DATE: Saturday 1st October 2016

VENUE: Masterton Senior Citizens Hall

8 Cole Street, Masterton

JudgeMadeleine Gray

Show ManagerLinda Farrell

Show SecretaryJessica Hansen

Book StewardTBC

ENTRIES: Close 28th September 2016 and should be sent to:

Madeleine (Dylan) Gray

Phone: 021 619 774


Payment by internet banking can be arranged with Show Secretary

ENTRY FEES: Breed classes - Members$1.50

Breed Classes – Non Members$2.00

Duplicate classes$1.00

BENCHING FEE:Per Exhibitor/ Family$3.00

Payment is required with the entry form and no refunds will be given. Cheques to be made payable to ‘Central Districts Rabbit & Cavy Club’

Please use the separate schedule for our Pet Show



A.No deformed animals may be allowed at shows. Animals accepted at the discretion of the show committee.

B.No animals entered are to be under 12 weeks old and all are to be the exhibitor's property.

C.All rabbits entered in the show must be vetted in first.

D.Owners of long haired animals are permitted to groom prior to the show starting.

E.Any animal entered in the breed classes may not be entered in the Pet section and vice versa.

F.Animals can only be entered in the duplicate and novelty classes if they are first entered into the appropriate breed class.

G.Water must be available to exhibits at all time is a suitable dish or drink bottle

H.Hay/straw is not permitted in this venue

I.No exhibit is to be removed from the show until de-benching is announced unless under prior arrangements Show Manager.

J.Rabbits to be in a suitable top opening show cage - Cat cage or similar.

K.No rabbit will be accepted in a dirty cage - exhibitor will be asked to vacate premises and no refund will be given.

L.Offensive language will not be tolerated at the venue. Abuse of any show official will be reported to the show manager who has the right to remove the offending party and their animals. Anyone required to leave & will automatically forfeit any prizes, awards or ribbons awarded and may face further disciplinary action.

M.Children at the venue must be under the control of the parent/ guardian at all times. Any child causing a nuisance at the venue will result in the parent being asked to remove the child from the venue for the duration of the show. Any problems with the show must be brought up only with the show manager. Please do not approach the show secretary as she is very busy both during and after the show.

N.Exhibitors exhibiting polish or long haired exhibits may steward their own exhibits at their own wish. If there is thought to be any cheating the show manager and or show secretary has the right to remove the steward from there exhibit and appoint another Money must be paid with entry,

O.This is a non CC show, so no CCs are available.

P.Vetting in will begin at 8.30 and finish at 10am. Strictly no rabbits will be accepted for vetting in after 10am. Please arrive by 9.30am. Judging will begin promptly once penning is finished.

Unregistered Rabbits

All unregistered rabbits can be entered in the a. version of the breed classes. E.G. An Unregistered Adult Tann Pattern Netherland Dwarf goes in Class 41a. These rabbits will be judged separately and then against each other for the Best Adult Tan Pattern Netherland Dwarf Overall. Unregistered rabbits can go up for Best In Show, Best of Breed


English Angora – White 12Flemish Giant Self 27 28 (U/8)

English Angora – AOC 34Flemish Giant Sandy 29 30 (U/8)

German Angora 56 (U/8)Flemish Giant Fawn31 32 (U/8)

Jersey Woolly Self 78Flemish Giant AOC 33 34(U/8)

Jersey Woolly Shaded 910Netherland Dwarf Self 3536

Jersey Woolly Tan Pattern 1112Netherland Dwarf Agouti3738

Jersey Woolly AOC1314Netherland Dwarf Shaded 3940

Dutch Self 1516Netherland Dwarf Tan Pattern 4142

Dutch AOC 1718Netherland Dwarf AOC 4344

Tri Dutch1920Polish – REW4546

Enderby Island – Slate2122Polish – AOC4748

Enderby Island – Champagne 2324Tan AC4950

Enderby Island – Crème 2526AOV Fancy – AC5152

Fancy Duplicates

Best Presented Fancy 5354Novice Exhibit 57

Fancy Breeder 5556Owned but Not Bred By Fancy 5859

LOP SECTION AdultU/5AdultU/5

Mini Cashmere Lop Self 6061Mini Lop Tan Pattern 8283

Mini Cashmere Lop Shaded6263Mini Lop Orange/ Fawn8485

Mini Cashmere Lop AOC 6465Mini Lop AOC 8687

Cashmere Lop Self 6667Dwarf Lop Self 8889

Cashmere Lop Shaded 6869Dwarf Lop Agouti9091

Cashmere Lop AOC 7071Dwarf Lop Shaded 9293

Mini Lop Self 7273Dwarf Lop Butterfly9495

Mini Lop Agouti 7475Dwarf Lop Tan Pattern9697

Mini Lop Sooty Fawn 7677Dwarf Lop Orange / Fawn9899

Mini Lop AOC Shaded 7879Dwarf Lop AOC 100101

Mini Lop Butterfly 8081AOV Lop102103

Lop Duplicates

Best Presented Lop104105Novice Exhibit108

Lop Breeder 106107Owned but Not Bred By Lop 109110


Satin Ivory111112Californian125126

Satin AOC Self 113114Standard Chinchilla127128

Satin Agouti 115116Giant Chinchilla129 130 (U/6)

Satin Shaded 117118New Zealand White131132

Satin Orange / Fawn 119120Silver Fox133134

Satin Tan Pattern 121122AOV Normal Fur 135136

Satin AOC123124

Normal Fur Duplicates

Best Presented Normal Fur137138Novice Exhibit 141

Normal Fur Breeder 139140Owned but Not Bred By N Fur 142143


Standard Rex Ermine144145Mini Rex Self 156157

Standard Rex AOC Self 146147Mini Rex Agouti 158159

Standard Rex Agouti 148149Mini Rex Shaded 160161

Standard Rex Shaded150151Mini Rex Tan Pattern 162163

Standard Rex Tan Pattern152153Mini Rex AOC 164165

Standard Rex AOC 154155AOV Rex166167

Rex Duplicates

Best Presented Rex168169Novice Exhibit 172

Rex Breeder 170171Owned but Not Bred By Rex173174