Non-Exempt Teaching as an Adjunct Faculty

This form serves as a notification tool and demonstrates how a Non-Exempt employee will modify their work schedule to meet their hours of accountability if the teaching assignment conflicts with their regular work week. It will also provide their supervisor and the Human Resources Office with notification. This initiative assists the college with ensuring compliance and provides departments with opportunities to meet the needs of the college and our students.

  • Prior to accepting a day or evening adjunct faculty assignment, theSupervisor and President must support and approve the assignment. A signature from the Supervisor and President demonstrates approval of the day or evening teaching assignment and alternative work schedule.
  • The maximum teaching load is two (2) classes not to exceed six (6)load hours per term (fall, spring and summer). Classes taught during the winter intersession will be included in the total load for the spring.
  • Non-Exemptemployees are required to work 40 hours within their regular work week. A work week runs Saturday thru Friday.
  • If the teaching assignment is during the day, this form documents how the employee will modify their schedule to accommodate their day time teaching assignment by creating an alternative schedule to meet their regular work week.
  • This additional assignment will not affect the ability to meet the responsibilities of the employee’s full-time position at Mesa Community College.
  • To be in compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act, an “overtime rate” will be utilized for each course taught. This will be initiated by the Human Resource Department at Mesa Community College and this form will act as the notification. The department hiring a non-exempt employee to teach will assume the overtime cost as well as the cost of the teaching assignment.

Teaching Assignments - Employees may accept an instructional teaching assignment and will be paid at the Adjunct and Residential Faculty load rate if:

A. The employee is qualified to teach in the instructional discipline as determined by MCCCD policy.

B. The employee receives written approval from the employee’s supervisor should the teaching assignment take place during the employee’s normal working hours, which includes a documented plan for fulfilling required hours and any special circumstances related to the employee’s primary responsibilities with MCCCD, including travel time if required.

C. The employee receives written approval from the employee’s College President.

Exceptions to this teaching load limit may be granted under special circumstances upon the recommendation of the involved Division/Department Chair(s) and Deans(s)/Vice-President(s), and the approval of the involved College President(s).

Employee will modify schedule to accommodate teaching the following class/es:

Prefix & Number / Section No / Days / Times / Dates
Work Schedule Modification / Days / Times / Must Equal 40 Hours/Week / Dates

This form must be completed every semester that an additional teaching assignment is assigned to a Non-ExemptEmployee and must be submitted to the Human Resources Office to be placed in their Adjunct Faculty personnel file.


Employee Name SignatureDate
Supervisor NameSignatureDate
APPROVED BY: (required)

College President/Vice President/DesigneeSignatureDate

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