Fys 199-07: Introduction to Sustainability

Professor Grace Johnson, McCoy Professor of

Management and Accounting

Department of Business & Economics

Seminar Description

This seminar uses readings, class discussions, and a mini-research project to introduce students to policies and practices used to best manage and sustain an organization’s impact on society, the environment, and the economy. Some of the topics for examination include population, urban development, energy, restoring the earth, food safety and security, urban development, poverty, and business development.

Students spend the first half of the semester reading, discussing, writing short papers, and making informal presentations on the seminar topics. The second half of the semester is spent on an investigative project connected to the theme of sustainability. Students spend the majority of time meeting individually with Professor Johnson and each other for project development workshops and peer review/peer editing of their investigative projects.

Individual Investigative Mini-Research Project Description

  1. Choose two organizations (to be approved by Professor Johnson before October 1) and access their sustainability reports from their websites. For each entity:
  1. identifywhat you view as the five key sustainability topics in the report.
  2. comment on how well each entity presents its sustainability achievements and challenges.
  1. What impression do others have of the sustainability efforts of these organizations?
  2. Compare the two entities and select which one presents a more convincing story about its commitment to the three pillars of sustainability (society, environment, economy). Why does it project the sense that it values sustainability as part of organization culture and operating activities?
  3. Your project will be delivered in a 10-minute pecha kucha style presentation (; and ). Remember that we are not following the 20 x 20 format of pure pecha kucha. But you will use a minimum of text (only allowed in a chart or diagram or topic transitions). The evaluation rubric for your oral presentation is on the next page).
  4. The references used in your investigative project will be noted in an annotated bibliography. You will use a minimum of 10 references that come from newspaper and journal articles, and relevant /reputable electronic sources. If you’re in doubt about a source’s credibility, ask me.

Why an annotated bibliography? Professionals and scholars must keep abreast of new developments in topics of interest. Serious people constantly read and take note of ideas that can serve them in future projects. The annotated bibliography helps us keep track of these ideas and makes it easier to incorporate outside material into our research.

In an annotated bibliography, each reference’s annotation includes the MLA formatted citation and a two-paragraph description (MLA annotation style, see the first and third paragraphs). The first paragraph is a summary of the source; the second includes your evaluation of the usefulness of the source. Why is the source helpful in answering items A-C in the list above?

The annotated bibliography will be evaluated based on the quality of sources selected, the quality of the annotations, and adherence to MLA style (rubric to be distributed later).


Exceeds / Meets / Below
Purpose clearly stated
Understandable and relevant
Presentation makes connections between topics
in this and other courses
Thesis logically developed
Conclusions supported, complete, accurate
Follows all assignment instructions
Effective sequence strategy that tells a complete story
Interesting, captivating introduction
Well-developed main section
Credible and motivating conclusion
Flows from point to point
Clear transitions between topics
Concise, correct, precise word choice
Proper tone and "voice"
Fresh, imaginative, energetic approach
Correct grammar, good diction, polished language
Eye contact
Gestures appropriately; avoids distracting mannerisms
Effective voice inflection
Well-groomed; dressed appropriately
Good posture; moves around room
Relevant and effective computer/visual aids


15 points available per category

15 / Outstanding
13-14 / Very Good
11-12 / Adequate
9-10 / Poor
Below 9 / Unacceptable

_____Sources: number, quality, variety

_____Summary: thorough, accurate, specific

_____Evaluation: insightful, focused, specific

_____Writing Style: sophisticated, appropriate, free of error

_____MLA Format: correct in every regard

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