Nominations Synod Assembly 2010
Synod Council Secretary- 1 position open for election
NOMINATIONS – Synod Secretary
4-year term (2010-2014)
Position:Synod Secretary
Name: Pastor Kim LatterellStatus: Clergy
Conference: Mt.Rainier
Occupation: Pastor
Past Elected Synodical Experience: Synod Council (2 terms), Synod Executive Committee, Synod Nominating Committee (2 terms), Church in Society chair (4 years)..
Personal/Congregational Experiences: Pastor, Co-pastor, Senior Pastor, Campus Pastor, Solo Pastor-- 31 years of experience!
Statement of why you wish to serve: I desire to serve Christ and the Body of Christ in all areas of leadership. I enjoy the challenges of serving faithfully!
SYNOD COUNCIL- 6 positions open for election
NOMINATIONS – Synod Council Position #1
3 year term (2010-2013)
Position: Synod Council Member Position #1
Name: Status: Lay Male
Conference: FortVancouver
Past Elected Synodical Experience:
Personal/Congregational Experiences:
Statement of why you wish to serve:
NOMINATIONS – Synod Council Position #2
3 year term (2010-2013)
Position: Synod Council Member Position #2
Name: Rev. Lori CornellStatus: Clergy
Conference: Evergreen
Occupation: Pastor
Past Elected Synodical Experience: SWWA Discipline Committee, Synod Assembly Planning Team (Worship) and Synod Council and Synod Executive Committee (currently)
Personal/Congregational Experiences: Pastor, Calvary (2001-present); Pastor (under contract), First Lutheran, Tacoma 2000-2001; Associate Pastor, Christ Lutheran, Lakewood 1993-1999. Board Member and Editor, (online text study), The Crossings Community on Facebook.
Statement of why you wish to serve: I wish to continue to support congregations in our synod to develop a stronger, healthier relationship with the synod council, bishop and staff. I also desire to continue to support new mission starts and a “mission” emphasis for all congregations in our synod—a belief that we have a vital ministry to offer the Pacific Northwest.
NOMINATIONS – Synod Council Position #3
3 year term (2010-2013)
Position: Synod Council Member Position #3
Name: Marcus RiekeStatus: Lay Male
Conference: Mt.Rainier
Occupation: Stewardship and Fundraising Consultant
Past Elected Synodical Experience:None
Personal/Congregational Experiences: Church Council member, committee chair and choir director (Zion Lutheran, Kent, WA); member Zion Lutheran (Kent) 1988-2007. MemberMtn. view Lutheran (Edgewood, WA) 2007-present. Board member of South Sound Outreach Services, Tacoma.
Statement of why you wish to serve: I seek to use my God-given gifts and skills in service to others, and to the church.
NOMINATIONS – Synod Council Position #4
3 year term (2010-2013)
Position: Synod Council Member- Young Adult (ages 18-30) Position #4
Name: Sara HoffmanStatus: Lay Female
Conference: Evergreen
Occupation: Freelance Photographer
Past Elected Synodical Experience: Peer mentor in AK-OK Synod for Lutheran Campus Ministries.
Personal/Congregational Experiences: Baptized in Arkansas; father an ELCA pastor; Lutheran-Episcopal Union in college and I was the only Lutheran; Lutheran Volunteer Corps 2007-2009; always a church choir member, Mt View, Edgewood small group confirmation leader and assist with youth events, member of choir.
Statement of why you wish to serve: This is a unique opportunity and I think I have a unique experience being a PK and going through the seminary process with my father. I’ve been able to see the “underbelly” of the church through my dad’s ministry and I’m a good person to support the minister in the church and a chance to take action instead of just rant about things. I don’t want to be in the peanut –gallery of the church- I want to be an active leader.
NOMINATIONS – Synod Council Position #5
2year term (2010-2012)
Position: Synod Council Member Position #5
Name: Ann CummingsStatus: Lay Female
Conference: Peninsula
Occupation: Retired federal worker
Past Elected Synodical Experience: Appointed in 2009 to the Synod Council
Personal/Congregational Experiences: Silverdale Guild of Children’s Hospital- 36 years; Boy Scouts of America- 10 years; Church Council, Youth Committee, Church Building Committee. Former teacher.
Statement of why you wish to serve: I would like to finish the 3 year term that I was appointed to. It is an opportunity to serve and learn more about the ELCA and how it works to the glory of God.
NOMINATIONS – Synod Council Position #6
1year term (2010-2011)
Position: Synod Council Member Position #6
Name: Rev. Linda MilksStatus: Clergy
Conference: Coastal
Occupation: Pastor
Past Elected Synodical Experience: I served on the Bishop’s Convocation Committee for 4 years (1 years as Chair). I served on the Church in Society Board for 3 years (1 year as Chair).
Personal/Congregational Experiences: Before being ordained in 1995, I was an active member of Lutheran congregations in NY and CA. My first call was a Pastor to a church in Shoreline, WA where I served for 3 years. During that time, I served on the NWWASynodChurch in Society Board. I was than an Interim Pastor for 5 different congregations in NWWA for over 5 years. Since 2002, I have served a call as Pastor of Saron Lutheran in Hoquiam.
Statement of why you wish to serve: Bishop Hofstad asked me to consider completing a colleague’s term. I agreed to be a nominee. I believe I have the gifts and skills to serve on Synod Council as well as the interest in furthering the ministry of our Synod. I would like to see our Synod grow in its goals of increasing startup congregations, strengthening existing congregations and supporting ministry.
SYNOD CALL COMMITTEE – 4 positions open for election
NOMINATIONS – Synod Call Committee- Position #1
3 year term (2010-2013)
Position: Synod Call Committee Position #1
Name: Status: AIM (Male or Female)
Conference: Any Conference
Past Elected Synodical Experience:
Personal/Congregational Experiences:
Statement of why you wish to serve:
NOMINATIONS – Synod Call Committee- Position #2
3 year term (2010-2013)
Position: Synod Call Committee Position #2
Name:Rev. Beth Utto-GalarneauStatus: Clergy
Conference: Coastal
Occupation: Pastor
Past Elected Synodical Experience: SWWA Synod Call Committee; Sierra Pacific Synod Leadership Team, Sierra Pacific Synod Youth Leadership Team
Personal/Congregational Experiences:17 years of ordained ministry with 7 at Amazing Grace, Aberdeen. Served as an associate, co-pastor and solo pastor; have also served as an elementary classroom teacher.
Statement of why you wish to serve: I have a deep love for the church and compassion for people. I am a careful listener who cares about people.
NOMINATIONS – Synod Call Committee- Position #3
3 year term (2010-2013)
Position: Synod Call Committee Position #3
Name:Carmen OdeStatus: Lay Female
Conference: Evergreen
Occupation: Administrative Assistant
Past Elected Synodical Experience: Synod Assembly representative; Parish Life Committee; Synod Call Committee.
Personal/Congregational Experiences:Christian Ed. Director; Council Secretary; Worship and Music and Pastoral Call Committees; Senior Pastor’s secretary
Statement of why you wish to serve: To serve in an area of the synod that can use my skills and love for the church.
NOMINATIONS – Synod Call Committee- Position #4
3 year term (2010-2012)
Position: Synod Call Committee Position #4
Name:Status: Lay Male
Conference: Tacoma Southwest
Past Elected Synodical Experience:
Personal/Congregational Experiences:
Statement of why you wish to serve:
Synod Consultation Committee- 2 positions open for election
NOMINATIONS – Synod Consultation Committee –Position #1
6 year term (2010-2016)
Position: Synod Consultation CommitteePosition #1
Name: Status: Lay Male
Conference: Lower Columbia
Past Elected Synodical Experience:
Personal/Congregational Experiences:.
Statement of why you wish to serve:
NOMINATIONS – Synod Consultation Committee –Position #2
5 year term (2010-2015)
Position: Synod Consultation CommitteePosition #1
Name: Status: Clergy
Conference: TacomaSouthwest
Past Elected Synodical Experience:
Personal/Congregational Experiences:.
Statement of why you wish to serve:
Synod Discipline Committee- 2 positions open for election
NOMINATIONS – Synod Discipline Committee- Position #1
5 year term (2010-2016)
Position:Synod Discipline CommitteePosition #1
Name: Rev. Jeffrey SpencerStatus: Clergy
Conference: Lower Columbia
Occupation: Pastor
Past Elected Synodical Experience: Chair, Bishop’s Convocation Planning Committee; Voting Member, 2007 Churchwide Assembly; ELW Introduction Team; Worship Chair, 2006 SWWA Synod Assembly.
Personal/Congregational Experiences: Pastor, St. Paul Lutheran 2003-Present; Pastor American Lutheran Church 2000-2003; Intern, Sheyenne-Oberon Lutheran Parish 199-2000
Statement of why you wish to serve: While this could be a difficult committee to serve on, I believe it is vitally important to maintain the integrity of the pastoral office and the high ethical standards of the church. I would strive to do so with careful discernment, compassion, faithfulness and resolve.
NOMINATIONS – Synod Discipline Committee- Position #2
1 year term (2010-2011)
Position: Synod Discipline CommitteePosition #2
Name: Status: Clergy
Conference: Tacoma Southwest
Past Elected Synodical Experience:
Personal/Congregational Experiences:
Statement of why you wish to serve
Synod Nominating Committee- 8 positions open for election
NOMINATIONS – Synod Nominating Committee- Position #1
3year term (2010-2013)
Position: Synod Nominating CommitteePosition #1
Name: Status: Clergy
Conference: Lower Columbia
Past Elected Synodical Experience:
Personal/Congregational Experiences:
Statement of why you wish to serve:
NOMINATIONS – Synod Nominating Committee- Position #2
3 year term (2010-2013)
Position: Synod Nominating CommitteePosition #2
Name: Status: Lay Male
Conference: FortVancouver
Past Elected Synodical Experience:
Personal/Congregational Experiences:
Statement of why you wish to serve:
NOMINATIONS – Synod Nominating Committee- Position #3
3 year term (2010-2013)
Position: Synod Nominating CommitteePosition #3
Name: Kenneth LindhomStatus: Lay Male
Conference: South Sound
Occupation: Retired
Past Elected Synodical Experience: None
Personal/Congregational Experiences: Council, Sunday School teacher, Choir member
Statement of why you wish to serve: I want to help get the right person for the right position.
NOMINATIONS – Synod Nominating Committee- Position #4
2 year term (2010-2012)
Position: Synod Nominating CommitteePosition #4
Name: Status: Clergy
Conference: TacomaNarrows
Past Elected Synodical Experience:
Personal/Congregational Experiences:
Statement of why you wish to serve:
NOMINATIONS – Synod Nominating Committee- Position #5
2 year term (2010-2012)
Position:Synod Nominating CommitteePosition #5
Name: Debbie TertochaStatus: Lay Female
Conference: Peninsula
Occupation: Paralegal
Past Elected Synodical Experience: Delegate to synod assembly; representative from synod at Churchwide Assembly in Denver
Personal/Congregational Experiences: Assist with Sunday School program; on Stewardship Committee; Pastor secretary and President of council; President of Sycamore Tree Preschool Board of Directors (preschool is an outreach of our church)
Statement of why you wish to serve: I was asked by our Council President if I would be willing to serve on this committee, something I had not considered. The job seems to include duties I am fully capable of handling and it would be a good experience for me to serve in this capacity.
NOMINATIONS – Synod Nominating Committee- Position #6
2 year term (2010-2012)
Position: Synod Nominating CommitteePosition #6
Name: Status: Clergy
Conference: Tacoma Southwest
Past Elected Synodical Experience:
Personal/Congregational Experiences:
Statement of why you wish to serve:
NOMINATIONS – Synod Nominating Committee- Position #7
2 year term (2010-2012)
Position: Synod Nominating CommitteePosition #7
Name: Status: Lay Male
Conference: Evergreen
Past Elected Synodical Experience:
Personal/Congregational Experiences:
Statement of why you wish to serve:
NOMINATIONS – Synod Nominating Committee- Position #8
2 year term (2010-2012)
Position: Synod Nominating CommitteePosition #8
Name: Rev. Jon PetersenStatus: Clergy
Conference: Mt.Rainier
Occupation: Retired Pastor/Chaplain
Past Elected Synodical Experience: ConferenceDean for Ministers in Specialized Settings; Synod Consultation Committee; Assembly Resolution Committee
Personal/Congregational Experiences: Pastor, Church council, Peace and Justice Committee; Health Ministry Team, non-congregational: Hospital Chaplain
Statement of why you wish to serve: I believe that qualified leadership is essential to being a faithful church, and that my varied experiences in this church can contribute to the process of selecting such persons.
PLU Corporate Delegate- 7 positions open for election
NOMINATIONS – PLU Corporate Delegate Position #1
3 year term (2010-2013)
Position: PLU Corporate Delegate Position #1
Name: Status: Clergy
Conference: Lower Columbia
Past Elected Synodical Experience:
Personal/Congregational Experiences:
Statement of why you wish to serve:
NOMINATIONS – PLU Corporate Delegate Position #2
3 year term (2010-2013)
Position:PLU Corporate Delegate - Position #2
Name: Robert BaldwinStatus: Lay Male
Conference: Lower Columbia
Occupation: Retired
Past Elected Synodical Experience: PLU Corporate Delegate previous 3 years.
Personal/Congregational Experiences: Past Church Council President and member. Various church committees.
Statement of why you wish to serve: Encourage qualified young people to consider PLU for their further education.
NOMINATIONS – PLU Corporate Delegate Position #3
3 year term (2010-2013)
Position: PLU Corporate Delegate - Position #3
Name: Status: Lay Male/Lay Female
Conference: Coastal
Past Elected Synodical Experience:
Personal/Congregational Experiences:
Statement of why you wish to serve:
NOMINATIONS – PLU Corporate Delegate Position #4
3 year term (2010-2013)
Position: PLU Corporate Delegate - Position #4
Name: Rev Christopher OdeStatus: Clergy
Conference: Coastal
Occupation: Pastor
Past Elected Synodical Experience:
Personal/Congregational Experiences: Multiple volunteer positions and service at Messiah, Auburn before being ordained this year.
Statement of why you wish to serve: As a PLU alum (’00) and native of the Northwest, it’s important to me to support the connection between the university and the congregations it serves.
NOMINATIONS – PLU Corporate Delegate Position #5
3 year term (2010-2013)
Position: PLU Corporate Delegate - Position #5
Name: Status: Lay Male/Lay Female
Conference: TacomaNarrows
Past Elected Synodical Experience:
Personal/Congregational Experiences:
Statement of why you wish to serve: .
NOMINATIONS – PLU Corporate Delegate Position #6
3 year term (2010-2013)
Position:PLU Corporate Delegate - Position #6
Name: Noreen Gulhaugen Status: Lay Female
Conference: Tacoma Southwest
Occupation: Retired, Pastor’s spouse, Travel Agent
Past Elected Synodical Experience: Synod Assembly twice; one term PLU Corporation
Personal/Congregational Experiences: Choir, Sunday School teacher, Women’s Bible Study Bethel Training and Teaching
Statement of why you wish to serve: I am a PLU graduate, a class representative, served on the Alumni Board as well as the Special Events Committee of the Alumni Board.
NOMINATIONS – PLU Corporate Delegate Position #7
3 year term (2010-2013)
Position:PLU Corporate Delegate - Position #7
Name:Karen Meyer Status: Lay Female
Conference: Olympic
Occupation: Community Prevention Consultant
Past Elected Synodical Experience: None
Personal/Congregational Experiences: Holy Trinity, Port Angeles congregation leadership, altar guild, worship lector, high school youth group leadership, fund raising
Statement of why you wish to serve: To represent and advocate for PLU, based on a concern for the best interest of the university.
Churchwide Voting Member -6 positions open for election
1 year term (August 14-20, 2011-Orlando, Florida)
Position: Churchwide Voting Member - Position #1
Name: Rev. Rachel Wangen-HochStatus: Clergy
Conference: South Sound
Occupation: Pastor
Past Elected Synodical Experience: Metro DC Synod- Life Long Learning Task Force, Synod Worship Committee, Clergy Couples Support Group.
Personal/Congregational Experiences: Ordained 2000, served in 3 congregations (St. John Riverdale, MD; St. Luke, Silver Spring, MD, St. Mark, Lacey, WA)
Statement of why you wish to serve: For the privilege of gathering with God’s diverse children to pray and discern the movement of the Holy Spirit in our church.
1 year term (August 14-20, 2011-Orlando, Florida)
Position:Churchwide Voting Member - Position #2
Name: Pastor Kathleen Boyer-VisserStatus: Clergy
Conference: Evergreen
Occupation: Pastor
Past Elected Synodical Experience: Church and Soiety Team member of the Upstate NY Synod 2002-2006; Lay conference coordinator, Southern California West Synod 1993-1994.
Personal/Congregational Experiences: Parish Pastor for 10 years in New York and Silverdale and Tacoma, WA. Various lay positions in Education, Worship and Leadership in California pervious to ordination.
Statement of why you wish to serve: I have had many experiences in the life of the Church; however, I have never had the opportunity to go to a Churchwide Assembly. I would appreciate being part of the decision making process, forming connections and being involved at this level. I think that being part of the churchwide Assembly would be good education for me.
1 year term (August 14-20, 2011-Orlando, Florida)
Position: Churchwide Voting Member - Position #3
Name: MaryAnn NelsonStatus: Lay Female
Conference: Lower Columbia
Occupation: Early Childhood Educator
Past Elected Synodical Experience: voting member for Synod Assembly, Synod Hunger Committee, Eric Law Training August 2009
Personal/Congregational Experiences: Sunday School teacher, W/ELCA, Church Council, Education Committee, Evangelism Committee, Choir, Vacation bible School, Bible Study leader, representative to Wahkiakum Interfaith Network, Prayer Shawl ministry, Thrivent Officer.
Statement of why you wish to serve: I want to be part of the development o the ELCA. There are many issues to face from diversity to membership decline. As a mother, teacher and life-long Lutheran, I bring several perspectives to the table. I’ve attended Synod Assemblies for the past 5 years and followed Churchwide Assemblies online. I look forward to the opportunity to serve.
1 year term (August 14-20, 2011-Orlando, Florida)
Position: Churchwide Voting Member - Position #4
Name: Status: Lay Female Young Adult (age 18-30)
Conference: Tacoma Southwest
Past Elected Synodical Experience:
Personal/Congregational Experiences:
Statement of why you wish to serve:
1 year term (August 14-20, 2011-Orlando, Florida)
Position: Churchwide Voting Member - Position #5
Name: Status: Lay Male
Conference: TacomaNarrows
Past Elected Synodical Experience:
Personal/Congregational Experiences:
Statement of why you wish to serve:
1 year term (August 14-20, 2011-Orlando, Florida)
Position: Churchwide Voting Member - Position #6
Name: Status: Lay Female/ Youth (under age 18)
Conference: FortVancouver
Past Elected Synodical Experience:
Personal/Congregational Experiences:
Statement of why you wish to serve: