SEANC Headquarters, Raleigh, NC


Friday, July 21, 2017 - Saturday, July 22, 2017

PresidentStanley Drewery called the BOG meeting to order at 12:20 pm.

Darius McLaurin gave the Invocation.

Pledge of Allegiance

Betty Gautier, Secretary, conducted the roll call.

Attendees:Stanley Drewery, President; Darius McLaurin, First Vice President; Jimmy Davis, Second Vice President; Chevella Thomas, Treasurer; Ross Hailey, Past President; Janice Smith, Insurance Board Chair; Benny Brigman, Retiree Council Chair; Kim Martin, Parliamentarian; Ray Evans, Parliamentarian; Betty Gautier, Secretary

(1) Mark Haskett, (2) Cliff Johnson, (3)Pat Reighard, (4) Tim Southard, (5) Tony Smith, (6) Sonya Akbar, (7) Henry Belada, (8) Ron Hunt, (9)Jamie Robinson, (10) Dennis Hartley, (11) Kenny Brower, (12) Chenell Rose, (13) Linda Colbert (Absent), (16)Willie Bailey, (17) Kemrey Lamar, (18) Lisa Martin, (19) Marie Tate, (20)Jacque Chatman, (21) Patsy Tilley for Janice Bass (Absent), (22) Deborah Harney, (23) Jeremy Register, (24) A.J. Albertson, (25) Kirk Montgomery, (26) Stanley Gales, (27) Sam Rogers, (28) Felicia McKinnie, (37)Furman Beckwith, (38)Margaret Reader, (39) George Thiessen, (40)James Wadsworth for Vernice Whyms (Absent), (41) Mike Gould, (42) Shirley Bell, (43)Debra Dunston (Absent), (44) Pat Holcomb, (45) Joyce Yelverton, (46) Randy Bruton, (56)Grace Edwards, (57) Daisy Stancill, (58)Pam Hailey, (59) Kathy Merritt, (60) Hiawatha Jones, (61) Cindy Hester, (62) Laura Overstreet, (63)Sherry Dodge, (64)Latina Shelley, (65) Alicia Simpson, (66) Francisco Duarte, (67) Carlton Jarmon for Patricia Moore(Absent), (68) Rita Woods, (69) Keith Renner, (70) Debra Tyson; Awards: Marie Tate; Bylaws Advisory: Cliff Brown; EMPAC: Tony Smith; Member Discount: James Hartley; Membership: Ron Fields; Planning: Darius McLaurin; Training: Steve Lawson; Policy Platform: Jim Pressley (Absent); Scholarship: Mike Bell; Emerging Leaders: Emily Jones; Audit Committee: Keith Renner; Executive Director Search Committee: Martha Fowler; Standards Review Committee: Tara Minter; Personnel Manual Review Committee: Keith Renner for Doris Greer (Absent); Public Relations Committee: Hiawatha Jones; Fight for $15: Wendell Powell; Connections: Linda Rouse Sutton; Benevolence Committee: Deborah Fleming; Mitch Leonard, Executive Director; Chuck Stone, Director of Operations

President Stanley Drewery recognized SEANC Past Presidents who were in attendance at the BOG Meeting:

Shirley BellCliff BrownRoss Hailey

Linda Rouse SuttonTony SmithChuck Stone

Gloria Evans, who was the 1st Vice President, stepped down from her Officer position to accept a position with SEANC as a Member Relations Representative for the East. Darius McLaurin moved up from the 2nd Vice President position to the 1st Vice President position.

A motion was introduced as a recommendation from the Executive Committee to name Jimmy Davis as Interim 2nd Vice President to continue until September 30 by replacing the position vacated by Darius McLaurin. No second required.

Kim Martin, Parliamentarian, swore in Jimmy Davis as Interim 2nd Vice President and Darius McLaurin as 1st Vice President.

Points of Personal Privilege:

Jimmy Davis announced that he would be running for 2nd Vice President.

Darius McLaurin announced that he would be running for 1st Vice President.

Steve Lawson announced that he would be running for Piedmont Regional


Kirk Montgomery announced that he would be running for Piedmont Regional


Cliff Johnson announced that he would be running for Western Regional


Mike Gould announced that he would be running for North Central Regional


A card was read from Mrs. Gloria Upperman’s family expressing appreciation for

prayers, cards, and visits during her sickness and passing.

It was noted that a Resolution was recorded in the Legislature honoring the life and

service of Sgt. Meggan Callahan, who died because of an attack by an

inmate, while on duty at Bertie Correctional Facility.

Cliff Johnson shared that Dodie Collins’ memorial service would be in Asheville

on Saturday at 4 pm.

George Thiessen made a motion to approve the BOG minutes from May 19-20, 2017 with the notation to show the Eastern Regional Breakout comments on pages 11 & 12 and to change from Saturday to Thursday on page 3 for Awards. Pam Hailey seconded. Motion passed.

President Stanley Drewery shared that at this year’s convention, the community service project will be to establish the Fallen Members’ Benevolence Fund. The fund will help families of members who have lost their lives while on the job. Linda Rouse Sutton’s Connections Committee will be responsible for setting guidelines for the fund. President Drewery asked the Chairs to go back to their districts and ask for funds to be given at convention for this project.

Chevella Thomas gave the Treasurer’s Report. Cash and cash equivalents for the General Fund through June 30, 2017 are $4,448,457. Committee expenditures and remaining funds are listed through June 30, 2017. Note that the area for operating reserves has been broken down further to provide explanation on the makeup of operating reserves. A few line items, such as computer hardware and Issue Education Program/Political/NC Spin, have been overspent and will need to be addressed. Insurance programs will no longer be broken down to reflect receipts from individual programs. Only the total receipts from all insurance products will be listed due to concerns about improper sharing of proprietary information.

Brenda Hooker stated that information regarding what SEANC collects from individual insurance providers is proprietary and should not be shared with other insurance vendors. This is to protect ourselves from being in breach of our contract. Members who have questions on the insurance receipts may contact either Chevella Thomas or Brenda Hooker.

Chevella Thomas stated that the Financial Report was on target, subject to audit.

Benny Brigman made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Willie Bailey seconded. Motion passed.

Executive Director Mitch Leonard’s Report:

  • The General Assembly has gone home for now but will return August 3.
  • We need to thank our legislative sponsors (as well as the hard work by our lobbyists) for the $1,000 increase and for the 1% COLA. These increases should be in the July paychecks.
  • It is important to remember that the dues deduction bill could still be introduced during the August 3rd session.
  • Need to continue moving forward with switching folks to the Alternative Payment Option.
  • The SEANC lobbying staff are to be commended for helping us to keep the payroll dues deduction ability.
  • Beginning in 2021, retiree health care for new hires will end.
  • Plans are to move forward with our IT projects to upgrade hardware and software.
  • The Chief Operating Officer position was offered to two different candidates. Both declined due partially to the uncertainty of the Executive Director position. It has been decided to allow the new Executive Director to hire a new COO.
  • SEANC will move forward in hiring a temporary HR Director.
  • In an effort to spread SEANC’s message in more areas, SEANC may utilize advertising media through football and basketball broadcasts. Targeted Facebook ads are also being used.
  • Membership has remained at a stable number, even with the increase in dues, which occurred for April, 2017. Initial projections were that we would lose membership in the thousands. In reality, we have only had 700 to cancel.
  • Access to agencies has been granted for twice a year. Additional access would require going back to the State HR Director, which SEANC staff will work on.

Henry Belada offered to go with the SEANC staff to the HR Director to discuss the importance of additional access to agencies.

Kenny Brower asked if performance increases were available and would those increases be made available this year?

Executive Director Leonard stated that the SEANC staff would inquire about the possibility of performance increases when they visit with the HR Director.

Representatives from Blue Cross Blue Shield (Susan Murray, Mark Werner, and Troy Page) addressed concerns with the BOG regarding the dispute with Mission Health, which operates six hospitals in the western part of NC. Mission Health did not renew its contract with Blue Cross Blue Shield. As of October 5, all Mission hospitals will be out of network for BCBSNC. Blue Cross Blue Shield feels that Mission Health already overcharges for services with plans to raise prices even more. The cost is passed along to the State Health Plan. Western BOG members expressed strong concerns regarding the loss of BCBS in western NC. Several BOG members shared stories of how important the hospitals are to them in their area. Loss of service would mean traveling distances to access in network care. BCBS was asked to resolve the issues with Mission Health or the people in western NC would greatly suffer. Cliff Brown suggested that members/districts should visit the hospitals to talk about these issues.

Wendell Powell gave the Report for the Fight for $15. He introduced two SEIU members (Latasha and Talanda) that work in the childcare and health fields. They shared stories of not making livable wages while caring for children and looking after the elderly. We should stand up for better pay and benefits. Demonstrations will be held in Durham and Greenville in September. SEANC members are invited to attend the events. Wendell stated that we will continue to reach out to like-minded organizations to work together for the Fight for $15.

Alicia Miller gave the Convention Report. This year’s theme is “Take the Leap.” The 34th Annual SEANC Convention will be held at the Koury Convention Center in Greensboro on September 6 – 9, 2017. The business session starts at 12 noon on Thursday, September 7, 2017. The Community Service Project will be the creation of the Fallen Members Benevolence Fund.

Deadlines:July 28 – District Delegate Registration/Rooming Lists Due

August 11 – Banquet RSVP and Ticket Sales Deadline

August 25 – Money Due for Ticket Sales and District Tables

August 30 – Delegate Add/Change Deadline

Badges will not be distributed to district chairs this year. Delegates will need to go to the second floor to register and pick up badges. Registration will be open from 10 to 5 on Wednesday and will open at 9 am on Thursday. Badges will be required to be worn by delegates to gain access to the convention floor. Guests can pick up badges on the second floor as well.

President Stanley Drewery suggested to have a designation on badges for first time delegates at convention this year.

Chuck Stone gave a report on Bonding. A Request for Proposals (RFP) was sent out for bonding. Only one company provided a quote and gave two options:

Option 1:Coverage of $50,000 per person and $150,000 maximum per district for three officers by position title. Cost of $250 per person or $750 per district.

Option 2:Coverage of $25,000 per person and $75,000 maximum per district for three officers by position title. Cost of $125 per person or $375 per district.

Custom Option: A coverage amount other than Option 1 or 2 with minimum coverage of $10,000 per person and a minimum premium of $100.

Price quoted is subject to monthly or quarterly reconciliation of all district financial accounts by an independent source not authorized to sign checks, make deposits or otherwise engage in direct financial transactions for the district/committee/foundation which is insured. Reconciled financial statements must include receipts and deposit slips matching the financial institution reports.

A master bond for SEANC would become effective October 1, 2017.

Districts who already have coverage may continue or those districts opting out of going under the SEANC master bond may pursue getting their own coverage and will be responsible for completing all required paperwork to obtain the individual bond. Proof of coverage will need to be sent to the SEANC office.

Additional information and instructions will be provided at the Training to be held at Camp Caraway for District Chairs and Treasurers. District chairs are to carry the information back to their districts and decide as to which option is best for the district. Information will need to be forwarded to Chuck Stone in order for SEANC to complete the required forms for the master bond. Note that the cost of bonding would be deducted from district rebates. The cost of the bond would need to be made in advance of the coverage start date.

Linda Rouse Sutton gave the Connections Report. The committee met on June 29 and are working on a video of those who received assistance for Hurricane Matthew. The committee is also working on establishing criteria for the Fallen Members Benevolence Fund.

Steve Lawson gave the Training Report. A New Delegate Orientation will be held at convention this year at 10:30 am on September 7. District Chairperson and Treasurer training will be held at Camp Caraway on August 9 – 10. This will start at 1 pm on Wednesday and end by 12 noon on Thursday. Every district should be represented at this training.

Ross Hailey made a motion to go into Executive Session at 3:40 pm to discuss personnel issues. Benny Brigman seconded. Motion passed.

All nonvoting members, Executive Director Mitch Leonard, Chuck Stone, and SEANC staff were asked to leave. Martha Fowler was asked to stay in the room.

The BOG came out of Executive Session at 6:30 pm.

Mike Gould made a motion to go back into Executive Session at 6:31 pm to discuss legal issues. Kirk Montgomery seconded. Motion passed.

The BOG came out of Executive Session at 6:40 pm.

The BOG recessed for the day at 6:40 pm.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

President Stanley Drewery called the meeting to order at 9:01 am.

Invocation was given by Kirk Montgomery.

Pledge of Allegiance

Betty Gautier, Secretary, conducted the roll call.

Attendees:Stanley Drewery, President; Darius McLaurin, First Vice President; Jimmy Davis, Second Vice President; Chevella Thomas, Treasurer; Ross Hailey, Past President; Janice Smith, Insurance Board Chair; Benny Brigman, Retiree Council Chair; Kim Martin, Parliamentarian; Ray Evans, Parliamentarian; Betty Gautier, Secretary

(1) Mark Haskett, (2) Cliff Johnson, (3) Pat Reighard, (4) Tim Southard, (5) Tony Smith, (6) Sonya Akbar, (7) Henry Belada, (8) Ron Hunt, (9) Jamie Robinson, (10) Dennis Hartley, (11) Kenny Brower, (12) Chenell Rose, (13) Linda Colbert (Absent), (16) Willie Bailey, (17) Kemrey Lamar, (18) Lisa Martin, (19) Marie Tate, (20) Jacque Chatman, (21) Patsy Tilley for Janice Bass (Absent), (22) Deborah Harney, (23) Jeremy Register, (24) A.J. Albertson, (25) Kirk Montgomery, (26) Stanley Gales, (27) Sam Rogers, (28) Felicia McKinnie, (37) Furman Beckwith, (38) Margaret Reader, (39) Mark Dearmon for George Thiessen (Absent), (40) James Wadsworth for Vernice Whyms (Absent), (41) Pat Acquista for Mike Gould (Absent), (42) Shirley Bell, (43) Debra Dunston, (44) Pat Holcomb, (45) Kathy Judge for Joyce Yelverton (Absent), (46) Cheryl Perry for Randy Bruton (Absent), (56) Grace Edwards, (57) Daisy Stancill, (58) Pam Hailey, (59) Kathy Merritt, (60) Hiawatha Jones, (61) Cindy Hester, (62) Laura Overstreet, (63) Sherry Dodge, (64) Latina Shelley, (65) Alicia Simpson, (66) Francisco Duarte, (67) Carlton Jarmon for Patricia Moore (Absent), (68) Rita Woods, (69) Keith Renner, (70) Debra Tyson; Awards: Marie Tate; Bylaws Advisory: Cliff Brown; EMPAC: Tony Smith; Member Discount: James Hartley; Membership: Ron Fields; Planning: Darius McLaurin; Training: Steve Lawson; Policy Platform: Betsey Hodges for Jim Pressley (Absent); Scholarship: Mike Bell; Emerging Leaders: Emily Jones; Audit Committee: Keith Renner; Executive Director Search Committee: Martha Fowler; Standards Review Committee: Tara Minter; Personnel Manual Review Committee: Keith Renner for Doris Greer (Absent); Public Relations Committee: Hiawatha Jones; Fight for $15: Wendell Powell; Connections: Linda Rouse Sutton; Benevolence Committee: Deborah Fleming; Mitch Leonard, Executive Director; Chuck Stone, Director of Operations

Benny Brigman gave the Retiree Council Report. The Council met on July 12 and recognized the service of Bob Hopper, who was a Past Chair of the Retiree Council. Jamie Robinson was approved to fill Bob Hopper’s vacancy on the Council.

Several openings are available on the Retiree Council. Those that plan to run:

West - Henry Belada of District 5

Piedmont – Martha Fowler of District 19

North Central – Patsy Tilley of District 21

South Central – Laura Overstreet of District 62

East – Delores Jones of District 56

The Retiree Council recommended to forward a motion to the BOG to establish the Bob Hopper Retiree Distinguished Service Award. No second was required. Motion passed. This award will be presented at convention.

Dennis Hartley made a motion to go into Executive Session at 9:20 am to discuss confidential information. Pam Hailey seconded. Motion passed.

The BOG came out of Executive Session at 9:40 am.

Keith Renner gave the Audit Committee Report. The Committee is planning for an internal audit to be conducted in August. Applications are being reviewed for candidates to be voted on at convention to be on the Audit Committee.

Keith Renner gave the Personnel Manual Review for Doris Greer. A meeting is planned for August 29 – 30. Manual updates will be reviewed.

Mike Bell gave the Scholarship Report. State-level scholarships were awarded to 48 applicants totaling $39,500. The Scholarship Bowl-A-Thon will be held immediately following the Board of Governors meeting. Scholarship cash raffle tickets should be tracked closely. Be sure to bring all unsold tickets to convention. There are several vacancies on the Scholarship Board. Sherry Dodge has announced that she plans to run for the East and Margaret Reader will run for South Central. At this time, there are no announced candidates for the West, Piedmont, or North Central.

Stanley Gales expressed concerns about how statewide scholarship winners are selected.

Mike Bell offered to go over the process with Stanley.

Dennis Hartley gave the Member Discount Report. SEANC has not lost any businesses in the discount program this year. Seventy new businesses have been added to the program. There are currently 3,477 businesses that offer discounts. Member discount can be used as an excellent tool in the recruitment process. Tim Southard of District 4 is the winner of the recently held contest for recruiting new businesses.