- Air Power 3PK DVD HIS AIR
- A Life: The Story of Lady Bird JohnsonDVD HIS ALI
- Amelia Earhart: Queen of the AirDVD HIS AME
- America at War 14 PK DVD HIS AME
- America’s Documents of Freedom 1215 to 1920DVD HIS AME
- American Experience, The: Return with Honor DVD HIS AME
- American Experience: Ulysses S. Grant DVD HIS AME
- American Experience, The: War Letters DVD HIS AME
- American Experience, The: Bataan Rescue: Death March and Rescue DVD HIS AME
- AppalachiaDVD HIS APP
- American Experience, The: Marcus GarveyDVD HIS AME
- American Experience, The: Chicago: City of the Century DVD HIS AME
- American Revolution, The 5PKDVD HIS AME
- American West, TheDVD HIS AME
- America on the Move 1876-2000 DVD HIS AME
- Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, The DVD HIS AUT
- Battle History of the United States MilitaryDVD HIS BAT
- Battles Not Forgotten: Military U.S. Heritage KoreaDVD HIS BAT
- Benjamin Latrobe: America’s First ArchitectDVD HIS BEN
- Best of the Real West, The DVD HIS BES
- Black History: A Retrospective 40 Documentary CollectionDVD HIS BLA
- Boycott DVD HIS BOY
- Brothers at WarDVD HIS BRO
- Building AlaskaDVD HIS BUI
- CarrierDVD HIS CAR
- Century of Warfare, The 7PK DVD HIS CEN
- Citizen King DVD HIS CIT
- Civil War: 150th Anniversary Collector’s Edition 2PKDVD HIS CIV
- Civil War: 1861 6PKDVD HIS CIV
- Complete DVD History of U.S. Wars 1700-2004, The 4PKDVD HIS COM
- Coney Island: A Film by Ric BurnsDVD HIS CON
- Crash of 1929DVD HIS CRA
- Cuban Missile CrisisDVD HIS CUB
- Declaring IndependenceDVD HIS DEC
- Destination AmericaDVD HIS DES
- Dinosaur WarsDVD HIS DIN
- Donner Party, The: A Film by Ric Burns DVD HIS DON
- Douglas MacArthur: The Return of a LegendDVD HIS DOU
- Duel, The 2PKDVD HIS DUE
- Historical Icons: Thomas EdisonDVD HIS EDI
- Emergence of Modern America, TheDVD HIS EME
- Eyes on the Prize: America’s Civil Rights Movement 7PKDVD HIS EYE
- Famous Figures of the Civil WarDVD HIS FAM
- Fly GirlsDVD HIS FLY
- Hell and Back AgainDVD HIS HEL
- Historical Icons: Henry FordDVD HIS FOR
- History Connections Colonial America, DisneyDVD HIS HIS
- Honor Flight: One Last MissionDVD HIS HON
- Force More Powerful, A DVD HIS FOR
- Founding Brothers 2PKDVD HIS FOU
- Founding FathersDVD HIS FOU
- Historical Icons: Benjamin FranklinDVD HIS FRA
- Freedom: A History of US: Fighting for Freedom DVD HIS FRE
- Founding of America DVD HIS FOU
- Fun Facts and Little Known Facts of American History DVD HIS FUN
- Fun Facts of American HistoryDVD HIS FUN
- Getting Ahead: U.S. History 4PKDVD HIS GET
- Gettysburg: The Unknown Civil War SeriesDVD HIS GET
- Great Explorers 7PKDVD HIS GRE
- American Heritage Series, The 10PKDVD HIS HER
- History of the U.S. Constitution, A 4PKDVD HIS HIS
- Historical Icons: Famous Irish-AmericansDVD HIS HIS
- Historical Icons: Great Women in American History DVD HIS HIS
- Horatio’s Drive: America’s First Road Trip DVD HIS HOR
- How the States Got Their Shapes DVD HIS HOW
- Independence Day: The History of July 4thDVD HIS IND
- International Terrorism: The Global War on TerrorDVD HIS INT
- Inventions That Changed Our LivesDVD HIS INV
- Iraq for Sale: The War ProfiteersDVD HIS IRA
- Jefferson Davis: An American PresidentDVD HIS JEF
- Historical Icons: Helen KellerDVD HIS KEL
- Ken Burns: Civil War, The. DVD HIS KEN
- Korean War, TheDVD HIS KOR
- Historical Icons: Edward KennedyDVD HIS KEN
- Historical Icons: Martin Luther King Jr.DVD HIS KIN
- King: Man of Peace in a Time of WarDVD HIS KIN
- Korean War Stories DVD HIS KOR
- Last Days of the Civil War, The 2PKDVD HIS LAS
- Lee & Grant: Generals of the Civil War 2PKDVD HIS LEE
- Liberty! The American RevolutionDVD HIS LIB
- Magnificent Voyage of the Christopher Columbus, The DVD HIS MAG
- March on! DVD HIS MAR
- March, The DVD HIS MAR
- Men Who Built America, TheDVD HIS MEN
- More Perfect Union, A: America Becomes a NationDVD HIS MOR
- Muhammad Ali: Made in MiamiDVD HIS MUH
- National Parks: America’s Best Idea, TheDVD HIS NAT
- New York: A Special Presentation of American Experience 8PKDVD HIS NEW
- One Woman, One VoteDVD HIS ONE
- Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, The DVD HIS SEV
- Star-Spangled Banner, The DVD HIS STA
- States, The DVD HIS STA
- Paul Revere: The Midnight RiderDVD HIS PAU
- Pearl Harbor 2PKDVD HIS PEA
- Pocahontas RevealedDVD HIS POC
- Real George WashingtonDVD HIS REA
- RestrepoDVD HIS RES
- Secrets of the Civil War: The Stories of Lost Battles and Covert Missions Finally Revealed 2PK DVD HIS SEC
100.Slavery and the Making of America 4PKDVD HIS SLA
101.Steve Jobs: One last thingDVD HIS STE
102.Stonewall UprisingDVD HIS STO
103.America: The Story of UsDVD HIS STO
104.Top Secret RosiesDVD HIS TOP
105.Trail of Tears <눈물의흔적DVD HIS TRA
106.Triangle FireDVD HIS TRI
107.True Whispers DVD HIS TRU
108.Ultimate Civil War Series, The: 150th Anniversary EditionDVD HIS ULT
109.United States History: A Nation Divided the American Civil WarDVD HIS UNI
110.United States History: Democracy in AmericaDVD HIS UNI
111. United States History: History and Functions 8 Program SeriesDVD HIS UNI
112.United States History: History and Functions of CongressDVD HIS UNI
113.United States History: History and the Functions of the Secretary of State DVD HIS UNI
114.United States History: Industrial RevolutionDVD HIS UNI
115.United States History: Legends of the Wild Wild WestDVD HIS UNI
116.United States History: Lewis & Clark ExpeditionDVD HIS UNI
117.United States History: Mount RushmoreDVD HIS UNI
118.United States History: Our Founding FathersDVD HIS UNI
119.United States History: Pearl HarborDVD HIS UNI
120.United States History: Reconstruction of the United StatesDVD HIS UNI
121.United States History: Westward ExpansionDVD HIS UNI
122.United States History: Statue of LibertyDVD HIS STA
123.United States History: The American DreamDVD HIS UNI
124.United States History: The American RevolutionDVD HIS UNI
125.War, The: A Ken Burns FilmDVD HIS WAR
126.War Memorials, The DVD HIS WAR
127.West, The DVD HIS WES
128.West Point DVD HIS WES
129.Why We FightDVD HIS WHY
130.Wild West, Volume. 1 6PKDVD HIS WIL
131.Wings of Glory: The Air Force Story 3PK DVD HIS WIN
132.World Trade Center in Memoriam 3PKDVD HIS WOR
133.World War I in Color3PKDVD HIS WOR
134.Wright Stuff, TheDVD HIS WRI
135.Wyatt EarpDVD HIS WYA
136.10 Days That Unexpectedly Changed America DVD HIS 10
137.18th Century Turning Points in U.S. History4PKDVD HIS 18TH
138.19th Century Turning Points in U.S. History 4PKDVD HIS 19TH
139.Twentieth Century: Turning Points in the U.S. History 4PKDVD HIS 20TH
140.50 Great Years in American &American Military HistoryDVD HIS 50
Title: Air Power 3PK
Running Time: 360 minutes
Narrated by veteran journalist Walter Cronkite, this riveting documentary on World War II air combat features rare 1940s film footage, including CBS photography and captured enemy films. Relive the spectacular Battle of Britain, the D-Day invasion of Normandy, and the infamous Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Episodes: "The Nazi War Machine," "Allied Victory," "Japanese Combat" and "Victory from the Sky."
2차대전중에있었던공중전을박진감있게보여주는본다큐멘터리에는CBS 사진자료와전쟁포로필름등보기드문1940년대자료화면이담겨있으며, 노련한방송인월터크론카이트(Walter Cronkite) 가내레이션을맡았다. 숨막히는영국전투, 노르망디상륙작전개시, 악명높은일본의진주만기습을생생하게재현하였다. ‘나치의전투장비’, ‘연합군의승리’, ‘일본전투’, ‘창공에서얻은승리’의네가지에피소드로구성되어있다. [back to list]
Title: A Life: The Story of Lady Bird JohnsonRunning Time: 57 minutes
The story of one of America's most remarkable First Ladies, and her lasting legacy to the nation is celebrated in this film profiling the life of Lady Bird Johnson. Lady Bird, who filled the role of the nation's First Lady from 1963 until 1968, continues to make her mark on America.
가장 뛰어난First Ladies 중의 한명인Lady Bird Johnson의 이야기다. Lady Bird는 1963년부터 1968년에 미국의First Lady를 지냈는데, 그녀가 나라에 남긴 유산은 이 영화를 통해 기념되어진다.[back to list]
Title: Amelia Earhart: Queen of the Air
Running Time: 50 minutes
A&E's Biography chronicles the amazing life and mysterious disappearance of the world's most famous female aviator.
아멜리아의 놀라운 인생의 전기와, 세계에서 가장유명한 여자비행사의 의문스러운 실종에 대한 내용을 다룬다.[back to list]
Title: America at War
Running Time: 2,241 minutes on 14 discs
America at War presents twenty-five documentaries from The History Channel, charting U.S. military conflict over two centuries. This fourteen disc set explores key moments of the American Revolution, the Alamo, the Civil War, World Wars I and II, as well as the conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, and Iraq.
*VOLUMES 1-4: THE REVOLUTION (Episodes 1-13: Boston, Bloody Boston / Rebellion to Revolution / Declaring Independence / American Crisis / Path to World War / Forging an Army / Treason and Betrayal / The War Heads South / A Hornet’s Nest / The End Game / Becoming a Nation / Road to the Presidency / A President and His Revolution
*VOLUME 5: THE ALAMO: Remember the Alamo / The Real West: The Battle of the Alamo
*VOLUME 6: THE CIVIL WAR: Civil War Combat - The Hornet’s Nest at Shiloh / The Bloody Lane at Antietem / The Wheatfield at Gettysburg / The Tragedy at Cold Harbor
*VOLUME 7: WORLD WAR I: The Death of Glory / The Last Day of World War I
*VOLUMES 8-9: WORLD WAR II: The Last Days of World War II / USS Eagle 56: Accident or Target? / Last Secrets of the Axis
*VOLUME 10: THE KOREAN WAR: Making of a Bloodbath / Triumph to Tragedy / Retreat From Hell / Bitter Standoff
*VOLUME 11: THE VIETNAM WAR: Vietnam: On The Frontlines 1-4 - America Enters the War / Tet in Saigon and Hue / Ringing Down the Curtain / The End Game
*VOLUME 12: THE GULF WAR: The Air Campaign / The Ground War / The Final Showdown / Bonus program - Weapons at War: Smart Bombs
*VOLUMES 13-14: The Iraq War: The Fall of Saddam - Invasion / Tough Going / Baghdad’s Doorstep/ Fall of Saddam / Aftermath / Bonus programs - Eyewitness in Iraq; U.S. Weapons Against Iraq; Iraq War: Insurgency and Counterinsurgency
미군의20년동안의갈등을 히스토리채널에서나오는스물다섯편의다큐멘터리를통해보여준다. 또한미국혁명, 알라모, 남북전쟁, 세계1,2차대전과한국, 베트남, 페르시안걸프와이라크에서의갈등을보여준다. [back to list]
Title: America’s Documents of Freedom 1215 to 1920
Running Time: 30 minutes per program (11 programs in total)
This extensive series examines the historical documents that changed and shaped American history. Each 30-minute program examines an era of American history, including the political, social, and economic factors that contributed to the creation of each document. This unique series enhances the study of American history through World War I.
미국역사에변화를불러오고역사적문서를살펴봄으로써미국역사에대한이해도를높인다. 각프로그램은미국역사의한시기를맡아서정치, 사회, 경제적요소들이이문서의탄생에어떻게기여했는가를연구한다. [back to list]
Title: American Experience, The: Return with Honor
Running Time: 120 minutes
RETURN WITH HONOR, a film by Academy Award-winning filmmakers Freida Lee Mock and Terry Sanders tells the powerful and moving story of American pilots shot down over North Vietnam and the challenge to survive with honor as POW's for up to eight and a half years. The film is a testament to heroism, courage, ingenuity, faith, endurance and brotherhood under extreme duress.
아카데미상을수상한바있는영화제작자프리다리모크(Freida Lee Mock)와테리샌더스(Terry Sanders)의영화‘명예로운귀환(Return with Honor)’은베트남북부에서총격을받아추락한미국인조종사들이8년반동안전쟁포로로서명예롭게살아남기위해노력한이야기를설득력있게감동적으로그려내고있다. 이영화는영웅주의, 용기, 창의정신, 신념, 인내, 극한적상황에서의동지애가무엇인지를잘보여준다. [back to list]
Title: American Experience: Ulysses S. Grant
Running Time: 240 minutes
This multi-hour biography of Ulysses S. Grant paints a nuanced portrait of one of America's most paradoxical leaders. The greatest hero of the Civil War, Grant was a brilliant military strategist who rose from obscurity to a rank held previously only by George Washington. However, the strength of the Confederate resistance forced Grant into a hard war that destroyed the South and led to his being labeled a "butcher."
수시간동안진행되는본드라마는미국의가장역설적지도자중한명인율리시즈S. 그랜트(Ulysses S. Grant) 장군의일대기를다루고있다. 남북전쟁당시최고의영웅이었던그랜트장군은무명에서시작하여조지워싱턴외에는아무도차지한적이없었던계급까지올라간뛰어난군사전략가였다. 그러나남부연합의저항세력으로힘든전쟁을치룬결과, 남부는파멸하고그랜트장군은‘도살자’로낙인찍히게되었다. [back to list]
Title: American Experience, The: War Letters
Running Time: 60 minutes
Based on newly discovered personal correspondence from the "Revolutionary War to the Gulf War, War Letters" brings to life vivid eyewitness accounts of famous battles, intimate declarations of love and longing, poignant letters penned just before the sender was killed and heartbreaking "Dear John" letters from home. The program was inspired by "War Letters: Extraordinary Correspondence From American Wars," edited by Andrew Carroll.
미국독립전쟁에서걸프전에이르는여러전쟁에서보내졌던, 최근에새로발견된개인서신에기초를두고만들어진프로그램‘전쟁서신(War Letters)’은생생하고사실적인전쟁묘사, 은밀한사랑과그리움의고백, 편지발신인이살해되기직전에쓰여진신랄한편지, 가슴을저미는가족의편지‘사랑하는존에게(Dear John)’ 등을담고있다. 본프로그램은앤드류캐롤(Andrew Carroll)이편집한‘전쟁서신: 미국전쟁에서쓰여진특별한편지(War Letters: Extraordinary Correspondence From American Wars)’라는프로그램으로부터영감을받아제작되었다. [back to list]
Title: American Experience, The: Bataan Rescue: Death March and Rescue
Running Time: 60 minutes
Contrast the rules of war--and the treatment of American POWs--between World War II and today. With chilling testimony from both captive and liberator, Bataan: Death March and Rescue depicts the saga of thousands of Allied soldiers who faced death capture on the Bataan peninsula in 1941. Only 500 prisoners in the Cabanatuan camp lived to be rescued.
2차대전당시와현재의전쟁법및미국포로대우를비교해볼수있는프로그램. 포로와포로해방자의오싹한증언을담은프로그램‘바탄, 죽음의행진과구원(Bataan: Death March and Rescue)’은1941년바탄반도에포로로붙잡혀죽음과싸워야했던수천명연합군병사들의무용담을들려준다. 카바나투안(Cabanatuan) 포로수용소에수감되었던포로중500명만이살아남아구조되었다. [back to list]
Title: Appalachia
Running Time: 220 minutes
The first environmental history series ever made for PBS is narrated by Academy Award winning actress Sissy Spacek and features an all-star cast including the novelist Barbara Kingsolver and Pulitzer Prize winning biologist, E. O. Wilson. Home to the oldest mountains on the planet and the richest forests in North America, APPALACHIA tells the story of a people struggling to find a true and proper relationship to the natural world.
지구와북미에서가장부유한숲에서가장오래된산들의보금자리, 애팔래치아는자연세계에대한진실과올바른관계를찾기위해고군분투하는사람들의이야기를알려준다.[back to list]
Title: American Experience, The: Marcus Garvey: Look for me in the whirlwinds
Running Time: 90 minutes
Visionary yet enigmatic, brilliant yet manipulative, Marcus Garvey is one of the most controversial figures in American history. Both a powerful orator and a pompous autocrat, Garvey inspired the loyalty of millions of African Americans while infuriating many black leaders. He was a strong advocate of black self-help, yet was willing to collaborate with the Ku Klux Klan.
몽상적이면서도신비스럽고명석하면서수완좋은마커스가베이(Marcus Garvey)는미국역사상가장큰논쟁을불러일으킨인물중하나이다. 설득력있는웅변가이자뽐내는독재자이기도한가베이는수백만미국흑인에게충성심을불러일으킨동시에많은흑인지도자들을분노케한장본인이었다. 흑인의자립을강력하게주장하면서도큐클럭스클랜(Ku Klux Klan)에기꺼이협력하였다.[back to list]
Title: American Experience, The: Chicago: City of the Century 4PK
Running Time: 270 minutes
Take a swampy, remote outpost of fur traders and Native Americans and you would be hard pressed to see it as the kernel of one of America's greatest cities. Yet that is how Chicago got its start. Chicago: City of the Century chronicles the innovation, ingenuity, determination, and ruthlessness that transformed a wasteland into the quintessential 19th century metropolis.
가죽장수와인디언이거주하는변경의습지대를보면그곳이미국최고의대도시중하나라고는믿기어려울것이다. 그러나바로그곳에서현재의시카고가탄생했다. 벌거숭이황무지를19세기를대표하는대도시로탈바꿈시킨혁신, 발명, 집념, 무자비의역사가바로이19세기의도시를통해그려진다. [back to list]
Title: American Revolution, The 5PK
Running Time: 500 minutes on 5 tapes
Revisit the birth of a nation in this definitive look at America's fight for independence and rise to glory. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION features 10 powerful documentaries totaling over 8 hours of essential programming available together for the first time. From the Declaration of Independence to the Treaty of Paris, these are the stories and events surrounding the remarkable achievements of heroic individuals seized by the epic forces of history.
독립과영광을향한미국의투쟁을그린본다큐멘터리를통해국가의탄생을지켜볼수있다. 대략8시간에걸친10편의강렬한다큐멘터리가담겨있는‘미국독립혁명(THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION)’은최초로핵심프로그램을함께구성한것이다. 미국독립선언(Declaration of Independence)에서파리조약(Treaty of Paris)에이르기까지, 위대한역사적사명감에젖은영웅들의훌륭한업적을둘러싼각종이야기와사건을보여준다. [back to list]
Title: American West, TheRunning Time: 1,924 minutes on 8 discs Item No: DVD HIS AME ****************************************
From the aboriginal Native Americans to the legendary outlaws of the frontier, this comprehensive overview of America s pioneers explores the truths, the myths
미국의 원주민들 부터 시작해서 미국의 개척자들과 그들의 일화와 진실을 담고 있는 시리즈물이다. [back to list]
Title: America on the Move 1876-2000
Running Time: 90 minutes
It is impossible to underestimate the pivotal role transportation has played in the growth of the nation. From horse-and-buggy to railroad to automobile to the miracle of almost instantaneous communications, the Smithsonian Institute and A&E present AMERICA ON THE MOVE--two complete documentaries that cover over a century of invention and innovation.
변화가미국의성장에있어서수행한역할은절대과소평가할수없다. 스미스소니언협회(Smithsonian Institute)와A&E가공동으로선보이는‘변화하는미국(AMERICA ON THE MOVE)’은마차부터철도, 자동차, 준즉시통신의기적을아우른다. 본DVD를구성하는두편의다큐멘터리는한세기가넘는발명과혁신의역사를다룬다. [back to list]
Title: Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, The
Running Time: 110 minutes
This highly acclaimed drama, based on the epic novel by Ernest J. Gaines, eloquently covers the story of the Black Experience - from the Civil War to the civil rights movement - all told from the memories of a fictional 110-year-old slave played by Cicely Tyson. Ms. Tyson's tour-de-force performance, her most memorable, earned her an Emmy. All total this incredible made-for-TV film earned nine Emmys, including one for director Korty and one for Tracy Keenan Wynn's intelligent script.
어니스트J. 게인스의서사소설을바탕으로제작된본영화는남북전쟁에서민권운동에이르기까지미국흑인들의경험을설득력있게다룬다. [back to list]
Title: Battle History of the United States MilitaryRunning Time: 766 minutes on 5 discs
HISTORY CLASSICS: THE BATTLE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES MILITARY trumpets the myriad strengths of one of the world’s greatest military powers and marches through America’s military development from its earliest Coast Guard days to the technological wonders of the Gulf War.This DVD is a full-scale, full-dress salute to the men and women who give and have given to America’s fight for freedom.
HISTORY CLASSICS: THE BATTLE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES MILITARY는 세계에서 가장 강력한 군사력을 가지고 있는 미군의 무수한 힘을 크게 알리고, 초기의 연안 경비대 시절에서부터 과학적으로 진보된 걸프전의 놀라운 광경 까지의 비약적인 발전을 가진 미국 군사력의 발전을 보여준다. 또한 이 DVD는 자유를 향한 미국의 몸부림을 위해 과거부터 지금까지 고군분투 하고있는 모든 사람들에게 완전하고도 철저한 경의를 표하고 있다.[back to list]
Title: Battles Not Forgotten: Military U.S. Heritage Korea
Running Time: 350minutes on 4 discs Item No: DVD HIS BAT ****************************************
This is Korea with rare color footage of air and ground attacks Featuring footage of President Truman on the post-war state of South Korea.
한국전쟁 당시를 칼라로 하여 전쟁장면들을 사실적으로 보여준다. 한국전쟁 전후 트루맨 대통령을 모습도 보여준다.[back to list]
Title: Benjamin Latrobe: America’s First Architect
Running Time: 60 minutes
Follows the life and work of America's first architect, who set the style for the new nation and created some of its most important buildings, including the United States Capitol.
미국 최초의 건축가인 Benjamin Latrobe인생과 직업에 대해 다룬다[back to list]
Title: Best of the Real West, The