Alexander G. Karczmar
Distinguished Speakers Series
The Chicago Association for Research and Education in Science (CARES) is pleased to support the Alexander G. KarczmarDistinguished Speakers Series.
Members of the Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital (HVAH) and Captain James A Lovell Federal Health Care Center(JALFHCC) communitiesshould use the following form to nominate speakers. The criteria listed below should be used when considering nomination of a speaker.
Criteria for Selecting Distinguished Speakers
TheAlexander G. Karczmar Distinguished SpeakersSeriesis intended to enrich the VA community by providing presentations by respected experts regarding research topics relevant to the VA population.
- Speakers might address issues of broad interest from the perspective of a particular knowledge domain (neurology, infectious disease, spinal cord injury, etc.), or they might discuss research itself as a topic, employing tools and perspectives from their discipline.
- Speakers should be among the most competent, accomplished, and therefore highly respected leaders in their fields. Those invited should be able to speak in an effective manner.
- The topics that speakers address should be vital and appropriate for a general HVAH/JALFHCC audience.Since CARES is only able to support a maximum of 4 speakers per year, we are seeking presenters of importance who are capable of conveying ideas of substance.
Speakers scheduled should represent diverse perspectives and disciplines, and should be selected from various intellectual, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds.
Nominations for the Alexander G. KarczmarDistinguished Speakers Series may include those who are scheduled for other VAor University functions; however, such nominations should be limited to those speakers who would have broad appeal across the VAcommunity.Coordinating a speaker’s visit with other functions can maximize the impact of the visit and can be cost effective, but the Committee evaluates nominations based on their appropriateness as series speakers without regard to their suitability for other activities.
Scheduling the speaker will depend upon approval, available dates, and the speaker’s schedule.
Alexander G. Karczmar Distinguished Speakers Series
Nomination Form
Please fill out as much information as possible to speed processing.
Today’s DateName of Proposed Speaker
Contact Information
Professional Title(s)
Institutional Affiliation(s)
Credentials/Area of Expertise
Prominent Works,Accomplishments or Research
Possible Topic(s)
Biographical Information (web link permissible)
Other Information / In the box below, please include at least a paragraph explaining why you think the speaker should be invited to speak at HVAH/JALFHCC. Have you heard the person speak before? Would the speaker be appropriate for this venue?
Name of Person Making Nomination
Contact Information
(phone, email)
HVAH/JALFHCCPosition: / Investigator/Physician
Technician / Other ______(explain)
Please send the completed form to .