《The Bible Study New Testament–Hebrews》(Rhoderick D. Ice)


Rhoderick D. Ice is a native of Kentucky, born there while his father was teaching school in Whitehouse, Johnson County, Kentucky. Mr. Ice married Orma JoAnne Mayer while still in college (deceased); then Gwendolyn McCray of Parkersburg, WV.

He began preaching in 1948, while a student at Kentucky Christian University (formerly Kentucky Christian College). Most of his ministry has been in central and south-eastern Ohio. He has done a specialized work with "old congregations," working to build lines of communication between the church and the community.

He is a student of the Restoration Movement and has gathered a library of some 500 books, many of which are from the "golden age" of the movement. He has done extensive writing in certain of the "brotherhood papers," beginning in 1959.

00 Introduction


The key word of this Letter is GREATER! TO prevent some from turning away from Christ and returning to the Law of Moses, the writer of this Letter shows: (1) The Son is greater than the prophets! (2) The Son is greater than the angels! (3) The Son is greater than Moses! (4) The Son is a greater High Priest than Aaron, because He is in the priestly order of Melchizedek! (5) The New Covenant is greater than the Old Covenant! It demands more and promises more! (6) If you turn away from the Song of Solomon, you have NOWHERE to go! To abandon Christ is to abandon God!!!

The Jewish leaders tried to discredit both the Messiahship and Divine Sonship of Jesus of Nazareth. The excuse they gave for this was: (1) He was a Prayer of Manasseh,a mere human being; (2) He had no earthly kingdom (which they expected the Messiah to have), and he was put to death; (3) He became a man by being born a helpless baby. They seemed to think the Messiah would suddenly appear - full grown (compare John 7:27and note); (4) Because he was tempted and suffered, just as we all do. Hebrews answers these questions, and should forever take away the "offensiveness of the Cross!"

The only question about this Letter is: "Who wrote it???" Did Paul write it? Probably, but no one can know for sure. It is not signed, as Paul's letters were. Origen wrote in the early part of the Third Century: "If I gave my opinion, I should say that the thoughts are those of the Apostle, but the phrasing and composition are those of some one who remembered what the teacher had said. If then any church holds this Epistle [Letter] to be Paul's, let it be commended for this. For not without reason have our predecessors handed it down as Paul's. But who wrote the Epistle, in truth God knows. The account that has reached us Isaiah, that some say it was written by Clement who became bishop of the Romans, while others ascribe it to Luke, the author of the Gospel and Acts." This whole question of the authorship is examined in great detail in the Expositor's Greek Testament.

When was it written??? From Hebrews 10:1-2we infer that the Temple was still standing and the sacrifices of the Law were still being offered. R. Milligan thinks Paul wrote it during the first imprisonment at Rome. Ramsay gives 62 A.D. as the year of Paul's release, so it would be around that time. Hebrews 13:23seems to verify both that date and the authorship of Paul.

01 Chapter 1

Verse 1

In the past God spoke. God did not disclose his will to the ancients all at once, but in "bits and pieces," With only a few exceptions (such as Melchizedek, Balaam, and Job), God spoke only to the prophets of the Jewish Nation. One part of God's will was to be learned from one prophet, another part would come through a different one. Over 1,500 years passed, from Moses to Christ. The Old Testament was not complete until the last word of Malachi was written.

Verse 2

But in these last days. Peter identifies the last days as beginning on Pentecost (Acts 2:16-17). He has spoken. The importance of the message is shown by the Messenger! Not a prophet, but the Son of God! Paul says this to show us that the Good News, spoken all at once through Christ (and his apostles, John 14:26), was complete and no additions would ever be made to it. Compare what Paul says in Galatians 1:6-9. [The New Testament records in permanent form the Good News which came through Christ.] Through whom God created. Compare John 1:3; Colossians 1:15-20. The universe. See Hebrews 1:10; Hebrews 11:3. Whom God has chosen. This must be understood in view of 1 Corinthians 15:24-28.

Verse 3

With the brightness. SeeJohn 1:14; Matthew 17:1-9. The exact likeness. See 1 John 1:1-4. And sustains the universe. As Creator, Christ spoke the universe into existence, and all things (Colossians 1:17)have their proper place in union with him, as he sustains them with the same powerful word by which he created them. Made men clean. By his bloody death. Compare 2 Corinthians 5:14-21; 1 Peter 2:24; 1 Corinthians 15:3; Galatians 2:20. He sat down in heaven. See Ephesians 1:20-21. The right side is the place of special honor. Jesus sitting down at God's right side is mentioned five times in this Letter, because it presupposes the raising of Christ from death, and is a clear proof that Jesus is the divine Son of God!

Verse 4

Was made greater. The Jews were very proud of the Law of Moses, because it has been given through angels (Deuteronomy 33:2; Acts 7:53; Galatians 3:19; Hebrews 2:2). Some said Jesus was himself an angel and had no real human nature (compare 1 John 4:2-3). That God gave him. The name Son was not his until God gave it to him by the Incarnation (Hebrews 10:5; John 1:14). This is inheritance in the sense of his Messianic Sonship. The Old Testament is a witness of the fact of his Sonship.

Verse 5

Never said to. "God does not use this language to angels, but He does say this to the Son!" [God became the FATHER of Christ in the miraculous act of generation which took place prior to the Virgin Birth. See Luke 1:35.]The first quotation is from Psalm 2:7; the second is from 2 Samuel 7:14. His Sonship is proved by his raising from death! See Romans 1:4; Acts 13:32-33. In fact, the birth of Christ would be no more "greater than the angels" than the creation of Adam, were it not for the Resurrection! The whole FACT of the Messiahship stands or falls with the Resurrection (as Paul shows in 1 Corinthians 15:12-20). [See also notes on 1 John 5:6.]

Verse 6

When God was about to send. Chrysostom, Calvin, Bengel, Bruce, et. al, think this refers to the time when Jesus was born at Bethlehem. MacKnight thinks this refers to the Second Coming. Whatever time, it shows that Christ is superior to the angels, since they must worship him! A footnote on the NIV says this quotation is found: "Deuteronomy 32:43(Septuagint, Dead Sea Scrolls); Psalm 97:7."

Verse 7

About the angels. The quotation is from Psalm 104:4Septuagint. The Expositor's Greek Testament says: "The writer accepts the LXX translation and it serves his purpose of exhibiting that the characteristic function of angels is service, and that their form and appearance depend upon the will of God."

Verse 8

About the Song of Solomon, however. The quotation is from Psalm 45:6-7. Remember that one of the gifts from the Spirit which every apostle had, was inspired understanding of the Old Testament Scriptures. Your throne, O God. The angels are servants; the Son has an eternal throne!!! Notice the Son is here called God. Compare what Jesus said in John 8:24. You rule. The whole point is that the Son is a Divine King with an eternal throne. See 1 Corinthians 15:25-28and notes.

Verse 9

You love the right. His choosing is said here to be the result of his good qualities which equip him to rule as God's representative. The whole quotation should be taken as a general statement of Christ being supreme over all!!!

Verse 10

He also said. This is from Psalm 102:25-27. Created the earth. See Hebrews 1:2and notes. This is to prove that angels had nothing to do with Creation. It also proves that the evil god (Satan) had nothing to do with Creation. See notes on 1 Timothy 4:4.

Verse 11

But you will remain. "Although the material creation seems so SOLID yet it will disappear, but You will still be there!!!"

Verse 12

You will fold them up. Earth and sky will be folded like a coat. See 2 Peter 3:10-13. But you are always the same. The Son is eternal. He was always with the Father, He will always be with the Father. The Son (as the Logos) is UNCREATE! Not so the angels, who are a type of Creation.

Verse 13

God never did say. None of the angels are given authority to rule the earth. Angels are servants (Hebrews 1:4). Sit here at my right side. This is quoted from Psalm 110:1. What God never did say to any of his angels, He did say to the Son. The right side is the place of honor.Until I put.See Acts 2:35; 1 Corinthians 15:25-28and notes.

Verse 14

What are angels, men? "Rather than ruling as kings over this Universe, angels are spirits who serve God, and are sent to help those who are to receive eternal life." Note the contrast: Christ rules; angels serve. MacKnight says: "The apostle does not say minister to, but for them, etc. The angels are ministers [servants] who belong to Christ, not to men, though employed by him for the benefit of men. Therefore this passage affords no ground for believing that every heir of salvation has a guardian angel assigned to him. Of the ministry of angels for the benefit of the heirs of salvation, we have many examples, both in the Old and in the New Testament."

02 Chapter 2

Verse 1

That is why. Because God speaks to us through his Son. We must hold on. "We must seize the Truth spoken through the Song of Solomon, and firmly hold on to it!" So that. The symbolism is a swiftly flowing flood. In our boat, we must make some effort to row against the flood to keep from being swept away by it.

Verse 2

The message given by angels. This is the Law of Moses. See note on Hebrews 1:4. Those who did things which the Law prohibited, or who failed to do all that the Law commanded, were severely punished!

Verse 3

How, then, shall we escape? "Christ is greater than the angels; and this means the Good News is greater than the Law. If those who did not pay attention to the Law were punished severely, how can we expect to escape if we pay no attention to the message and salvation given through the Son?" The Lord himself. The Good News is the message spoken by Christ (seeJohn 14:26). See also Luke 9:31and notes. And those who heard him. Eyewitnesses (especially the apostles) verified the message of the Good News as they spread this throughout the world. (Colossians 1:23). Us = Christians in general. See 1 John 1:1-4.

Verse 4

God added his witness. The Law of Moses was authenticated by miracles (Hebrews 12:18-21). The gospel was equally authenticated by the miracles which went side by side with the preaching of Christ and his apostles. Compare Romans 15:18-19.

Verse 5

God did not. The TEV is clearer here. Christ created the earth (see Hebrews 1:10), and he did not create it for angels, but for mankind, as the next verse shows. Remember: Christ in his incarnation is the representative Prayer of Manasseh,the Second Adam. [Johnson sees in this the difference between the Jewish Age (which they called the present world)and the Christian Age (which the Jews called the world to come). See also Matthew 19:28and note.]

Verse 6

Instead. This is from Psalm 8:4-6Septuagint. What is man? MacKnight says this is Adam, who represents all mankind. Mere man = the son of man = all the descendants of that first man (so Mac-Knight says). On "Son of Man" as a messianic title, see notes on Luke 22:69-70. God's valuation of the worth of mankind is shown in Christ on the Cross!!!

Verse 7

For a little while. Mankind, in this world which is under the curse, is for a little while lower than the angels. Christ, in taking our human nature (Romans 8:3; Hebrews 10:5; Hebrews 2:14), became, like us, a little lower than the angels. But in his Resurrection, he became higher than the angels (Hebrews 2:9; Philippians 2:6-11). Lower than the angels. This is the way it reads in the Septuagint. The Hebrew says: "lower than God (Elohim)." You crowned him. This speaks of mankind, as the next verse shows. Compare Genesis 1:28.

Verse 8

Ruler over all things. This is the point of the quotation. All things (except God, 1 Corinthians 15:27)were placed under man's rule in Genesis 1:28. But we do not see our human race in control over all things now. Compare Genesis 3:16-19. In the Incarnation (John 1:14), Christ took our human limitations.

Verse 9

But we do see Jesus! The TEV correctly makes this the climax of the apostle's reasoning. The hope of mankind is not angels, but Jesus!!! He is the Second Adam who brings us life!!! See Romans 5:14-18. For alittle while. Jesus had to share our humanity to die for all men. Compare 1 Corinthians 15:22-23; Matthew 25:31-33. Every man and woman has the right to be put right with God through Christ (Revelation 22:17; John 6:45). We see him crowned. "We do not see man in control, but we do see Jesus crowned with glory and honor by his raising from death and his going up to heaven to sit at God's right side. His death is not a thing of disgrace, but rather the means of our being made the friends of God (Colossians 1:18-20 :1 Corinthians 1:23-24and notes)."

Verse 10

It was only right. "You should not be surprised that God would save man by means of the death of Christ." Should make Jesus perfect. Not perfectly holy, since he was already sinless. But perfectly prepared to be our Savior. The rest of this chapter explains this. For Jesus is the one. "In the guided tour of life, Jesus is the one who leads us to our destination, which is salvation and life eternal! Jesus is the Pioneer because he opened a new way through his body of flesh (Hebrews 10:20)."

Verse 11

He makes men pure. He makes men pure when they reach out through faith to seize his sacrifice and make themselves part of it. He continually is making men pure, on the basis of the one sacrifice which he made on the Cross. All have the same Father. Christians are twice-born (John 3:5 and note). Our New Birth makes us part of God's Family (Romans 8:15-17). That is why. "Christ does not act like a "doctor among lepers," but he calls men his brothers!!! Because of the Incarnation, He is one of us!!!"

Verse 12

As he says. This is from Psalm 22:22Septuagint. I will praise you. HUMNEO: to praise; to sing; to keep talking about. See noteonEphesians 5:19. The point is that Jesus is not ashamed to share humanity or humanness, and call men (including women) his brothers!

Verse 13

He also says. This quotes Isaiah 8:17. He shows his brotherhood with man as he speaks his trust in God. And he also says. This quotes Isaiah 8:18. This shows both that He was to come in human form, and that He makes himself the brother of the saved.

Verse 14

Jesus himself. As mankind are all people of flesh and blood, Jesus the Logos shared the human nature that we all have in common. He did so. He took flesh and blood, to destroy the Devil by means of his own death on the Cross. Destroy the devil by canceling his power. He did this through his raising from death. See John 10:17-18.

Verse 15

And so set free. In sharing death, the final horror which all must face, Christ completely shared the human experience. By raising from death he added a new dimension of hope. Not only does he make it possible for us to be forgiven our sin and be changed from the enemies of God into the friends of God, but he also is the GUARANTEE that we shall survive death!!! See 1 Corinthians 15:20.

Verse 16

It is not the angels. MacKnight understands this: "Moreover, by no means doth he take hold of the angels who sinned, to save them; but of those who are the seed of Abraham by faith he taketh hold, to deliver them from death, and to conduct them to heaven." The scripture says. "He helps the descendants of Abraham" is a quotation from Isaiah 41:8-9Septuagint.

Verse 17

This means. He had to share completely our human nature and experience. See Hebrews 4:15; Romans 8:3. Would be forgiven. See Hebrews 2:14. As High Priest, he offered the sacrifice of his own death so that the people's sins would be forgiven.

Verse 18

Because. Because he has experienced all these things himself, he is able to help those who are tempted. Compare Matthew 4:1-11and notes. Note that temptation itself is not sin, but it can lead into sin.