Students attending Villanova University are encouraged to incorporate international aspects of education into their academic plans. The Office of Education Abroad (OEA) assists students in identifying overseas opportunities and facilitating the process of enrollment in overseas programs.

The OEA continues to invest time and effort into identifying overseas universities and program providerswith academic standards and educational objectives suitable to the needs of Villanova University students.

For a list of overseas universities and program providers with whom we have previous experience, please visit the OEA website, under Find Your Program

Non-Affiliated Program Petition

After working with an OEA advisor, if you do not find a program that meets your specific needs and objectives for overseas study, then you may petition to study abroad with a non-affiliated program.

A successful petition will clearly demonstrate the sound academic and cross-cultural quality of the proposed program and a compelling reason why none of the Villanova affiliated programs meet your academic needs and study abroad goals. The attached petition form should be submitted, along with a 3-5 page written statement outlining the academic merits of the desired location or program.

Please be mindful that additional time may be required for you to compile adequateinformation regarding the proposed program and for the OEA to review yourpetition. If you are interested in studying through a program provider not currentlyutilized by VU, begin the petition process for consideration early to avoiddelays and problems.

The deadlines for final program approval will be fall and spring break.


Name ______VU ID# ______

Phone Number ______Class Year (FR,SO,JR,SR) ______

Major(s) ______Current GPA ______

Minor(s) ______Concentration ______


Program Provider ______

Host Institution (if different from above)______

Program website address______

Program location (city & country) ______

Contact Person ______Phone ______

Contact Person E-mail ______Minimum GPA required ______

Language of Instruction ______Language proficiency level required ______

Other requirements ______

Are courses taught by American faculty, international faculty, or a combination?


Are courses arranged specifically for Americans or are Americans integrated into regular courses?

What is the normal courseload per semester? ______

Describe the housing options offered by the program:______


By choosing a program provider with which Villanova University is not familiar, I understand that VU has no established relationship with the program. I am fully responsible for knowledge about my program and have provided accurate information in this petition and the attached program summary.


Student Signature Date