Nightingale BET Middle School 2015-2016

Welcome to 7thGrade World and Medieval History

Course Syllabus

Teacher:Mr. Saldana

About the course:

Students in seventh grade will study the changes that occurred in Europe, Africa, and Asia in the years 500- 1789. Students study the history and geography of great civilizations that were developing concurrently throughout the world during medieval and early modern times. They will examine the growing interaction among civilizations as well as the exchange of ideas, beliefs, and technologies. It will include the Common Core Standards, which will build skills in reading, writing and geography. Students will also interpret a wide variety of primary documents in their study of history. Ultimately, the students will be prepared for the rigor of high school and beyond.

*All curriculums at Nightingale Middle School is based on California State Content Standards. For more information regarding standards, please visit


To ensure the success of the student, the following materials are needed:

  • 3-ring binder
  • 8 ½ “ x 11 ½ “ lined notebook papers
  • 2 Pencils/Pens (blue or black ink only)
  • A set of 12 colored pencils
  • Glue sticks
  • Access to the internet

Student Notebooks:

We will be creating a history notebook. In your notebook you will have your warm-ups and written assignments. It is your responsibility to keep your notebook in a safe place and not lose it.

Grading Policy:

All grades received on classwork, homework, tests, and projects will be placed in three different categories that will determine the final grade earned.

Category:Percentage Value

Homework= 10 %

Classwork= 20%

Tests and Quizzes = 35 %

Projects =35%


Grading scale:

90-100%= A

80-89%= B

70-79%= C

60-69%= D

59-0%= F

Assessments: Students will be given an assessment at the end of each unit, a midterm and final for each semester.

Work Habits and Cooperation:

Work habits will be based on the completion of assignments (class work & homework) and being prepared to complete daily class assignments ( i.e. materials, required readings, classroom participation).

Cooperation will be based on behavior in class, cooperation with others, and following directions and classroom rules. Being tardy will also affect cooperation grade.

Classroom Rules:

Be in your seat and ready to work before the bell rings.

Follow directions.

Raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking.

Adjust your voice to suit the activity

NOgum, food, or drink (except water).


Possible Consequences if rules are not followed:

Verbal Warning


Reassigned seat

Phone call to parent

Teacher-Parent Conference

Referred to Counselor/Administrator

Homework: Students will have homework at least 3 nights a week. (Varies by teachers)

Make-up Work: Students with an excused absence may make up the assignment (original assignment) within 7 days of the due date.

Missing Assignments: Students with missing assignments beyond the 7-days may turn in an alternate assignment.

Hall Pass Policy:

Students must take care of personal needs and use the restroom before coming to class. Once class begins, NO passes will be given!

*Students must keep all work (including graded work) until grades for the semester has been posted. Syllabus is subject to change.*

Parents/Guardian, please fill out the following information and return by______.

Parents/Student-Teacher Contract

I have read the classroom management plan and understood the requirements and expectations it detailed.

Parent’s Signature:______Date:______

Student’s Signature:______Date:______

Contact Information: (PleasePRINTclearly)

Student’s Name:______


Home Phone:______Cell Phone:______


(Please print your email clearly!)