Historic Hudson Hoosic Rivers Partnership Meeting

Monday, February 29th

In Attendance:

Joe Finan, Historic Hudson Hoosic Rivers Partnership

Tim Holmes, Friends of the Saratoga Battlefield

Michelle DeGarmo, Flatley-Read

Linda Palmer, Historian, Stillwater

Ed Kinowski, Supervisor of Stillwater

Neal Orsini, Town of Fort Edward

Kay Tomasi, Senate Apprentice

Brit Basinger, Saratoga Associates

Tracey Clothier, The LA Group

Joe Durkin, Rensselaer Land Trust

Lauren Stevens, Hoosic River W.A.

Paul Marion, Town of Halfmoon

Cassie Fedler, Town of Cambridge

Teri Ptacek, Ag Stewardship Assoc.

Charles Vandrie, NYSDEC

Amy Bracewell, NPS

Sara Idleman, Greenwich/HCP

Jean Carlson, Town of Schoghticoke

Julie Stokes, Governor of Champlain Canalway

Andrew Alberti, Lakes to Locks

Larry Arnold, Friends of Saratoga Battlefield

Rick Nelson, Mayor of the Village of Stillwater

Ben Mahoney, Mayor of the Village of Waterford

Tom Wood, Supervisor of the Town of Saratoga

Cassy Bagramian, Legislative Assistant for Assemblywoman Carrie Woerner

Mack Luciano, Chief of Staff for Assemblywoman Carrie Woerner

Tom Richardson, Chairman

David Bullard, The Marshall House

Tom Richardson called the meeting to order at 10:00 am. He mentioned that coffee and donuts were compliments of Senator Kathy Marcione.

Ed Kinowski moved to accept the minutes.

Sara Idleman seconded.

David Bullard suggested an amendment to the minutes. The second page says that the Village of Valley Falls submitted its EPA Grant. It should actually simply convey an appreciation for the support the Rensselaer Land Trust had for an EPA Grant.

Ed Kinowski moved to accept the minutes.

Sara Idleman seconded.

Update on the Visitor’s Center

Joe Finan explained that Saratoga Associates have submitted the 75% construction drawings. The Timberframe Guild will submit aspects on the framing of the project that are due today (February 29th, 2016). A meeting can be scheduled later to go over these documents. Also, Joe and others have been working on getting clear title from the Department of Conservation. Someone needs to represent New York State at closing to get clear title. Thanks to Jason Kemper, it seems that there is some movement on getting clear title because of his work with the DEC Commissioner. There are no defined dates.

Marc Luciano and Assemblywoman Carrie Woerner will be meeting with the Assembly EnCon Committee in the next week.

Joe Finan explained that the partnership would also need to check in with Attorney Bill Reynolds to make sure he’s poised to act whenever the powers that be allow clear title to occur. Joe explained that, in order to get money from Canal Corps through the CFA grant, there needs to be title information, including information about ownership to the property. The partnership will be pursuing the services of a construction manager for the construction project. Once the 100% plans are in, there will be another friendly assessment, then project implementation can move forward.

Tom Richardson reminded the partnership of a recent meeting with Saratoga Supervisors wherein Saratoga Supervisors agreed to provide the partnership with $200,000 as a revolving loan fund at no charge and no interest that would be intended to initiate this project. Tom also reminded the partnership that Lakes to Locks Passage has funding for once the building is constructed that will be applied to signage and exhibits.

Joe Finan suggested contacting Canal Corps about the fact that 2017 is their 100th anniversary of the barge canal. Joe suggested that the partnership request grant funding for an event in the opening of the visitor’s center that coincides with their anniversary. Joe suggested contacting John Joyce to engage Canal Corps for promotion for the Canal Center and to find funding for the event.

Joe requests that a public relations person be appointed to work on promotion for this event to get information out to the community, as well as a committee to craft storyboards in an effort to increase professionalism with presentations and graphics.

Andrew Alberti offered to fill the public relations position temporarily.

Tim Holmes said that the Friends of the Saratoga Battlefield would be happy to assist.

Ed Kinowski offered assistance with graphics.

Julie Stokes suggested doing a presentation at the beginning of the Saratoga County Supervisor’s board meeting to thank them for their help.

Brit Basinger offered to assist with a Powerpoint show and graphics once the partnership decides what sort of outreach they’d like. Brit suggested that we could first create a Powerpoint template then add more graphics later.

Andrew Alberti suggests that the presentation be approximately 10 minutes long.

Brit Basinger mentioned that the Saratoga County IDA needs a progress report for this project.

Julie Stokes suggests presenting in April when the property is secured.

Joe Finan suggests creating a fact sheet that shows basics on what the project is about, achievements, and the history of how the project evolved. He suggests a PowerPoint intended for community politicians that presents an idea of what we’re asking them to do, highlighting the partnership’s wants and needs.

Tom Wood mentioned that the deed is in the name of the Town of Saratoga. It’s for 99 years in partnership with the State of New York. The only remaining question regarding the deed is who the Town of Saratoga signs it over to.

Marc Luciano explained that the Partnership would find out whether or not they’re tax exempt when he meets with the Commissioner. We’ll also learn about insurance in that meeting.

Tom Richardson asked for a movement to appoint Andrew Alberti as Communications Expert for the Partnership?

Julie Stokes: So moved.

Tracey Clothier: Seconded.

Motion passed.

Tom Richardson: As Chair of the Partnership, Tom Richardson appointed Andrew Alberti as Head of Communications. Tom introduced Neil Orselli from Rogers Island.

Neil Orsini is on the Town Board; he’s the Secretary of the Board for the Roger’s Island Visitor’s Center; he’s the treasurer of our Local Government Corporation; and he also works with the Chamber of Commerce.

The Visitor’s Center

The Southern part of the island are in both the Town’s and Village’s name. There has been work done on the trail system and signage for the island. The Local Development Corporation has control of the southern tip of the island, which doesn’t have historical significance, so they’re going to try to market it to some sort of commercial entity at some point. The Town and Village share the services of the island including plowing, salting, and snow removal of the visitor’s center. The Village donated a John Deere 8550 to the Visitor’s Center. They’re now ready for initial walking tours. They’re going to lay down stone dust and landscaping. The Visitor’s Center already has a large grant from the Glens Falls Foundation. We already have the signage done. There are 6 signs inside and 6 outside. The Village donated wrought-iron fencing to go around the French and Indian cemetery that was discovered on the northern part of the island. They’ve worked with the Canal Corporation who owns a small piece of access from the visitor’s center to the lower part of the island. They’re trying to get a grant for handicapped access so we can get nice, safe access to the lower part of the island. They want to get the local police to patrol it. Once Neil get a hard copy of the access system, he’ll bring it in. The Visitor’s Center is trying to find a way to get fuel onto the river. There’s no fuel between Whitehall and Schuylerville. They’d like to get some there for boaters, especially at our yacht base. The Town got final close-out for their EPA so the Market 32 project is out of the Town’s hands and into the developer’s hands. It will be the first Market 32 built from the ground up in New York State. All of the environmental clean-up has been completed and that is now in the hands of the developer. There was a ruling by Judge Schooler about a General Electric Assessment that was unexpected and well-received. They’re working with their LDC and Saratoga LDC to try to find someone to take over the water cycle, which we’re trying to make an industry site, but it’s up to GE. The Local Development Corporation owns the train station and a sandwich spot in there. They hope to turn their luggage room into a microbrew tap room. They also own a freight house from the mid-1800s that needs a lot of work, and they’re looking for a grant for roof-repair. It has a slate roof. They have the lower end of the island and 50 East Street, which was an apartment complex. They’d like to market it to a healthcare organization. The Chamber of Commerce is working with the Village on our Farmer’s Market and the old canal house should be operational by summer.

Joe Finan asked if the 32 project was provided funding for Brownfield clean-up.

Neil Orsini explained that there were two ground-field grants. One was run by Elan Planning and the other was Bartonwood.

Tom Richardson suggested that Neil ask for permission from the Mayor and Supervisor to get a proxy to vote at the partnership meetings.

Tom Richardson offered to sign letters of support for Neil in the future, and explained others around the table may be interested as well. He also suggested that Neil ask State Senator Betty Little about funding possibilities.

Stewardship Plan

Joe Finan explained that the stewardship plan is essentially an inventory of communities involved, their economic development, and their plans. Joe sent the stewardship plan out and received a couple of comments back from the National Parks Service on the plan. Joe suggested that the partnership address our organizational structure at some point and be incorporated ito the RFP into the stewardship document. He recommends a meeting that includes some of the partnership’s supporters in the political realm. The partnership should put this information into the stewardship documents to codify organizational structure. There also needs to be a discussion about the structure of our organization with Assemblywoman Carrie Woerner and others.

Tom Richardson thanked Rick Nelson from the Village of Stillwater and Cassie Fedler, Supervisor from the Town of Cambridge, for coming to the meeting as new members.

Don Wildman/Mysteries at the Museum Site Visit Update

Anna O’Meara explained that Don Wildman is the host of a TV show on the Travel Channel. He reached out to the Museum Association of New York (MANY) and asked to work with them. This partnership between Don and MANY has crafted a plan for ArtifactNY, a social media campaign that highlights museum collections throughout New York State. They’re in the beta-testing stage now, but they’re working to promote permanent collections and eventually be able to actively gather submissions, which would be posted daily on all social media platforms. After this project started, New York by Rail reached out to MANY. As a secondary project to ArtifactNY, Don will be writing an article that will be featured in this magazine that would encourage people to travel throughout New York State, getting outside of the city and otherwise. Don Wildman visited the Saratoga Battlefield a couple of days ago. It will possibly be one of these featured sites. MANY also just met with I Love New York on a partnership with them that’s still in a formative stage, but they’re very receptive to this project.

Joe Finan explained that the Saratoga Battlefield tried to pitch the area in general to give a background on the scope and scale of the partnership. He tried to demonstrate how the area is using Heritage Tourism and outdoor recreation as economic development drivers. There are many sites along the way that have mysteries in this corridor, so its fertile ground for Don.

Andrew Alberti showed Don some segments on the Bennington Battlefield app. He suggested looking into the Albany Institute’s 50 Objects exhibit, and Waylandsburg Grange, which replicated that model with local objects that told the history of the region, including Rifles of the Revolution and other themes.

Anna O’Meara explained that thematic objects related to these travels are definitely one approach that have been considered, but, currently, the project is at an early stage. When Don visited the Albany Institute, they took him through the 50 objects exhibit, so that exhibit is under consideration.

Julie Stokes suggested including the Hall of Governors in the Capitol as a way to get the Governor and the Capitol involved.

Joe Finan asked if ArtifactNY was looking for historic sites, specifically, to feature.

Anna O’Meara explained that the project represents New York State museums in general, which include historic sites, but also other types of museums.

Joe Finan suggested including The Village of Stillwater’s blockhouse. Joe suggested that each community might want to come back to next month’s meeting with submissions to try to get everyone involved. It’ll bring tourism to the area which is great.

Ed Kinowski explained that there are pamphlets in Stewarts where there are caricature maps that list all of the different shops and places to go. It’s produced produce it twice a year. Ed suggests that a historic version would be useful have a historic version.

Tom Richardson suggested inviting the map producer to a meeting.

Linda Palmer mentioned that Lakes to Locks produced a map that showed stops on the road, from Albany to Whitehall.

Anna O’Meara emphasized that ArtifactNY is still in the beta testing phase, but she offered to send the working draft of ArtifactNY’s toolkit for submission. As for the New York By Rail project, it is going to highlight all I Love New York 11 regions, including world class experiences and hidden gems. It aims to create a catalyst for economic development and heritage tourism.

Champlain Canal Trail Update

Julie Stokes explained that the sections in Saratoga County and the Town of Stillwater and Saratoga Plans are moving forward on parts of the trail. Washington County and Saratoga Supervisors are involved. Whitehall has a committee form for their sections of the trail. People from Fort Edward are talking about complete streets. The corridor is by road but it’s also waterway, and Julie estimates that in about 5 years, there will be substantial interconnectivity. There recently was a bike tour between Stillwater and Fort Edward.

Andrew Alberti mentioned that Lakes to Locks recently was working with an international travel company that creates package tours. Lakes to Locks is still in the early planning stages of working with this company, but they’re hoping to create and sell package tours that promote history and local business.

Sword Surrender Site

Tim Holmes explained that Friends of the Saratoga Battlefield has been working on raising the site money for the design with the help of Saratoga Associates for an appropriate iteration of the Sword Surrender Site. They’ve done fundraising for the last year and a half and we’ve raised over $110,000, which has partly gone to the bronze relief in this building. A couple of organizations have been assisting, including the Open Space Institute has taken title to the property to properly secure it for future public use. When it was identified by Assemblymember Englebright and Senator McDonald, it was the Friends of the Saratoga Battlefield, the Open Space Institute (OSI), and this partnership that were able to secure this project. Right now, they’re working on access and safety. The Friends of the Saratoga Battlefield need to know where the partnership stands as a New York State entity and whether or not it can be part of the management group.

Other Business

Tom Richardson explained that there was an RFP about a week and a half ago for bids on administering the project with the Gateway Visitors Center.

Joe Finan There was one proposal that came back from Flatley-Read. It seemed to be a reasonable cost structure. This is for services related to grant administration and project management.

Tom Richardson asked for a motion on the floor to accept Flatley-Read as administrators.

Sara Idleman moved.

Kay Jamasi seconded.

Motion passed.

Marc Luciano explained that there were a couple of pieces of legislation from last year. One of which was vetoed by the governor, which where we were trying to get a recurring line of budget through New York State. The veto said that there wasn’t enough money being appropriated through the Environmental Protection Fund to substantiate allocation. After the veto message, the EPF was increased. Marc had a meeting with the head legislative assistant to the Governor, and his staff council. Now that the EPF has been raised, there’s now enough to allocate. Marc has been speaking closely with Senator Marcione’s office, and he’s going to talk to Assemblyman Englebright and Flannagan. If both houses come through, the partnership is more likely to get a positive response from the Governor. Marc brought a sample resolution for anyone here who is a representative of a locally elected official and a letter for anyone in another organization or non-profit. It’s an ask for $750,000. There needs to be a document on matching funds and leverage with what’s already going on.