From 200 BCE to 1450 CE, the Silk Road continuities and changes in patterns of interractions have changed tremendously. First, the Silk Road had many changes as to how it was traveled. Next, the things traded started to decline due to teclmology. Finally, the routes differed from these two snapshots of history.

(No. Change is attempted poorly. There is nothing on continuity).

From 200 BCE top 1450 CE the Silk Road's patterns or interaction underwent changes: the intennediaries and civilizations it COlll1ected changed, but it also underwent continuities; the silk road still spread innovations, ideas, and goods.

(Yes. This is the low bar for an acceptable thesis).

The Silk Road was one of the most influential trading systems in All of History. As time progressed, so did it, as it adapted to things like the rise and fall of Rome, or the rise of Islam. It shifted throughout time, but always remained very prominent till the 1450s, when it started to disappear.


From 200 BC to 1450 CE, the Silk Road was extremely important in connecting China in the East to the empires of the 'West. While goods traded, nations and people involved changed over time, the continuous flow of new technology, religions, customs, ideas, and the occasional plague never abated.

(Yes. Not a very strong thesis but does fulfill the requirement).

From 200 BCE to 1450 CE the Silk Roads were involved with many nations, and was in the middle of many wars. Their were even some major conflicts caused because of the trades along the silk roads. After analyzing infonnation, it is clear that the Silk Road lead to many major events in China.

(No. Lacks specificity and does not appropriately address continuity and change).

There were many continuities and changes in patterns of interactions along the Silk

Roads' from 200 BCE to 1450 CE such as a continuity of a major spread of religion. An

important change is that it eventually became not only the path for many luxury goods, but it also became a road for sicknesses and diseases to spread.

(Yes. A strong thesis that concisely and correctly addresses both continuity and change).

In history, the Silk Road trade route was vital. It allowed for cultural diffusion by means of mingling during trade. Although very prosperous, the Silk Roads endured numerous changes, and continuities.

(No. Only addresses continuity. There is nothing on change).