Herbicide Compensation Guidelines

50/50 Cost Share of Landowner and NLCHPP

For Herbicide Purchased through

Larimer County Weed District (LCWD)

1.  Total Project funding allocation is $4990

2.  Cost share is 50% landowner & 50% NLCHPP with a cap per landowner/entity based upon acreage owned.

Cost Share breakdown by acreage is as follows:

Ø  35 – 160 acres owned = $100 cap (Applicant $100 - NLCHPP $100 for $200 of product.)

Ø  160 – 400acres owned = $200 cap (Applicant $200 – NLCHPP $200 for $400 of product.)

Ø  400 – 1000 acres owned = $300 cap (Applicant $300 – NLCHPP $300 for $600 of product.)

Ø  1000 + acres owned = $400 cap (Applicant $400 – NLCHPP $400 for $800 of product.)

3.  LCWD is the only herbicide vendor collaborating in this cost share project.

4.  Landowners must complete an application request, detailing the number of acres of infestation, amount of product requested and types of weeds targeted. (See Herbicide Cost Share Application)

5.  Noxious weeds targeted are limited to those on the LCWD list of targeted noxious weeds.

6.  We require that the LCWD herbicide recommendations be utilized for this project.

7.  The LCWD will provide site visits to help landowners with weed species identification, management recommendations and follow-up visits if requested.

8.  LCWD will provide management reference guides, sprayer loans, storage, and distribution of herbicides.

9.  Qualifying landowners (owning 35+ acres) will be mailed a voucher to be turned into the LCWD when the product is picked up. This voucher will be good for up to a specific dollar amount, (not to exceed the allowable dollar cap based on acreage owned), and that the landowner would match funding. Landowners will pay their 50% (plus any applicable taxes) at the time of herbicide pickup. NLCHPP will be billed the remaining amount by the LCWD. Please call approximately 5 days prior to pick up so the LCWD can have product on hand and personnel available to assist you.

10.  Funding is for the product only. Landowners are responsible for their own application of the herbicide.

Northern Larimer County

Habitat Partnership Program

Herbicide Cost Share Application

For 50/50 Cost Share of Herbicide Purchased through LCWD

Please read all requirements and conditions expressed by the NLCHPP Committee to be eligible before filling out your application. Call (719) 227-5221 or email Hanna Cook NLCHPP administrative assistant with any questions at

Please provide the following information:

I.  Name of Property Owner /Applicant ______

Address ______

Phone ______Email ______

II.  Legal description of land you own that is within the NLCHPP boundary that qualifies you for participation. Applicant must own 35 acres or more within the NLCHPP boundary to qualify or submit an application for this NLCHPP project. (All treated land must be within the NLCHPP boundary.)

a.  Section ______Range ______Township ______

b. Total acres owned .

III.  I am applying for a 50/50 cost share of herbicide being applied to my personal property, listed above, during the Fiscal Year 2014. I understand that I am eligible for a 50% discount off my total bill (excluding taxes) up to a maximum amount as shown below. Funding will be available until the project money is depleted.

Please Check One:

35 – 160 acres owned = $100 maximum paid by NLCHPP (Total of $200 of product)

160 – 400 acres owned = $200 maximum paid by NLCHPP (Total of $400 of product)

400 – 1000 acres owned = $300 maximum paid by NLCHPP (Total of $600 of product)

1000 + acres owned = $400 maximum paid by NLCHPP (Total of $800 of product)

# acres of infestation __ herbicide name/quantity needed .

(We require herbicide recommendations made by the LCWD be utilized for this project.)

Noxious weeds targeted .

(Funding limited to those on the LCWD list of targeted noxious weeds.)

Signed: Landowner applicant: ______

Date: .

Please return application to:

Northern Larimer County Habitat Partnership Program

C/O Hanna Cook · 4255 Sinton Road · Colorado Springs, CO · 80907
