NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre

Preparatory Research CareerFellowships for Nurses, Midwives and AHPs

The NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre and Oxfordshire Health Services Research Committeeare making funds available to support theresearch career development of Nurses, Midwives andAllied Health Professionals (AHPs), working clinically or in research.

This funding opportunity is designed to provide support to those who are considering undertaking a research doctorate (PhD/DPhil) either now or in the near future.The funding may be used to support a period of 6 months full time research (or equivalent part time up to one year) in order to generate data for a doctoral application, and/or for analysis and writing up of existing data. Funds will be available to reimburse the employing organisation for salary backfill to cover research time.We will also provide support in the form of funded places on our ‘Essential Research Skills’ training course, and additional funds may be available to cover specific research-related training needs where those needs directly apply to the proposed research project. Help with journal submission fees/publication fees will also be available on completion of your research, with the expectation that this period of research will generate a publication to aid anyeventual doctoral application.


Applications are welcome from all Nurses, Midwives, and Allied Health Professionals employed by the Oxford NHS Trusts and/or Oxford University, working in either a clinical or research capacity.


Complete the application form below.You will need to have identified a research project and have appropriate supervision.

The application will need to include:

  • details of your proposed research project and how you feel this bursary will contribute to a future research career
  • a statement from your current clinical/line manager agreeing to facilitate any associated request for reorganising your work pattern
  • a statement of support from your proposed supervisor

Completed applications should be returned by e-mail to: (Abby Hipkin, Research Education and Training Administratorfor the Education and Training Working Group, NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre).

If you would like to discuss any queries relating to your application, please contact Sally Beer or Abby Hipkin

Closing date for applications is30th August 2016.

Conditions associated with the award

You will be expected to remain in touch with the Research Education and Training team during your fundingperiod. Any resulting publications must give credit to Oxford Biomedical Research Centre. You will be expected to submit a report to at the end of your period of funding.

Application Form

1. Personal Information
Email address:
Title of your current post: / Current post start date:
Current post end date:
Position: / Employer:
If you have a research-related post, please statefunding source for your current research positione.g. Biomedical Research Centre/Unit; CRN:TV&SM; Wellcome:

Proposed start date of Fellowship:

Full time Part time Length in months:

Approximate salary costs Estimated additional costs
2. Employment and Education
Previous posts held (most recent first):
Date from / Date to / Position / Department / Institution
Date (mm/yyyy) / Degree or other / Subject / University/Institution
3.Statement for Purpose of Funding
  1. Describe the research project you would like to undertake or the project data and analysis that you wish to do (no more than 200 words)
  1. Give a short description of how this bursary would allow you strengthen your eventual doctoral application, if you can be specific about any ideas that you have for a doctoral project that will be helpful. (no more than 500 words)
  1. If you are applying for costs other than salary, please list and give estimated value to each

4. Support and approval
Statement of support from proposed supervisor:
Supervisor Name: Institution/Department:
Signature Name Date
Statement of support by clinical/line manager
Name: / Position:
Signature Name Date

Applicant Name:Signature:………………………………


June 2016