Nodal Protocol Revision Request

NPRR Number / 355 / NPRR Title / Adjust the Calculation of the Real-Time Settlement Point Price for a Load Zone
Date Posted / April 27, 2011
Nodal Protocol Sections Requiring Revision /, Real-Time Settlement Point Price for a Load Zone, Real-Time Energy Imbalance Payment or Charge at a Resource Node, Real-Time Energy Imbalance Payment or Charge at a Load Zone, Real-Time Energy Imbalance Payment or Charge at a Hub, Real-Time Payment for a Block Load Transfer Point
Requested Resolution / Normal
Revision Description / This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) removes the energy-weighting in the current calculation for the Real-Time Settlement Point Price (RTSPP) for a Load Zone. It also adds a new RTSPP for a Load Zone that is energy-weighted (Real-Time Settlement Point Price Energy-Weighted (RTSPPEW)) and adjusts the appropriate formulas that use these prices. This NPRR also corrects the Real-Time Price for the Energy Metered for each Resource meter at bus (RTRMPR b) in the event that the Energy at bus near Real-Time (EBNRT) is less than or equal to zero.
This NPRR also includes several minor, non-substantive corrections.
Reason for Revision / The two equations using the RTSPP and RTSPPEW prices are the Real-Time Energy Imbalance Amount (RTEIAMT) at a Load Zone and Block Load Transfer Resource Amount (BLTRAMT). The proposed adjustments will ensure that for 15 minute Settlement Intervals in which there is no congestion (i.e. within each SCED interval all the LMPs are the same at all electrical buses) there will be no difference in the Load Zone, Resource Node and Hub 15 minute prices.
Overall Market Benefit / Further eliminates payments or charges to CRR Account Holders when there is no congestion. Provides correct prices for schedules and correct prices for Load that varies throughout the 15 minute Settlement Interval.
Overall Market Impact / Qualified Scheduling Entities (QSEs) shadowing the ERCOT Settlement calculations will have to make changes to their systems. Implementation of this NPRR will remove an inconsistency that currently exists and should provide more accurate prices.
Consumer Impact / More accurate Settlement.
Credit Implications / No.
Quantitative Impacts and Benefits
Assumptions / 1
Market Cost / Impact Area / Monetary Impact
1 / Further eliminates payments or charges to CRR Account Holders when there is no congestion. / Unknown.
2 / Provides correct prices for schedules and correct prices for Load that varies throughout the 15 minute Settlement Interval. / Unknown.
Market Benefit / Impact Area / Monetary Impact
1 / QSEs shadowing the ERCOT Settlement calculations will have to make changes to their systems. / Unknown.
Additional Qualitative Information / 1
Other Comments / 1
Name / Kenneth Ragsdale / Mandy Bauld / Resmi Surendran
E-mail Address / / /
Company / ERCOT
Phone Number / 512-248-3917 / 512-248-6455 / 512-248-3033
Market Segment / Not applicable
Market Rules Staff Contact
Name / Jonathan Levine
E-Mail Address /
Phone Number / 512-248-6464

Please note that NPRR190, Clarification of Resource Definitions and Resource Registration of Self-Serve Generators for Reliability Purposes, also proposes revisions to Section

Proposed Protocol Language Revision Real-Time Settlement Point Price for a Load Zone

The Real-Time SPPSettlement Point Price for a Load Zone Settlement Point is based on the state-estimated Load in MW and the time-weighted average Real-Time LMPs at Electrical Buses that are included in the Load Zone. The Real-Time SPPSettlement Point Price for a Load Zone Settlement Point for a 15-minute Settlement Interval is calculated as follows:

RTSPP = (RTLMP b, y * LZWF b, y)


For all Load Zones except Direct Current Tie (DC Tie) Load Zones:

LZWF b, y = (SEL b, y * TLMP y) / [(SEL b, y * TLMP y)]

LZLMPy = (RTLMP b, y * SEL b, y) / SEL b, y

For a DC Tie Load Zone:

LZWF y = [Max (0.001, SEL y)* TLMP y)] / [[Max (0.001, SEL y)* TLMPy)]


For all Settlement calculations in which a 15-minute RTSPP for a Load Zone is required in order to perform Settlement for a 15-minute quantity that is represented as one value (the integrated value for the 15-minute interval) but varies with each SCED interval within the 15-minute Settlement Inteval, an energy-weighted RTSPP shall be used and is calculated as follows:

RTSPPEW = (RTLMP b, y * LZWF b, y)

LZWF b, y = (SEL b, y * TLMP y) / [(SEL b, y * TLMP y)]

The above variables are defined as follows:

Variable / Unit / Description
RTSPP / $/MWh / Real-Time Settlement Point Price¾The Real-Time SPPSettlement Point Price at the Settlement Point, for the 15-minute Settlement Interval.
RTSPPEW / $/MWh / Real-Time Settlement Point Price Energy-Weighted¾The Real-Time Settlement Point Price at the Settlement Point p, for the 15-minute Settlement Interval that is weighted by the state-estimated Load of the Load Zone of each SCED interval within the 15-minute Settlement Interval.
RTLMP b, y / $/MWh / Real-Time Locational Marginal Price at bus per interval¾The Real-Time LMP at Electrical Bus b in the Load Zone, for the SCED interval y.
LZWF b, y / none / Load Zone Weighting Factor per bus per interval¾The weight used in the Load Zone SPPSettlement Point Price calculation for Electrical Bus b, for the portion of the SCED interval y within the 15-minute Settlement Interval.
LZLMP y / $/MWh / Load Zone Locational Marginal Price¾The Load Zone LMP for the Load Zone for the SCED Interval y.
SEL b, y / MW / State Estimator Load at bus per interval¾The Load from State Estimator for Electrical Bus b in the Load Zone, for the SCED interval y.
TLMP y / second / Duration of SCED interval per interval¾The duration of the portion of the SCED interval y within the Settlement Interval.
y / none / A SCED interval in the 15-minute Settlement Interval. The summation is over the total number of SCED runs that cover the 15-minute Settlement Interval.
b / none / An Electrical Bus in the Load Zone. The summation is over all of the Electrical Buses in the Load Zone. Real-Time Energy Imbalance Payment or Charge at a Resource Node

(1) The payment or charge to each QSE for Energy Imbalance Service is calculated based on the Real-Time Settlement Point Price for the following amounts at a particular Resource Node Settlement Point:

(a) The energy produced by all its Generation Resources at the Settlement Point; plus

(b) The amount of its Self-Schedules with sink specified at the Settlement Point; plus

(c) The amount of its Day-Ahead Market (DAM) Energy Bids cleared in the Day-Ahead Market (DAM) at the Settlement Point; plus

(d) The amount of its Energy Trades at the Settlement Point where the QSE is the buyer; minus

(e) The amount of its Self-Schedules with source specified at the Settlement Point; minus

(f) The amount of its energy offers cleared in the DAM at the Settlement Point; minus

(g) The amount of its Energy Trades at the Settlement Point where the QSE is the seller.

(2) The payment or charge to each QSE for Energy Imbalance Service at a Resource Node Settlement Point for a given 15-minute Settlement Interval is calculated as follows:

If the Generation Resources at the Resource Node Settlement Point p are involved with a net metering scheme:

RTEIAMT q, p = (-1) * {((GSPLITPER q, r, gsc, p * NMSAMTTOT gsc)) + RTSPP p * [(SSSK q, p * ¼) + (DAEP q, p * ¼) + (RTQQEP q, p * ¼) – (SSSR q, p * ¼) – (DAES q, p * ¼) – (RTQQES q, p * ¼)]}


RTEIAMTq, p = (-1) * RTSPP p * {RTMG q, p, r + (SSSK q, p * ¼) + (DAEP q, p * ¼) + (RTQQEP q, p * ¼) – (SSSR q, p * ¼) – (DAES q, p * ¼) – (RTQQES q, p * ¼)}

The above variables are defined as follows:

Variable / Unit / Description /
RTEIAMTq, p / $ / Real-Time Energy Imbalance Amount per QSE per Settlement Point—The payment or charge to QSE q for Real-Time Energy Imbalance Service at Settlement Point p, for the 15-minute Settlement Interval.
RTSPP p / $/MWh / Real-Time Settlement Point Price per Settlement Point—The Real-Time Settlement Point Price at Settlement Point p, for the 15-minute Settlement Interval.
RTMG q, r, p, r / MWh / Real-Time Metered Generation per QSE per Settlement Point per Resource—The Real-Time energy produced by the Generation Resource r represented by QSE q at Resource Node p, for the 15-minute Settlement Interval. Where for a Combined Cycle Train, the Resource r is the Combined Cycle Train.
SSSK q, p / MW / Self-Schedule with Sink at Settlement Point per QSE per Settlement Point—The QSE q’s Self-Schedule with sink at Settlement Point p, for the 15-minute Settlement Interval.
DAEP q, p / MW / Day-Ahead Energy Purchase per QSE per Settlement Point—The QSE q’s DAM Energy Bids at Settlement Point p cleared in the DAM, for the hour that includes the 15-minute Settlement Interval.
RTQQEP q, p / MW / Real-Time QSE-to-QSE Energy Purchase per QSE per Settlement Point¾The amount of MW bought by QSE q through Energy Trades at Settlement Point p, for the 15-minute Settlement Interval.
SSSR q, p / MW / Self-Schedule with Source at Settlement Point per QSE per Settlement Point—The QSE q’s Self-Schedule with source at Settlement Point p, for the 15-minute Settlement Interval.
DAES q, p / MW / Day-Ahead Energy Sale per QSE per Settlement Point—The QSE q’s energy offers at Settlement Point p cleared in the DAM, for the hour that includes the 15-minute Settlement Interval.
RTQQES q, p / MW / Real-Time QSE-to-QSE Energy Sale per QSE per Settlement Point¾The amount of MW sold by QSE q through Energy Trades at Settlement Point p, for the 15-minute Settlement Interval.
NMSAMTTOT gsc / $ / Net Metering Settlement Payment—The total payment to the entire facility with a net metering arrangement.
GSPLITPER q, r, gsc, p / none / Generation Resource SCADA Splitting Percentage—The generation allocation percentage for Resource r that is part of a net metering arrangement. GSPLITPER is calculated by taking the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) values (GSSPLITSCA) for a particular Generation Resource r that is part of a net metering configuration and dividing by the sum of all SCADA values for all Resources that are included in the net metering configuration for each interval. Where for a Combined Cycle Train, the Resource r is the Combined Cycle Train.
q / none / A QSE.
p / none / A Resource Node Settlement Point.
r / none / A Generation Resource.
gsc / none / A generation site code.

(3) The total payments to a facility with a net metering arrangement, for each 15-minute Settlement Interval, shall be calculated as follows:

NMRTETOT gsc = MEB gsc, b

If NMRTETOT gsc = 0

The Load is included in the Real-Time AML per QSE and is included in the Real-Time energy imbalance payment or charge at a Load Zone.


NMSAMTTOT gsc = (RTRMPR b * MEB gsc, b)

Where the price for Settlement Meter is determined as follows:

For EBNRT b <= 0

RTRMPR b = (RTLMP b, y * TLMP y) / TLMP y

Otherwise RTRMPR b is determined as follows:

RTRMPR b =(RNWF b, y * RTLMP b, y)

Where the weighting factor for the bus associated with the meter is:

RNWF b, y = [Max (0.001, BP y) * TLMP y] /

[Max (0.001, BP r, y) * TLMP y]

The summation is over all Resources r associated to the individual meter. The determination of which Resources are associated to an individual meter is static and based on the normal system configuration of the generation site code, gsc.

The above variables are defined as follows:

Variable / Unit / Description /
NMRTETOT gsc / MWh / Net Meter Real-Time Energy Total—The net sum for all Settlement Meters me included in generation site code gsc. A positive value indicates an injection of power to the ERCOT System.
NMSAMTTOT gsc / $ / Net Metering Settlement Payment—The total payment to the entire facility with a net metering arrangement.
RTRMPR b / $/MWh / Real-Time Price for the Energy Metered for each Resource meter at bus¾The Real-Time price for the Settlement Meter at Electrical Bus b, for the 15-minute Settlement Interval.
EBNRT me / MWh / Energy at bus near Real-Time¾The energy at the bus associated with the Settlement Meter gathered by the ERCOT Real-Time process for the 15-minute Settlement Interval. A positive value represents energy produced, and a negative value represents energy consumed. This is the integrated value for the 15 minute interval that is available shortly after the end of the 15 minute interval.
MEB gsc, b / MWh / Metered Energy at bus¾The metered energy by the Settlement Meter me for the 15-minute Settlement Interval. A positive value represents energy produced, and a negative value represents energy consumed.
RTLMP b, y / $/MWh / Real-Time Locational Marginal Price at bus per interval¾The Real-Time LMP for the meter at Electrical Bus b, for the SCED interval y.
TLMP y / second / Duration of SCED interval per interval¾The duration of the SCED interval y.
RNWF b, y / none / Net meter Weighting Factor per interval ¾The weight factor used in net meter price calculation for meters in Electrical Bus b, for the SCED interval y. The weighting factor used in the net meter price calculation shall not be recalculated after the fact due to revisions in the association of Resources to Settlement Meters.
BP r, y / MW / Base Point per Resource per interval ¾The Base Point of Resource r, for the SCED interval y. Where for a Combined Cycle Train, the Resource r is a Combined Cycle Generation Resource within the Combined Cycle Train.
gsc / none / A generation site code.
me / none / A Settlement Meter.
r / none / A Generation Resource that is located at the facility with net metering. The summation is over all the Generation Resources at the facility.
y / none / A SCED interval in the 15-minute Settlement Interval. The summation is over the total number of SCED runs that cover the 15-minute Settlement Interval.
b / none / An Electrical Bus.

(4) The Generation Resource SCADA Splitting Percentage for each Resource within a net metering arrangement for the 15-minute Settlement Interval is calculated as follows: