School of Engineering and Informatics
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Programme title: 3+0 BEng (Hons) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (MDIS)

Awarding and teaching
institutions: / University of Bradford, Management Development Institute Singapore (MDIS)
Final award: / BEng (Honours) [Framework for Higher Education Qualifications level 6]
Diploma of Higher Education [Framework for Higher Education Qualifications level 5]
Certificate of Higher Education [Framework for Higher Education Qualifications level 4]
Programme titles: / 3+0 Electrical and Electronic Engineering (MDIS)
Programme accredited by: / n/a
Duration: / 3 years full time
UCAS code: / n/a
Subject benchmark statement: / Engineering
Date produced: / Original: 12 January 2009; revised: 12November 2012
revised: 15 March 2013
Last updated: / October 2013


Engineering is fundamental to the economic and social prosperity of Singapore and the surrounding economies. It is the profession responsible for the creation of all material objects and systems necessary for modern life from concept to customer to decommissioning. Engineering is fundamental to the creation and sustainability of the environment itself. Your studies at Management Development Institute Singapore, (MDIS), will be a foundation for life aimed at developing a deep understanding of fundamental and advanced technical principles, analytical tools, and competence in their application, together with a wide range of management, personal and professional skills. An excellent way to develop these skills is to undertake an industrial placement as an integral part of your degree studies, which would normally take place at the end of Year 2.

Electrical and electronic engineering is the practical application of electrical science and technology to the solution of problems in industry, commerce and society. This exciting and rapidly-developing field will continue to be the technological revolution of the 21st century. From a heart monitor to a power station; from a satellite system to the semiconductor chips in your computer, electrical and electronic engineers provide the products, skills, services and above all, ingenuity, upon which modern life depends.

This programme is fundamental to a successful career in the IT Industry, electronics manufacturing, electronic product design, robotics and communications industries. It is a challenging programme requiring creative and innovative skills. The programme content includes electronics, electronics materials, telecommunications and computing. Our programme emphasises practical skills in designing, making and testing and computer technologies, with substantial group projects in year 2 and an individual project in your third year of study.

The programme sets out: (i) to give technical depth across the discipline and in relevant specialist applications of technology; (ii) to provide breadth to encourage innovators. Upon graduation you will have the capacity for meaningful interdisciplinary interaction, and professional growth. The ability of an engineer to think clearly and logically is widely appreciated by many other professions and your studies may well be a stepping-stone to an alternative career in accountancy, teaching, law, etc – a real foundation for life. Our programmes combine the vital theoretical backbone with the creative, practical and personal skills needed for a career as a professional engineer.

General Features

We aim to produce BEng graduates who are imaginative, innovative, versatile and competitive, who will be able to progress rapidly to professional positions of responsibility with minimal additional training, and who can provide technical, managerial and entrepreneurial leadership in specialist/interdisciplinary projects. This aim is achieved by:

  • delivering a challenging and broad range of study, introducing core material in the early years, before developing more advanced concepts, techniques and discipline specialities in the last year;
  • developing a broad, deep subject knowledge and understanding, developing discipline skills, providing an good level of business and management knowledge and developing personable transferable skills, all of which enable graduates to pursue programmes of further study, or to move quickly into leadership roles of responsible employment;
  • providing a supportive, structured environment in which students are encouraged to develop independent learning skills;
  • promoting educational opportunities for ethnic minority, women, mature and alternatively qualified students, as well as for school-leavers and traditionally qualified students.

Programme Aims

  • To help graduates to develop the engineering, design, management and personal skills required to become professional Electrical/ Electronic Engineers and in doing so, also equip them for careers in other professions.
  • To provide a basis for a successful professional career in any area of electrical or electronic engineering.

At the end of this programme you will be able to understand and apply the principles of electrical and electronic components and systems. You will also be able to undertake a project from start to finish, including planning, specification, PCB design, parts procurement, testing and commissioning, and also to document and present the associated material professionally. These skills will be of immediate value to an employer in the electronics field, and thus will be rewarded accordingly.

ProgrammeLearning Outcomes

Engineering is an interactive process usually involving creation, planning, analysis, design, economic evaluation, manufacture, operation & maintenance and decommissioning with a view to minimising environmental impact.

When you have completed the programme, you will have acquired the following:

Knowledge and Understanding:

  • knowledge and understanding of fundamental concepts, principles and underpinning theories in the electrical, electronics and telecommunications fields.
  • knowledge of fundamental and advanced principles and practice of engineering design and manufacture.
  • experience of business and management practices for engineering and the roles and responsibilities of professional engineers.
  • knowledge of specific skills in the use of computers in creation, innovation, design, and rapid prototyping, and in generic and specialised numerical methods for modelling and analysing engineering problems relevant to your chosen specialism.
  • an understanding of the implications of engineering design and manufacturing for sustainability.

Intellectual Abilities:

  • the ability to apply engineering principles and inter-personal skills to the critical analysis of problems in order to create innovative solutions to non-routine problems.
  • the ability to identify an area for further detailed investigation, design and experimental programme, utilise research skills to critically evaluate and interpret newly developed data.
  • the ability to integrate engineering understanding and apply insight to the solution of real problems.

Practical Skills in:

  • selectingand applying appropriate principles of data collection and manipulation methods to support problem solving.
  • theuse of practical electronic skills in design and PCB manufacture, testing and fault diagnosis.
  • theuse of advanced skills of critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation to support design.
  • balancing sometimes conflicting, ambiguous and incomplete aspects encountered in creative problem solving.

General Transferable Skills

  • experience of working in groups in order to meet shared objectives.
  • practise in communicating effectively using a wide range of techniques.
  • problem-solving strategies to develop, monitor and update a plan of both technical and personnel contributions to meeting organisational needs.
  • a fundamental awareness of ethical issues particularly as this relates to engineering.


The map of the curriculum that you will study is detailed at the end of this document. At the end of Year 2 you will undertake a 3-month period of industrial placement.

At MDIS, each year, or stage, of a BEng programme comprises three terms with 40 credits being studied in each. For each module all of the teaching and assessment is undertaken in the same term, apart from the stage 3 project which is spread over all three terms.

Module code /


/ Stage / Level / Module title / BEng
Honours / BEng
ENG1073L / 20 / 1 / 4 / Engineering Analysis (Electrical) / C / C
ENG1065L / 20 / 1 / 4 / Robotics / C / C
ENG1056M / 10 / 1 / 4 / Engineering Computation / C / C
ENG1067L / 20 / 1 / 4 / Fundamentals of Telecommunications / C / C
ENG1033M / 10 / 1 / 4 / Introductory Mechatronics / C / C
ENG1037M / 10 / 1 / 4 / Digital Electronics Fundamentals / C / C
ENG1010M / 10 / 1 / 4 / Circuits and Systems / C / C
ENG1008M / 10 / 1 / 4 / Professional Skills / C / C
ENG1030M / 10 / 1 / 4 / Electronics Applications Project / C / C
ENG2020M / 10 / 2 / 5 / Mobile Communications Systems / C / O
ENG2088M / 10 / 2 / 5 / Further Engineering Analysis (Electrical) / C / O
CY-0205M / 10 / 2 / 5 / Sensors and Actuators / C / O
ENG2018M / 10 / 2 / 5 / Digital Electronics Design / C / O
ENG2052M / 10 / 2 / 5 / Technology Operations Management / C / O
ENG2043M / 10 / 2 / 5 / Power Electronics and Machines / C / O
ENG2021M / 10 / 2 / 5 / Transmission Principles / C / O
ENG2013M / 10 / 2 / 5 / Financial Management / C / O
ENG2016M / 10 / 2 / 5 / Introductory Control / C / O
ENG2045M / 10 / 2 / 5 / Analogue Electronics / C / O
ENG2037D / 20 / 2 / 5 / Group Design Project / C / C
ENG4007M / 10 / 3 / 7 / Digital Signal Processing / C / O
ENG3042J / 30 / 3 / 6 / Project / C / C
ENG3048M / 10 / 3 / 6 / Quality Assurance and Management
- Six Sigma for Business Excellence / C / O
ENG3019M / 10 / 3 / 6 / Advanced Control / C / O
ENG3026M / 10 / 3 / 6 / Advanced Mobile and Satellite Communications / C / O
ENG3049M / 10 / 3 / 6 / Reliability Engineering / C / C
ENG3051M / 10 / 3 / 6 / Digital Design Using HDL / C / O
ENG3011M / 10 / 3 / 6 / Corporate Strategy and Engineering Management / C / O
ENG3067M / 10 / 3 / 6 / Signals and Systems Theory / C / O
ENG3022M / 10 / 3 / 6 / Power Devices and Applications / C / O

The curriculum may change, subject to the University's programme approval, monitoring and review procedures.

If you complete Stage 1 successfully, you are eligible for a Certificate of Higher Education; if you complete Stage 2 successfully, you are eligible for a Diploma of Higher Education. The learning outcomes for these awards and the final award are consistent with those of the Qualifications and Credit Framework.

Teaching and Assessment Strategies

Typically, each module at stage 1 and 2 will involve you in 36 hours of organised teaching. However, this is reduced to 24 hours at stage 3 as you are encouraged to become more self-supporting and independent in your approach to learning by way of individual, interdisciplinary, and research-based projects. Methods of assessment are varied and your progress will be assessed using a mix of formal examinations, various technical reports, essays, oral presentations and dissertations, and will be followed identically at Bradford and MDIS.

The teaching and learning strategy takes into consideration the learning outcomes, progression through the levels of study, the nature of the subject and the student intake, and the need for you to take greater responsibility for your own learning as you progress through the programme. The strategies and methods are as follows.

  • The teaching and learning methods in the programmes are designed to engage you in developing your knowledge and understanding of the programme. They include formal lectures (including those from visiting lecturers), case studies, tutorial exercises, practical demonstrations, directed learning and individual work. The method of assessment is by written examination and both analytical and experimental coursework.
  • The methods implemented to develop your intellectual skills include: engaging with you during tutorial exercises; case studies; practical demonstration; and supervised research or project work. Embedded in many modules at all levels is material to develop your skills and understanding of sustainable development and the importance of an ethical approach to engineering. You will also learn the skills associated with designing and executing your own research project in a number of modules, but particularly in stage 3 individual Project.
  • The methods implemented to develop your practical skills include demonstrations and practical classes linked with the taught modules. You will also design and operate equipment and/or procedures and use instruments for measurement and control under supervision during your project work. The methods used to assess practical skills will also provide feedback on laboratory work linked with the taught modules. In addition, a large part of the mark for the Stage 3 Project Report will be attributed to experimental method and the presentation & discussion of results.
  • The methods implemented in developing students’ transferable skills are implicit in the programme. The University of Bradford maxim, “Making Knowledge Work”, is imbedded in the philosophy of this programme. The methods of assessment of transferable skills are built into the structure of the examinations, case studies, laboratory demonstrations and research or project work.

Assessment Regulations

This Programme conforms to the standard University Regulations which are available at the following link:

Admissions Requirements

The entry requirement is the equivalent of 240 UCAS points. This must include a qualification in mathematics, such as AS Level or equivalent study on a Foundation programme. Applicants should also have an English language qualification equivalent to IELTS 6.0.

Offers are only made after detailed consideration of each individual application and the precise requirements we ask of candidates will vary. The University welcomes applications from all potential students regardless of their previous academic experience; offers are made following detailed consideration of each individual application Most important in this decision is our assessment of a candidate’s potential to benefit from their studies and of their ability to succeed on this particular programme. We also pay considerable attention to an applicant’s academic background and achievements and to all other non-standard qualifications or, in the absence of academic qualifications, significant relevant experience, so consideration of your application will be based on a combination of your formal academic qualifications and other relevant experience.

If you have prior certificated learning or professional experience which may be equivalent to parts of this programme, the University has procedures to evaluate this learning in order to provide you with exemptions from specified modules contained within the curriculum. Please talk to us if you do not fit the standard pattern of entry qualifications.

Student support and guidance

This is well provided at MDIS and the University. All members of academic and support staff at MDISand the University are accessible. All you need to do is ask and we are willing to help.

Your time studying for your degree, in Singapore, will result in personal and professional associations that will sustain you throughout your career. MDISprovides important, state-of-the-art facilities including extended access to Library and Computing services. The Career and Counselling Centre provides free counselling and related services, such as the Mentor Mentee Programme, study skills and career seminars. The Student Affairs Office provides welfare services and support to the disabled.

Further Information:

For further information, please check the University prospectus or contact Admissions.


MDIS Unicampus,
501 Stirling Road,
Singapore 148951,

Tel: + 65 6278 8000

School of Engineering and Informatics

University of Bradford

Richmond Road



Tel: +44 (0)1274 23 4567


The contents of this programme specification may change, subject to the University's regulations and programme approval, monitoring and review procedures.