
Government Quiz

Part 1: Multiple-Choice (1 point each)

Directions: Circle the answer that fits best.

1. A nation-state is another word for:

a. city c. state

b. country d. continent

2. A government is important because it helps to:

a. organize and regulate people c. gives us something to talk about

b. gives us President’s Day off from school d. so it can negotiate with other governments

3. A government ruled by a king or queen is called:

a. Anarchy c. pluralism

b. monarchy d. France

4. When talking about rewards, one reward the government distributes is:

a. free lottery tickets c. free hockey tickets

b. personal security d. traffic tickets

5. All of the following are functions of government that we studied EXCEPT:

a. distribute rewards c. delay rent

b. enforce laws d. make laws

6. Each one of these first lead to the development of government EXCEPT:

a. The need to provide social control of groups c. need to deliver mail

b. The need to preserve culture d. help solve problems

as a group that couldn’t be

solved individually.

7. There are around this many nation-states in the world today:

a. 20 c. 2000

b. 200 d. 2

8. The bigger and more complex a group of people becomes the ______government becomes:

a. more necessary c. less necessary

b. equally necessary d. none of the above

9. Without rules and government there would be:

a. anarchy c. order

b. strict structure d. totalitarianism

10. All of these are these are attributes are required to be considered a nation-state EXCEPT:

a. sovereignty c. a national anthem

b. land d. people

11.  A law for the common good:

a. is a law that benefits the person making it c. is a law that benefits the best people in society

b. a law that benefits all of society d. is designed to help children

12.  A republic is a type of:

a. Dictatorship c. Oligarchy

b. Anarchy d. Democracy

Part 2: Fill in the Blank/Matching. (1 point each)


1.____Institution a. Distribute Rewards, Make

and enforce laws, set


2.___Nation-State b. to help regulate and

control people, and to help make decisions.

3. ____Monarchy c. Somewhere in the middle between

anarchy and totalitarianism.

4. _____Democracy d. government ruled by a few people. Power is passed down generation to


5. _____Dictatorship e. Government where the people hold

the power to govern.

6._____Aristocracy f. Another word for country.

7. _____Functions of Government g. An organization that has been around

for a while, like a school.

8. _____Why it is necessary to h. Government ruled by one

have government person.

9. _____Pluralism i. No government at all.

10. ____Anarchy j. government ruled by a king.


Anarchy / Binding Candidates
Governor / Ordinance Institution
Totalitarianism / Government

1. If a law is ______then you have to follow it.

2.  ______is another word for law.

3.  ______has no laws and ______has little or no freedom.

4.  Currently there are many ______in the California governor’s election.

5. When they tore down that school it was sad. It was quite the ______.

Short Answer Questions: (3 points each)

Directions: Answer the following questions using complete sentences.

  1. What is government?
  1. Why do we need government? Please provide 3 reasons.
  1. List the 5 different types of governments and their definitions.
  1. Make a line on the back of the page and label the left side “total freedom” and the right side “strict order.” Place the 5 different types of government in the appropriate places on the line.

5. What are 4 things government do?

6. Remember the example of the first day of school with no adults. What is that an example

of? How does it show what would happen if there was no government and why we need


7.  What does it mean to have a law for the common good? Give 1 example of a law for the common good?