Nob Hill Business Assn.

Board Meeting

April 1, 2015


Holiday Inn Express


Present: Pat Fiedler, Sanford, Jenny Bunce, Megan Turnell

Guest: Joe Arnett, City of Portland Environmental Services was not able to attend the board meeting on April 1 to discuss sewer work on NW Vaughn.

Sewer work on Vaughn: City is proposing to work at night since it is such a busy street. The City will save money and time if they do it at night – impact businesses and traffic heavily. NWDA opposes night time work. Pat proposes to support City as the business association for night work.

·  Pat to email board with letter of support.

New Positions: Megan Turnell will serve as Secretary and Sanford will serve as Membership Chair (call people who used to be members, help them renew membership and describe benefits). Megan Turnell also assigned to keep eye on website to ensure it’s up to date and functional

Parking: No update because Charlotte not present.

Nicole’s New Position in the Pearl:

·  New Members: Goal – 50 new members

·  Membership follow-up – Chain of command going through to many disjointed steps so Jenny Bunce, Treasurer, who already receives mail and deposits checks, will take on initial correspondence and Pat will send hand written note.

o  Amended Processing of Memberships to reflect this change.

o  Not-current members who are on website: call them say your membership is expired and you are still on the website so it’s time to renew otherwise you will be taken down.

Lift Urban Portland Food Drive: NW Examiner now donating Food Drive ad so Pat proposes to lower donation from $350 (cost of ad) to $200 due to budget constraints.

Travel Portland: We will have 500 versions of the latest version of the brochure printed. A possible trade was discussed – membership dues for printing. This idea was opposed as it could make waters murky and ties us to them.

Pat to get a quote from an online company to counter Minute Man’s.

Sanford also offered up his designers for future logo creations.


·  Our Oregon wants to present at NHBA board meeting about minimum wage legislation. Board decided to invite them to present but explain to them NHBA is not a political organization so will not support any sort of campaign.

·  Holiday Inn Express will host and cover all costs of our September social.

Board Actions:

1.  Budget approved by the board

2.  Approved lowering Lift Urban Portland donation from $350 to $200

3.  Board voted to ask Jeff Pazdalski, Lift Urban Portland to join NHBA Board

a.  Brainstorm new board members – we have 4 open seats. Other ideas:

i.  Angela, Besaws

4.  A dollar of from every Taste of Nob Hill Passport sold will go to Friendly House