B) / a.2.3 (B)
a.2.6 (C)
c.2.1 / Establish a purpose for reading (e.g., to be informed, to follow directions or to be entertained). / Tomatoes
Cole, Sally
Wright Group / K / S / b.2.4 (C) b.2.5 (B) b.2.6 (C)
c.2.1 / Establish a purpose for reading (e.g., to be informed, to follow directions or to be entertained). / Be a Plant Scientist
Michele Paul
Wright Group / L / S / b.2.1 (A) b.2.5 (A)
c.2.1 / Establish a purpose for reading (e.g., to be informed, to follow directions or to be entertained). / From Cow to Milk Carton
Annie Miles
Wright Group / L / S
c.2.1 / Establish a purpose for reading (e.g., to be informed, to follow directions or to be entertained). / Space Stations
Cheryl Ryan
Wright Group / M / S / d.2.1 (A)
d.2.2 (A)
d.2.3 (B)
d.2.4 (B) / a.2.3 (B)
c.2.5 / Create and use graphic organizers such as Venn diagrams and webs to demonstrate comprehension. / The First Hot-Air Balloons
Phillip Moore
Wright Group / K / S / d.2.1
(A, B)
(A, B) / a.2.3 (B)
a.2.6 (C)
c.2.5 / Create and use graphic organizers such as Venn diagrams and webs to demonstrate comprehension. / Tomatoes
Sally Cole
Wright Group / K / S / b.2.4 (C) b.2.5 (B) b.2.6 (C)
c.2.5 / Create and use graphic organizers such as Venn diagrams and webs to demonstrate comprehension. / Be a Plant Scientist
Michele Paul
Wright Group / L / S / b.2.1 (A) b.2.5 (A)
Code / Indicator / Book/Author / Level / PgRef / S or T / Writing / Math / Sci / SS / Tech
c.2.5 / Create and use graphic organizers such as Venn diagrams and webs to demonstrate comprehension. / From Cow to Milk Carton
Annie Miles
Wright Group / L / S
c.2.5 / Create and use graphic organizers such as Venn diagrams and webs to demonstrate comprehension. / Space Stations
Cheryl Ryan
Wright Group / M / S / d.2.1 (A)
d.2.2 (A)
d.2.3 (B)
d.2.4 (B) / a.2.3 (B)
d.2.1 / Use the table of contents, glossary, index, captions and illustrations to identify information and to comprehend text. /
The First Hot-Air Balloons
Phillip MooreWright Group / K / S / d.2.1
(A, B)
(A, B) / a.2.3 (B)
a.2.6 (C)
d.2.1 / Use the table of contents, glossary, index, captions and illustrations to identify information and to comprehend text. / Tomatoes
Sally Cole
Wright Group / K / S / b.2.4 (C) b.2.5 (B) b.2.6 (C)
d.2.1 / Use the table of contents, glossary, index, captions and illustrations to identify information and to comprehend text. / Be a Plant Scientist
Michele Paul
Wright Group / L / S / b.2.1 (A) b.2.5 (A)
d.2.1 / Use the table of contents, glossary, index, captions and illustrations to identify information and to comprehend text. / From Cow to Milk Carton
Miles, Annie
Wright Group / L / S
d.2.1 / Use the table of contents, glossary, index, captions and illustrations to identify information and to comprehend text. / Space Stations
Cheryl Ryan
Wright Group / M / S / d.2.1 (A)
d.2.2 (A)
d.2.3 (B)
d.2.4 (B) / a.2.3 (B)
Code / Indicator / Book/Author / Level / PgRef / S or T / Writing / Math / Sci / SS / Tech
d.2.2 / Arrange events from informational text in sequential order. / The First Hot-Air Balloons
Phillip Moore
Wright Group / K / S / d.2.1
(A, B)
(A, B) / a.2.3 (B)
a.2.6 (C)
d.2.2 / Arrange events from informational text in sequential order. / Be a Plant Scientist
Michele Paul
Wright Group / L / S / b.2.1 (A) b.2.5 (A)
d.2.2 / Arrange events from informational text in sequential order. / From Cow to Milk Carton
Annie Miles
Wright Group / L / S
d.2.2 / Arrange events from informational text in sequential order. / Space Stations
Cheryl Ryan
Wright Group / M / S / d.2.1 (A)
d.2.2 (A)
d.2.3 (B)
d.2.4 (B) / a.2.3 (B)
d.2.5 / Identify information in diagrams, charts, graphs and maps. /
The First Hot-Air Balloons
Phillip MooreWright Group / K / S / d.2.1
(A, B)
(A, B) / a.2.3 (B)
a.2.6 (C)
d.2.5 / Identify information in diagrams, charts, graphs and maps. / Tomatoes
Sally Cole
Wright Group / K / S / b.2.4 (C) b.2.5 (B) b.2.6 (C)
d.2.5 / Identify information in diagrams, charts, graphs and maps. / Be a Plant Scientist
Michele Paul
Wright Group / L / S / b.2.1 (A) b.2.5 (A)
Code / Indicator / Book/Author / Level / PgRef / S or T / Writing / Math / Sci / SS / Tech
d.2.5 / Identify information in diagrams, charts, graphs and maps. / From Cow to Milk Carton
Annie Miles
Wright Group / L / S
d.2.5 / Identify information in diagrams, charts, graphs and maps. / Space Stations
Cheryl Ryan
Wright Group / M / S / d.2.1 (A)
d.2.2 (A)
d.2.3 (B)
d.2.4 (B) / a.2.3 (B)
d.2.6 / Analyze a set of directions for proper sequencing. / Be a Plant Scientist
Michele Paul
Wright Group / L / S / b.2.1(A) b.2.5 (A)
d.2.6 / Analyze a set of directions for proper sequencing. / From Cow to Milk Carton
Annie Miles
Wright Group / L / S
IndicatorCode / Indicator / Book/Author / Level / PgRef / S or T / Writing / Math / Sci / SS / Tech
c.3.1 / Establish a purpose for reading (e.g., to be informed, to follow directions or to be entertained). / How to Make a Kite
Reeder, Paul
Wright Group / N / S
c.3.1 / Establish a purpose for reading (e.g., to be informed, to follow directions or to be entertained). / From Grain to Pita
Day, Lorain
Wright Group / O / S / d.3.2 (B) g.3.2
(B,C) g.3.4 (C)
c.3.1 / Establish a purpose for reading (e.g., to be informed, to follow directions or to be entertained). / Cultural Clothes
Karauna, Leonard
Wright Group / O / S / b.3.1
c.3.1 / Establish a purpose for reading (e.g., to be informed, to follow directions or to be entertained). / Around the World
Blackburn, Rachel
Wright Group / P / S / g.3.2 (B) g.3.3 (A,B)
c.3.1 / Establish a purpose for reading (e.g., to be informed, to follow directions or to be entertained). / Soccer Sue
Jane Vecchio / 20 / S / f.3.2(B)
c.3.1 / Establish a purpose for reading (e.g., to be informed, to follow directions or to be entertained). / A Helping Hand
Judy Naylor / 28 / S / d.3.1.(A)
c.3.1 / Establish a purpose for reading (e.g., to be informed, to follow directions or to be entertained). / At the Top of the World
Cindy Trumbore / 28 / S
c.3.1 / Establish a purpose for reading (e.g., to be informed, to follow directions or to be entertained). / Secrets of the Rainforest
Edward Myers / 30 / S
c.3.2 / Predict content, events and outcomes by using chapter titles, section headers, illustrations and story topics, and support those predictions with examples from the text. / Unusual Pets
Howard Gutman / 24 / S
c.3.2 / Predict content, events and outcomes by using chapter titles, section headers, illustrations and story topics, and support those predictions with examples from the text. / The Pet Show
Judy Naylor / 20 / S
c.3.2 / Predict content, events and outcomes by using chapter titles, section headers, illustrations and story topics, and support those predictions with examples from the text. / Soccer Sue
Jane Vecchio / 20 / S / g.3.6 (D)
Code / Indicator / Book/Author / Level / PgRef / S or T / Writing / Math / Sci / SS / Tech
c.3.3 / Compare and contrast information between texts and across subject areas. / Let’s Play Soccer
Cindy Trumbore
Soccer Sue
Jane Vecchio / 24 / S
c.3.4 / Summarize texts, sequencing information accurately and include main ideas and details as appropriate. / The Pet Show
Judy Naylor / 20 / S / b.3.6 (C)
c.3.4 / Summarize texts, sequencing information accurately and include main ideas and details as appropriate. / Soccer Sue
Jane Vecchio / 20 / S / c.3.3
c.3.4 / Summarize texts, sequencing information accurately and include main ideas and details as appropriate. / A Helping Hand
Judy Naylor / 28 / S
c.3.4 / Summarize texts, sequencing information accurately and include main ideas and details as appropriate. / At the Top of the World
Cindy Trumbore / 28 / S / c.3.5(B)
c.3.4 / Summarize texts, sequencing information accurately and include main ideas and details as appropriate. / Chasing Tornadoes
Becky Gold / 38 / S / a.4.4
c.3.5 / Make inferences regarding events and possible outcomes from information in text. / The Pet Show
Judy Naylor / 20 / S
c.3.5 / Make inferences regarding events and possible outcomes from information in text. / A Helping Hand
Judy Naylor / 28 / S
c.3.5 / Make inferences regarding events and possible outcomes from information in text. / Secrets of the Rainforest
Edward Myers / 30 / S / b.3.6(C)
c.3.5 / Make inferences regarding events and possible outcomes from information in text. / Young Pioneers
Tisha Hamilton / 34 / S
Code / Indicator / Book/Author / Level / PgRef / S or T / Writing / Math / Sci / SS / Tech
c.3.6 / Create and use graphic organizers such as Venn Diagrams and webs to demonstrate comprehension. / A Helping Hand
Judy Naylor / 28 / S
c.3.6 / Create and use graphic organizers such as Venn diagrams and webs to demonstrate comprehension. / How to Make a Kite
Paul Reeder
Wright Group / N / S
c.3.6 / Create and use graphic organizers such as Venn diagrams and webs to demonstrate comprehension. / From Grain to Pita
Lorain Day
Wright Group / O / S / d.3.2 (B) g.3.2
(B, C)
g.3.4 (C)
c.3.6 / Create and use graphic organizers such as Venn diagrams and webs to demonstrate comprehension. / Cultural Clothes
Leonard Karauna
Wright Group / O / S / b.3.1
c.3.6 / Create and use graphic organizers such as Venn diagrams and webs to demonstrate comprehension. / Around the World
Rachel Blackburn
Wright Group / P / S / g.3.2 (B) g.3.3 (A, B)
c.3.6 / Create and use graphic organizers such as Venn Diagrams and webs to demonstrate comprehension. / Let’s Play Soccer
Cindy Trumbore / 24 / S
c.3.6 / Create and use graphic organizers such as Venn Diagrams and webs to demonstrate comprehension. / Secrets of the Rainforest
Edward Myers / 30 / S / b.3.2 (B)
c.3.6 / Create and use graphic organizers such as Venn Diagrams and webs to demonstrate comprehension. / Young Pioneers
Tisha Hamilton / 34 / S / a.3.3(C)
c.3.6 / Create and use graphic organizers such as Venn Diagrams and webs to demonstrate comprehension. / Chasing Tornadoes
Becky Gold / 38 / S
c.3.7 / Answer literal, inferential and evaluative questions to demonstrate comprehension of grade-appropriate print texts, electronic and visual media. / Young Pioneers
Tisha Hamilton / 34 / S / a.3.3(C)
c.3.7 / Answer literal, inferential and evaluative questions to demonstrate comprehension of grade-appropriate print texts, electronic and visual media. / Chasing Tornadoes
Becky Gold
c.3.7 / Answer literal, inferential and evaluative questions to demonstrate comprehension of grade-appropriate print texts, electronic and visual media. / Secrets of the Rainforest
Edward Myers / 30 / S / f.3.9 (I)
g.3.4(D) / Technology and Information Literacy
3.13 (B)
Code / Indicator / Book/Author / Level / PgRef / S or T / Writing / Math / Sci / SS / Tech
d.3.1 / Use the table of contents, chapter headings, glossary, index, captions and illustrations to locate information and comprehend text. / How to Make a Kite
Paul Reeder
Wright Group / N / S
d.3.1 / Use the table of contents, chapter headings, glossary, index, captions and illustrations to locate information and comprehend text. / From Grain to Pita
Wright Group / O / S / d.3.2 (B) g.3.2 (B,C)
g.3.4 (C)
d.3.1 / Use the table of contents, chapter headings, glossary, index, captions and illustrations to locate information and comprehend text. / Cultural Clothes
Leonard Karauna
Wright Group / O / S / b.3.1
d.3.1 / Use the table of contents, chapter headings, glossary, index, captions and illustrations to locate information and comprehend text. / Around the World
Rachel Blackburn
Wright Group / P / S / g.3.2 (B) g.3.3 (A,B)
d.3.2 / List questions about essential elements (e.g., why, who, where, what, when and how) from information text and identify answers. / At the Top of the World
Cindy Trumbore / 28 / S / c.3.5
d.3.2 / List questions about essential elements (e.g., why, who, where, what, when and how) from information text and identify answers. / Whoops! It Works
Orlando Lopez / 30 / S / d.3.4
d.3.2 / List questions about essential elements (e.g., why, who, where, what, when and how) frominformation text and identify answers. / Young Pioneers
Tisha Hamilton / 34 / S
d.3.3 / Identify and list the important central ideas and supporting details of informational text. / Whoops! It Works
Orlando Lopez / 30 / S
d.3.3 / Identify and list the important central ideas and supporting details of informational text. / Young Pioneers
Tisha Hamilton / 34 / S
d.3.3 / Identify and list the important central ideas and supporting details of informational text. / Discovering the Titanic
Cindy Trumbore / 30 / S
d.3.3 / Identify and list the important central ideas and supporting details of informational text. / Let’s Play Soccer
Cindy Trumbore / 24 / S
Code / Indicator / Book/Author / Level / PgRef / S or T / Writing / Math / Sci / SS / Tech
d.3.3 / Identify and list the important central ideas and supporting details of informational text. / A Helping Hand
Judy Naylor / 28 / S
d.3.3 / Identify and list the important central ideas and supporting details of informational text. / At the Top of the World
Cindy Trumbore / 28 / S
d.3.4 / Draw conclusions from information in maps, charts, graphs, diagrams. / Young Pioneers
Tisha Hamilton / 34 / S / 6.3.1(A)
d.3.4 / Draw conclusions from information in maps, charts, graphs, diagrams. / Chasing Tornadoes
Bechy Gold / 38 / S
d.3.4 / Draw conclusions from information in maps, charts, graphs and diagrams. / From Grain to Pita
Lorain Day
Wright Group / O / S / d.3.2 (B) g.3.2 (B,C)
g.3.4 (C)
d.3.4 / Draw conclusions from information in maps, charts, graphs and diagrams. / Cultural Clothes
Leonard Karauna
Wright Group / O / S / b.3.1
d.3.4 / Draw conclusions from information in maps, charts, graphs and diagrams. / Around the World
Rachel Blackburn
Wright Group / P / S / g.3.2 (B) g.3.3 (A,B)
d.3.5 / Analyze a set of directions for proper sequencing, clarity and completeness. / The Pet Show
Judy Naylor / 20 / S
d.3.5 / Analyze a set of directions for proper sequencing, clarity, and completeness. / How to Make a Kite
Paul Reeder
Wright Group / N / S
d.3.5 / Analyze a set of directions for proper sequencing, clarity, and completeness. / From Grain to Pita
Lorain Day
Wright Group / O / S / d.3.2 (B) g.3.2 (B,C)
g.3.4 (C)
Standard-based Nonfiction Resources
Grades 2 – 4
Reading Process: Concepts of Print, Comprehension Strategies and Self-Monitoring Strategies &
Reading Applications: Informational, Technical and Persuasive Text Standards
Standard: c. Reading Process: Concepts of Print, Comprehension Strategies and Self-Monitoring StrategiesIndicator: c.2.1 Establish a purpose for reading (e.g., to be informed, to follow directions or to be entertained).
Act. # / Strategy/Activity: / Book: / Supporting Indicators
The First Hot-Air Balloons
○Read to find out the author’s purpose for writing the book.
○Read to find out how the Montgolfier brothers invented hot-air balloons.
○Read to find out the author’s purpose for writing the book.
○Read to find out how and where tomatoes are grown.
Be a Plant Scientist
○Read to find out the author’s purpose for writing the book.
○Read to find out what a plant scientist does.
From Cow to Milk Carton
○Read to find out the author’s purpose for writing the book.
○Read to find out the process for getting milk from the cow to the store.
Space Stations
○Read to find out the author’s purpose for writing the book.
○Read to find out about the Mir Space Station.
○Read to find out which countries are helping to build the international space station. /
The First Hot-Air Balloons
Phillip MooreWright Group
Sally Cole
Wright Group
Be a Plant Scientist
Michele Paul
Wright Group
From Cow to Milk Carton
Annie Miles
Wright Group
Space Stations
Cheryl Ryan
Wright Group / Sc. d.2.1 (A, B)
d.2.3 (A, B)
S.S. a.2.3 (B)
a.2.6 (C)
Sc. b.2.4 (C)
b.2.5 (B)
b.2.6 (C)
Sc. b.2.1 (A)
b.2.5 (A)
S.S. a.2.3 (B)
a.2.6 (C)
Sc. d.2.1 (A)
d.2.2 (A)
d.2.3 (B)
d.2.4 (B)
Standard: c. Reading Process: Concepts of Print, Comprehension Strategies and Self-Monitoring Strategies
Indicator: c.2.5 Create and use graphic organizers such as Venn diagrams and webs to demonstrate comprehension.
Act. # / Strategy/Activity: / Book: / Supporting Indicators
The First Hot-Air Balloons
○Create a timeline of the first hot-air balloons to the present.
○Create a web after reading Tomatoes telling what tomatoes look like, how and where they grow, what are they used for and other information.
Be a Plant Scientist
○Create a KWL chart before, during and after reading, finding information on plants, plant scientists and plant experiments.
From Cow to Milk Carton
○Create a flow chart using sentences and pictures to tell how milk gets from the cow to the carton.
Space Stations
○Create a web about space stations telling what the names of the stations are and what they are used for. /
The First Hot-Air Balloons
Phillip MooreWright Group
Sally Cole
Wright Group
Be a Plant Scientist
Michele Paul
Wright Group
From Cow to Milk Carton
Annie Miles
Wright Group
Space Stations
Cheryl Ryan
Wright Group / Sc. d.2.1 (A, B)
d.2.3 (A, B)
S.S. a.2.3 (B)
a.2.6 (C)
Sc. b.2.4 (C)
b.2.5 (B)
b.2.6 (C)
Sc. b.2.1 (A)
b.2.5 (A)
S.S. a.2.3 (B)
a.2.6 (C)
Sc. d.2.1 (A)
d.2.2 (A)
d.2.3 (B)
d.2.4 (B)
Standard: d. Reading Applications: Informational, Technical and Persuasive Text Standard
Indicator: d.2.1 Use the table of contents, glossary, index, captions and illustrations to identify information and to comprehend text.
Act. # / Strategy/Activity: / Book: / Supporting Indicators
The First Hot-Air Balloons
○Use the table of contents to find the section on the Montgolfier brothers.
○Look in the index to find out what page you need to find to read about the basket on a hot-air balloon.
○Use the table of contents to find the section about tomatoes around the world.
○Use the index to find the page where you can read about how tomatoes are grown in a greenhouse.
○Read the captions and look at the illustrations on page 8-9 to discover how tomatoes grow.
Be a Plant Scientist
○Use the table of contents to find the section where you can read about experiments with sunshine.
○Use the index to find the pages that have experiments you can do to see what plants need to grow.
○Read the captions and/or look at the illustrations to discover what you need to do the water experiment.
From Cow to Milk Carton
○Look in the table of contents to find the section on milking cows.
○Use the glossary to find the meaning of the word “cud.”
○Find the caption that tells how most cows are milked.
Space Stations
○What section tells you about future space stations?
○What is a docking station?
○Use the chart on page 19 to find out whether Mir or ISS is longer. /
The First Hot-Air Balloons
Phillip MooreWright Group
Sally Cole
Wright Group
Be a Plant Scientist
Michele Paul
Wright Group
From Cow to Milk Carton
Annie Miles
Wright Group
Space Stations
Cheryl Ryan
Wright Group / Sc. d.2.1 (A, B)
d.2.3 (A, B)
S.S. a.2.3 (B)
a.2.6 (C)
Sc. b.2.4 (C)
b.2.5 (B)
b.2.6 (C)
Sc. b.2.1 (A)
S.S. a.2.3 (B)
a.2.6 (C)
Sc. d.2.1 (A)
d.2.2 (A)
d.2.3 (B)
d.2.4 (B)
Standard: d. Reading Applications: Informational, Technical and Persuasive Text Standard
Indicator: d.2.2 Arrange events from informational text in sequential order.
Act. # / Strategy/Activity: / Book: / Supporting Indicators
The First Hot-Air Balloons
○Create a timeline of the flight of hot-air balloons.
Be a Plant Scientist
○List the steps of the water experiment.
○List the steps of the light experiment.
○List the steps of the sunshine experiment.
From Cow to Milk Carton
○List the steps for getting milk from the cow to the carton.
Space Stations
○Arrange the space stations in order from oldest to newest. /
The First Hot-Air Balloons