Governor’ Guidance sheet No 5
Non-attendance at meetings
Governors who don't attend meetings can cause problems, particularly in ensuring that meetings are quorate (1). The Governing Body should be consistent in dealing with this to ensure that you have enough individuals available to support the various committee structures and panels which they are responsible for.
Although, within the Regulations, a governor is automatically disqualified if they have not attended for six months and not tended apologies for acceptance, Governor Support Service (GSS) strongly recommends that before taking the more formal steps, the Chair contacts the governor on an informal basis to establish the reasons for non-attendance such as timings of meetings, not receiving papers, no longer wishing to serve etc.
Where a governor has not attended a meeting for a period of 6 months or more and has not tendered apologies for acceptance, the Clerk or Chair of governors should write to that governor stating the dates of the governing body and committees meetings missed, and thatthe governing body may resolve to remove them from the governing body (parent, community, partnership and sponsor governors) or apply to the relevant body to have them removed (LA and foundation governors) for non-attendance, and that they have the right to reply to this by letter or at the next governing body meeting. This should then be an agenda item at the next governing body meeting, where the governing body should consider any statement given by the non-attending governor, and then agree what action they wish to take (see below).
Deciding to disqualify the governor
Different rules apply to different types of governor. Please note that the guidance below ONLY applies to disqualificaton of governors for non-attendance. The same rules do not apply if there are other reasons for wishing to remove a governor (for example, their conduct).
Authority governors
Authority governors can only be removed by the Local Authority (LA). In this case, you should contact GSS. It would be helpful if you could provide the following information:-
- Name of the Governor
- Any contact made
- List of full governing body and committee meetings not attended (including information about where they have sent apologies or not)
GSS will then request the LA governor appointment and selection panel to make a decision about the disqualification of that governor, and will contact you when that process is complete. The panel is held at least every term.
Community, partnership, staff, parentand sponsor governors
Community governors, partnership governors and sponsor governors can be disqualified from office by the governing body.
If you need to remove one of these governors, it would be good practice to write to the governor as indicated above, and table the removal at the next meeting of the governing body. At that meeting, the level of non-attendance should be stated, with any statement from the governor put forward (either by letter or by a verbal statement from them if they have attended the meeting).
Foundation governors
Foundation governors can be removed at any time by the people who appointed them for reasonable cause. You will need to contact the Church authority or voluntary trust or organisation associated with the school to discuss disqualification re non attendance.
Knowsley Governor Support Service
Working with governors to support and encourage effective governance
Guidance sheet 5 – non attendance – updated summer 2010
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