Department of Education

Charter School Accountability Meeting

September 14, 2010

11:00 – 11:30 A.M.

Delaware Academy of Public Safety and Security

Attending Committee Members:

Dan Cruce, Karen Field Rogers, Deb Hansen, Jim Hertzog, Paul Harrell

Mr. Cruce called the meeting to order. The purpose of the meeting was to meet with representatives from Delaware Academy of Public Safety and Security (DAPSS) to discuss the school’s modification application and to draft the final report regarding the modification application. For the purpose of the record introductions were made:

Dan Cruce, Deputy Secretary/Chief of Staff, Chair of Accountability Committee

Jim Hertzog, Education Associate, Student Assessment, voting member

Paul Harrell, Director, Public/Private Partnerships, voting member

Deb Hansen, Education Associate, Visual & Performing Arts, voting member

Karen Field Rogers, Associate Secretary, Finances, voting member

John Carwell, Education Associate, Charter Schools Office

Patricia Bigelow, Education Associate, Charter Schools Office

John Hindman, Deputy Attorney General, counsel to the committee

Judi Coffield, Policy Analyst, Delaware State Board of Education

Chuck Hughes, Head of School, DAPSS

Charlie Copeland, Chairman of the Board, DAPSS

Vincent Ascione, board member, DAPSS

Dennis O’Brien, director, DAPSS

Sandra Quintero, board member, DAPSS

Mr. Cruce said for the purposes of the final report the committee’s discussion would focus on criterion 8 which relates to economic viability.

Mr. Cruce summarized the results of the August 11, 2010 preliminary report meeting at which the Charter School Accountability Committee voted to recommend to the Secretary that the Modification request be granted with a condition that the applicant must submit a signed lease within 15 days. The applicant submitted the signed lease on August 25, 2010.

Mr. Carwell explained that upon receipt of the signed lease, Mr. Kessel (Charter School Finance) identified a budgetary issue – funding the year one lease – and requested that the school provide supplementary evidence that it could meet its year one expenses prior to the Final Report Meeting on September 14, 2010. On September 13, 2010, the school submitted to the Charter Schools Office grant commitments from the Longwood Foundation ($200,000) and the Rodel Foundation ($30,000) and a loan commitment from Innovative Schools to extend to the school a low interest, line of credit (up to $65,000). Mr. Kessel reviewed the items submitted and found them satisfactory to address the budgetary issue.

Mr. Cruce made a motion to recommend the modification be approved. A vote was taken. All ayes, none opposed.

Mr. Cruce explained the next steps of the review process.

Meeting was adjourned.