New Mexico Network forWomen in Science and Engineering

OFFICERS: Tinka Gammel, President; Lynda Towers, Vice President/President Elect; Yolanda King, Treasurer; Jeanne Banks, Secretary.


2006Annual Meeting

Spirit Canyon Lodge
Lake Roberts, New Mexico

Saturday, October 28, 2006

9:00 AM


The meeting was called to order at 9:10 am.


The minutes of the 2005 Annual Meeting held on October 29, 2005were distributed. There were no corrections and the minutes were approved.


The total funds in checking as of 10/21/06 are $19,828.29. The expenses for this meeting are still outstanding.

Income included $13,000 in grants from Intel, Honeywell, and PNM. Membership and income from the 2005 Annual Meeting Fees (no net income) are reflected in the total income of $16,300.

Expenses were dominated by EYH and Science Fairs Awards as in previous years. Total expenses were $11,661.80.

The proposed budget for 2006-2007 is shown on the attachment. Discussion on the budget

  1. Change the line item to Student Awards rather than Science Fair.
  2. Keep in amount for Southern Chapter

The Treasurer’s report was approved to be filed for audit.

The Audit Committee will be Sandy Winkelmaier, Nan Founds, and Charlene Bausinger. They will perform the audit at noon today and report this afternoon.


2006 Annual MeetingJanie Johnston

Emily and Tinka did most of the work. Hats off to them! Great attendance, wonderful place. Asked for comments on the process. Everyone loved on-line registration.

Archives Mary Campbell

Mary would still like to get information on awards that people receive. She will take anything electronic or hardcopy. She would especially like to have pictures from the 2004 Annual Meeting if anyone has some.

ElectionsGeorgia Pedicini (not present)


President: Charlene Bausinger34

Vice President: Elizabeth Kallman34

Treasurer: Yolanda King34


Barbara Torres:28

Claudia Barreto31

Dana Roberson32

Emily Schultz27

Mary Campbell24

Meghan Norvell24

There was some discussion about the even year/odd year positions. Betsy Frederick offered to resign from the Board so that Meghan Norvell could join the Board. Tinka accepted. All are now elected to a two-year term except for Meghan who will complete Betsy’s second year.

Fund Raising Dana Roberson

Raised $13,000. Still have not heard from McCune and Albuquerque Women’s Foundation. Also expect LANL to send $1000.

Membership Dana Roberson

12 new memberships before she left—roughly have 82 members. Will send an updated membership directory after the most recent renewals have been processed.


Would still like to mail a newsletter to those without email a couple of times a year.


Tinka has redesigned the EYH flyer and it will also be used on the brown wrapper.

Barbara Torres took over for Tinka while she reconciled the ballots cast on-site.

Policies and ProceduresVacant

Student AwardsMercedes Agogino

Gave 10 $50 awards at the State Science Fair. Indian Science Fair, Super Computing Challenge

State Science Fair website has been updated with the date of next year’s fair. It is April 8, 2006.

Int’l Science Fair is in ABQ in 2007. They are still looking for judges and have relaxed the criteria for previous judging experience.

Web Page Tinka Gammel

Please let Tinka know if you find any broken links as we have moved to a new server.


State EYH Dana Roberson

She gave Yolanda the form to submit our check for next year. We were thanked by EYH for our complete report and statistics. Our data is very helpful to them.

Northern Chapter (Los Alamos) Dana Roberson

Their EYH will be March 14, 2007 at UNM LA campus. The career day aspect was well received in 2006 and they expect to do it again.

Southern Chapter (Silver City) Adrienne Dare

The 14th annual Silver City EYH conference at WNMU was held on Saturday February 25, 2006 on the Western New Mexico University Campus. This was our most successful conference yet in that it ran more smoothly than before. Two hundred eighty four girls from the Silver and Cobre Districts as well as from Cliff, Reserve, Deming and Lordsburg attended.

Our conference targets 5th – 10th grade girls. Over the years we have been observing that a large majority of the girls are from the 5th, 6th and 7th grades. This year almost 85% of the girls were in the 5th, 6th or 7th grades: 28.2% 5th grade girls, 35.6% 6th grade girls and 21.1% 7th grade girls. The racial breakdown is approximately 46% Anglo and 54% Hispanic.

After an opening session there were 2 hands on workshops followed by pizza lunch and then a third workshop followed by the closing session. We had 18 different role model presenters this year. Pizza was a great success. However, we ran a little short of food because extra people, parents and family, were taking food with the girls. This is something we need to control in the future. Rosa Romero, president of the science club, gave the morning “pep talk” and organized the female science club members in leading group activities for the girls at the closing session. At the closing we had drawings for prizes, which were donated by many local businesses. As usual Western New Mexico University provides many in kind services and facilities.

This year we sent letters to parents letting them know their daughters were registered for the conference. Instead of our usual no show rate of about 35% our no show count was about 25%. We have always tried to have the teachers remind the girls of the conference date by giving them a list of the girls from their classes who are registered. It appears that the added effort of letters to the parents may have helped attendance.

Our local fundraising went well. In addition to local funds, $100 mini-grant from AAUW-NM and $600 NMNWSE seed money, one of our Girl Scout representatives on the planning committee acquired a $1000 STEM grant from the South Central Girls Collaborative.

We are proud that we are receiving public recognition for our work with EYH. Two of our Planning Committee members gained public recognition this year for their work on Expanding Your Horizons. Jo Ann Fischer was awarded recognition in the area of Education by the Silver City Chamber of Commerce at the annual Leadership Awards Luncheon on April 12. On May 5 Adrienne Dare was one of the 20 recipients of the 2006 Governor’s Award for Outstanding New Mexico Women. In 2005 Adrienne and Della Acosta were awarded Business Woman of the Year by the Silver City Business and Professional Women’s organization.

Our 15th annual Silver City EYH conference at WNMU will be held on Saturday March 3, 2007.

Central Chapter (Albuquerque) LeAnn Brasure

The 2006 Central Chapter EYH was held on 11 March on the UNM campus with the opening session and adult session at Woodward hall and the student workshops held in Mitchell Hall. The keynote speaker was Deanna Firebaugh from Honeywell—she was a local replacement for the original out-of-town speaker from Honeywell who was unable to travel at the last minute. Ms Firebaugh spoke on her path—a self-described unusual one—to her successful technical career at Honeywell. Attendance at this EYH was lower than in past years—190 girls and 24 adults pre-registered for the event. We had approximately 41 registered students not show up and only a couple of on-site registrations. Twenty-seven workshops were presented covering math, biology, engineering, chemistry, medicine and physics. The medical workshops seemed to be the most popular based on pre-registered workshop requests.

All in all it was a successful morning although there were a couple of areas highlighted for attention this year. One of the speakers for the adult session failed to show up and left the leader of that session scrambling to cover the time. In addition, some of the adults in attendance expressed an interest in sitting in on a workshop. We have always discouraged adults from attending the workshops in order to allow the students to interact with the workshop presenters without adult interference. Last year, we were able (through real-time planning) to make a couple of workshops available to adults who wished to attend. This year the committee is investigating scheduling workshop sessions (possibly condensed versions) for adults who are interested. A second concern involved and adult in a wheelchair who had trouble negotiating the different levels at Woodward. We’ll need to work with UNM to make sure we don’t have a repeat this year.

The 2007 Central Chapter EYH will be on March 10, 2007 at UNM.


Northern Chapter (Los Alamos) Wendee Brunish

Eastern Chapter Mercedes Agogino

Same number of members—1! That got a laugh!

Central Chapter (Albuquerque) Jeanne Banks

Twenty-nine excited women attended a Wine Tasting event on August 22 at the St Clair Winery and Bistro near Albuquerque’s Old Town. It was a resounding success! We had quality networking time and a chance to discuss the future activities of the Central Chapter.

Based on the results of the survey that was taken that evening, the group would like to meet six times per year, every other month, at a dinner meeting. The formal meetings will begin in January 2007. Expected date of next meeting will be Wednesday, January 17, 2007. Meetings every other month.


Strategic Planning –publicity and membership emphasis. We have improved our web presence and are making concerted membership efforts. Barbara Torres will bring us up to date on the action items and prepare a presentation for next year’s annual meeting.

Dark Sky—31 pro—1 con


Much discussion about Southern Chapter and EYH in Las Cruces. Suggestion was made to go to the organizational day at NMSU to rebuild that chapter.

Janie Johnston brought up a suggestion that at each EYH, we select a teacher and student who would come to our annual meeting as our guests.

Eleanor Walther suggested we invite the students who receive our awards to come to the annual meeting and present. Charlene Bausinger suggested that we become mentors to our award recipients. Or have local winners present at Chapter meetings as well.

Claudia Barreto suggested meeting at Valencia campus. Board meeting there, maybe followed by a luncheon with speaker for students.

  • Nancy Weinbrenner talked about whether or not we should sponsor a statewide award for a woman in science. She would support by planning and investigating this award.
  • Will also investigate the student award—brought up the need for a strong relationship with the teacher community. How do we make it be only for girls. Have to be specific.
  • Action renewed for the Georgia Fritz memoriam—needs to be looked into. Barbara Torres will do.
  • Wendee Brunish talked about Science Star of the Week—an idea they had in LA.

Meeting adjourned at 10:45am.

Attachment A



The line item totals are shown on the attached 2006 Budget Approved vs. Actual.

The final checking balance as of 10/21/06 is $19828.29.

Income included $13,000 in grants from Intel, Honeywell, and PNM. Membership and income from the 2005 Annual Meeting Fees (not net income) are reflected in the total income of $16,300.

Expenses were dominated by EYH and Science Fair Awards as in previous years. Total expenses were $11, 661.80.

The proposed budget for 2006-2007 is shown on the attachment as well. I have left the Southern Chapter amounts in hoped that we will be able to re-start that chapter & EYH.

Respectfully submitted,

Yolanda Jones King


NMNWSE 2005 Budget Approved / *NMNWSE 2006 Budget / Actuals / NMNWSE 2007 Budget
Memberships/Other / $800.00 / $3,300.00 / $2,000.00
Fund Raising / $15,000.00 / $13,000.00 / $15,000.00
Total / $15,800.00 / $16,300.00 / $17,000.00
Archives / $20.00 / $20.00
Elections / $20.00 / $20.00
Fund Raising / $100.00 / $100.00
Newsletter / $50.00 / $50.00
Officers' Expenses / $300.00 / $200.00
PO Box / $130.00 / $132.00 / $135.00
Publicity / $800.00 / $420.81 / $800.00
Miscellaneous / $200.00 / $16.00 / $100.00
Board Travel Expenses / $300.00 / $138.32 / $300.00
President's Expenses / $300.00 / $300.00
Membership Activities/Professional Mentoring
Annual Mtg. / $2,000.00 / $2,273.44 / $2,000.00
Annual Mtg Scholarships / $300.00 / $200.70 / $300.00
Chapter Rebates / $900.00 / $600.00 / $900.00
Membership / $500.00 / $65.00 / $500.00
Student Mentoring/Education
EYH Conferences
Albuquerque / $600.00 / $600.00 / $600.00
Los Alamos / $600.00 / $600.00 / $600.00
Silver City / $600.00 / $600.00 / $600.00
Southern / $600.00 / $600.00
Statewide / $500.00 / $500.00 / $500.00
EYH Insurance / $500.00 / $437.76 / $500.00
EYH Promotion (tote bags or other) / $5,000.00 / $4,200.00 / $5,000.00
EYH Printing / $1,000.00 / $317.77 / $1,000.00
Science Fair Awards / $1,000.00 / $560.00 / $1,000.00
Miscellaneous / $500.00 / $300.00
Total / $16,820.00 / $11,661.80 / $16,425.00
*As approved in 2005 Annual Meeting