
Question 1 (9 marks)

For each point, 1 mark for the basic idea and 2 marks for specifics. Some possible points drawn from textbook p.p. 439-440 (only three are to be marked):

1.Segregate duties – the employee and I would have to separate the record keeping and physical movement of inventory

2.Insurance – protect the value of the inventory in case of disaster

3.Perpetual inventory control – some sort of record of inventory items that will track quantities that should be on hand

4.Manage the company properly – have good records, set a good example for the employee, keep on top of things

5.Pay the employee fairly and motivate them to do a good job so that they are not tempted to take advantage of my absences

6.Physically protect inventory items to prevent/reduce pilferage 9

Question 2 (14 marks)

Claus Inc. / Cost Method / Equity Method
Total investment income / 49,088
=196,352 x 25%
1 mark, 1 mark / 62,571
=251,004 x 25%
1 mark, 1 mark
Balance of investment asset account / 756,900
1 mark, 0 if anything else / 202,888
=756900+25% x 251,004 -25% x 196352
=1 mark, 1 mark, 1 mark
Cash (used in)/provided by operating activities / 49,088
=1 mark / 49,088
=1 mark
Cash (used in)/provided by investing activities / -756,900
=1 mark / -756,900
=1 mark
Cash (used in)/provided by financing activities / 0
=1 mark / 0
=1 mark

Question 3 (5 marks)

(1)no difference between the two – 2 marks for saying “none”, 0 for anything else

(2)share price halves – the market realizes that there has been no fundamental change in the firm, there’s just twice as many shares/ or market reacts (up or down) as they perceive some information being conveyed by the stock split

-1 mark for stating the reaction (up/down/none)

-2 marks for describing why that is the expected reaction (give 1 here if the explanation is not clear)

Question 4 (15 marks)

a.No effect (all or nothing) 2

b.No effect (all or nothing) 2

c.$12,000 x (1 - .40) = $7,200 increase

1 1 1 (1- for any calculation error) 3

d.$240,000 - $11,000 = $229,000 decrease

1 1 1 (-1 for any calculation error) 3

e.$62,000 x (1 - .40) = $37,200 decrease 2 marks for calc (-1 if W/O), 1 for direction

1 1 1 (-1 for any calculation error) 3

f.No effect (all or nothing) 2


Question 5 (14 marks)

(a)Net income goes down ($138,000-$85,000) x (1 - .40) = $31,800 3

(b)RE at end of year goes down ($2,210,000-$1,780,000) x (1 - .40) + answer (a)

= $258,000 + $31,800 = $289,800 4

(c)Cash flow from operations is not affected 2

(d)Working capital at the end of the year is not affected 2

(e)Could answer:

Share price would go down because the increased liability/costs reduce income

OR Share price would not change – it would fall when the new law was passed either 3


Question 6 (12 marks)

a.i. FIFO COGS = 650 x $4.00 +50 x $4.00 + 150 x $4.50 + 50 x $5.00

= 2600 + 200 + 675 + 250 = $3725

Marks: 1 1 1 1 1 5

(Alternative approach: total available cost = 700x$4.00 + 150 X $4.50 +

550 x $5.00 = $6225. FIFO ending inventory = 500 x $5.00 = $2500.

COGS = $6225 - $2500 = $3725.)

ii. Avge after 1st purchase = (700 x $4.00 + 150 x $4.50) / (700+150) =$4.088

Avge after 2nd purchase = (200 x $4.088 + 550 x $5.00) / (200+550) =$4.757

Ending inventory cost = 500 x $4.757 = $2378.43

Marks: 2 for 1st avge, 2 for second, 1 for multiplying second by 500 units 5

b.See middle of textbook p. 589.

One absent expense is income tax 1

Reason: Income tax is a personal obligation of the proprietor (owner) not the business 2

Another absent expense is owner’s (proprietor’s) salary/wages 1

Reason: Payments to the proprietor are considered a distribution of income

Or Payments to owner/proprietor for salary/wages can’t be distinguished from

withdrawals of income by the owner/proprietor 2


Question 7 (20 marks)

1 mark for each correct answer. Assumptions read only if answer is incorrect.


(a)downdownzerozerodown 5

(b)zerodownzerozerodown 5

(c)upupupno effectno effect 5

(d)upupupno effectno effect 5


Question 8 (16 marks)

For each part, 2 marks for the “for” and 2 for the “against.” Vague or unclear answers should get only 1 mark. Following are illustrative points, two for most items even though only one is required, but other valid points also could be made.

a.For:leasing is like buying

properly shows assets employed by business 2

Against:leasing is like renting

No legal ownership 2

b.For:Make sure information is correct, more useful if correct

could be sued if we release wrong information 2

Against:timely information is important

Financial statements are never correct, always estimates etc 2

c.For:Conservatism – if a loss has been incurred, recognize it now

Provides useful information about recent events 2

Against:No legal liability therefore may confuse investors/users

May indicate actual liability to other legal parties 2

d.c.For: Conservatism – if a loss has been incurred, recognize it now

Gets a relevant value for the amount of resources available in next year 2

Against:Recognizing potential losses but never gains hurts present investors

The market value decline is hypothetical and may be reversed 2


Question 9 (11 marks)

Asset #1:

CrCapital assets/PPE etc1,245,7001 mark

DrAccm Amort500,8001 mark

DrAccounts receivable900,0001 mark

CrGain on equipment damage155,1001 mark

Asset #2:

CrCapital assets/PPE etc386,5401 mark

DrAccm Amort386,5401 mark

Asset #3:

CrCapital assets/PPE etc360,0001 mark

DrLoss on equipment damage360,0001 mark

Inventory – Sleighs in progress

Cr Inventory/WIP168,0001 mark

DrAccounts receivable84,0001 mark

DrLoss on fire damage84,0001 mark

11 marks

Preliminary marking guide, Accounting 311 Fall 2004 A1 final exam, page 1