Nombre: ______Per: ____ Fecha: jueves, 21 de mayo


The district final exam has 4 parts – Listening , Reading, Grammar and Vocabulary. This worksheet focuses on the grammar part.

For the district final you don’t need to know the name of the tense, nor do you need to do any fill in the blank conjugations. You DO need to be able to RECOGNIZE what the verb means.. Sometimes a clue will be at the beginning of the sentence (en el futuro, todos los días, es malo que, etc), so always be on the lookout for the WEIRDO triggers or words that would let you know that In order to prepare for the grammar section do the following matching exercise to review verb tenses.

OJO: some answers you will use more than once

a. coma
b. come
c. comerá
d. comería
e. comía
f. comió
g. está comiendo
h. estaba comiendo
i. come
j. haya comido
k. ha comido
l. había comido / 1. __ Used to eat
2. __ I want that he eat
3. __he will eat
4. __ he would eat if he could
5. __ Every day he ate
6. __ He normally eats steak.
7. __ While he ate, he talked
8. __ Last night he ate dessert
9. _ He was eating
10. __ he is eating
11. ___It’s good that he eat
12. ___ He had eaten
13. ___ He has eaten
14. __ Did he eat yesterday?
15. __You doubt that he will eat
16. __ Eat! (to a friend)
17. __ Eat! (to Mrs. Pia= usted)
18. __Hopefully he will eat
19. __ We recommend that he eat
20. __ I’m sorry that he didn’t eat. / a. juegue
b. juego
c. jugué
d. Jugaba
e. estoy jugando
f. estaba jugando
g. he jugado
h. había jugado
i. haya jugado
j. jugaré
k. jugaría
l. juega / 1. __ As a child I played
2. __ Do I play badly?
3. __ I am playing
4. __ You doubt that I’ll play
5. __ I had played
6. __ I have played
7.__ played yesterday
9. __ I used to play
10. __ I was playing
11. __ If I could I would play
12. __ In the future I will play
13. __ It’s good that I play
14. __ Play! (to a friend)
15. __ Play! (to Mr. Oca-usted)
16. __ They hope that I play
17. __ 5 days ago I played
18. __You’re sorry that I have played
a. __ haces
b. __ hiciste
c. __ hacías
d. __ estás haciendo
e. __estabas haciendo
f. __has hecho
g. _ habías hecho
h. __ hayas hecho
i. __ harás
j. __ harías
k. __ haz
l. __ hagas
m. __ haga / 1. __ You would always do it
2. __ Will you do it?
3. __ Last week you made them
4. __ You are making them
5. __ You were doing it
6. __ You have done it
7. __ You had made them
8. __ I’m sorry that you have done it
9. __ We recommend that you do it
10. __ She doubts that you did it
11. __Do the homework! (to a friend)
12. __ Make the food!(to the chef-usted)
13. __ Don’t do that (to a friend)
14. __ You do homework
15. __ While you made them
16. __ All of a sudden you did it / a. decían
b. dicen
c. digan
d. dijeron
e. dirán
f. dirían
g. estaban diciendo
h. están diciendo
i. habían dicho
j. han dicho
k. hayan dicho / 1. __ Hopefully they’ll tell
2. __ They told us already
3. __ ¿Have they told you?
4. __ You guys would tell us, but it is a secret.
5. __ You guys were saying
6. __ They are telling him
7. __ You guys had said to me.
8. __ I’m sorry that they haven’t told you
9. __ Don’t tell! (to a group)
10. __Hopefully they’ll tell
11. __ It’s good that they tell.
12. __ You guys always say
13. __We doubt that they’ll say
14. __ I’m sorry they don’t always tell you