NMSF / National Strategies Joint Project
Brief report on individual middle school projects.
Please contact schools directly if you would like to learn more about each project – schools have agreed to be contacted. The presentations to the final project conference on October 1st 2010 are available on the ‘Conference Reports’ page of the NMSF website –
Central Bedfordshire
HolmemeadMiddle School - Developing strategic leadership in the school
Contact: Chris Greenhall
Use of the joint project ‘9 box model’ for developing strategic leadership in the school, which developed from building on AFL through the use of APP in English. Strategic leadership was one of the keys, building leadership capacity to cope when staff leave or move on.
The school has built two periods of CPD time into staff timetables – for in school development and to develop planning. Funding the school had been putting into courses etc now supporting this – led to increased staffing. TLR structure now reflects this - organised around 6 learning areas across the school
ArnoldMiddle School - Improving progress in Maths at KS2.
Contact: Lyn Lyman
Worked with lower schools to track pupil progress with a focus on improving results at KS2 – shared teaching and assessment.Doing accelerated KS3 from June in Yr 6 and achieving good progress by the end of KS3 – using APP to inform staff about what pupils need to do to move on.
Using APP to underpin and move 1:1 tuition forward – using the AFs – DH meets parents of all 1:1 children – and the targets are based in APP – encourage parentsto discuss the targets – what has been learned and progress the child is making – very valuable for homework.
AshtonMiddle School- To ensure consistency in use of APP across 13 subject areas
Contact: JoyBarclay Devine
Aim is to ensure parents and pupils experience a consistent approach. Are all the pupils aware of their levels – consistently across the school?
Focus on - small focused steps; Measurable outcomes – so know what has been achieved
ScissettMiddle School (10 to 13) /ScissettFirstSchool - A transition project - improving writing.
Contact: Mick Moriaty, Headteacher, ScissetMiddle School
Joint projectbuilding on previous work developing writing and data transfer from first to middle. APP moderation meetings between first and middle staff were very powerful in moving the schools forward and building trust in sharing data.Half termly meetings with ‘Gap Tasks’ – work agreed to be completed between each meeting with reminder by email - for example, celebrating writing was one of the gap tasks.
Conducted pupil interviews about writing – verbally or written – the big answer – they wanted to write stories and wanted a quiet environment in order to do this.
APP data used to identify vulnerable boys – and invited to an additional transition day on writing – they emailed work back to class teacher at first school during the day – to get feedback. All Year 5 pupils have writing target in their books on first day of term – very powerful – the children had written these in Year 4 – on middle school headed paper. Used APP outcomes to place pupils into ability groups in September - rather than wait half a term
BerwickMiddle School- To improve continuity and transition from Y6 to Y7
Contact: David Mulholland, Headteacher
The head used staff and pupil surveys as a way of moving forward and creating staff ownership. There was a mismatch between staff and pupil perceptions of their understanding of present ability and what was need to make progress. - looking at the results in a staff workshop led to staff ownership of the project, and identification of the way forward. Rooted in whole staff improvement planning.
TweedmouthMiddle School – Focused progress support for indentified group of pupils.
Contact: Chris Durie, Headteacher
The head identified a focus group of about 15 pupils – mainly boys using data, but also responses to a pupil survey.The Head modelled a structured approach and a coaching model – engaging individual pupils in identifying their present attainment – and creating for themselves in a structured interview an action plan for moving forward
Led to action plan resulting from interview – followed by review meeting – pupil’s own all this – pupils decide action plan – after finding out from asking questions of their teachers
PenkridgeMiddle School - Strategic planning
Contact: Natalie Frost
Sought to develop a sustainable development of APP as a tool. Use of APP has helped to embed sub-levels Effective feedback to pupils – written question to pupils – which the pupil needs to answer
Targets now used on SIMS and entered by staff access to tracking data.
Agreed whole school assessment timetable which gives all key dates for doing APP twice a year in core subject – including parent’s evenings, use of assessment manager and SIMS to underpin, and review meetings with senior staff.Next step integration with learning platform – and access for parents to assessment information.
ChristChurch CE Middle School - Trouble shooting - combating stagnation
Contact: Amy Graham
Outstanding school – but with a long serving staff this has led to some resistance to development.
APP was seen as a vehicle for the school to move forward
Identified barriers to progress amongst long serving staff 7 barriers to change
Using APP has identified subject knowledge problems
ChurnetViewMiddle School - Embedding – Establishing Consistency
Contact: Alison Keily
Rather nice diagrams based on house make the project seem approachable and manageable.
Used the ‘focus on six pupils’ model to make the introduction of APP manageable – some staff trying to do all pupils were overwhelmed
Developed APP grids for all the foundation subjects – took the AFs from the strands of the National Curriculum – splitting the levels into a grid. Each classroom wall shows a skills ladder for the children to refer to – based on the APP statements – next steps become more pupil friendly when pupils are involved.