Night by Elie Wiesel – Final Project

Choose one of the following options and create a foldable. Fold a piece of paper in half (at least a 8.5” x 11”). On the front cover, put the title of your project and a corresponding picture. On the inside, include the four sections of information that correspond with each option. PUT YOUR NAME ON THE BACK COVER!!!

This is a RESEARCH PROJECT and you will NOT be given any class time to work on it. Please see Miss Searfoss with any questions.

Use the reference library, internet, and any other resources to collect your information (EXCEPT WIKIPEDIA!). Be aware that I will be checking your facts, so don’t make up information.

DUE DATE: ______

Option 1: Research An Act of Genocide

-Description of the history of the region - (map of the region)

-Description of the cause of the conflict/genocide - (picture)

-Number of victims/Names of the leaders on both sides of the conflict - (picture)

-Response from the community/rest of the world

Here are some options to get you started. There are MANY others, and you may choose an event from before or after WWII.

-Khmer Rouge

-Darfur (Sudan)



-Kosovo (Bosnia-Herzegovina)


Option 2: Research a Nazi Concentration Camp

-Description of the physical location of the camp - (map of the area)

-Description of the objective of the camp and names of commanding officers. - (picture)

-Major events that took place at the camp/Number of Victims Total - (picture)

-Date camp was built/Date camp was liberated - (picture)

Here are some options to get you started. There are SEVERAL other camps to choose from, and you can choose a camp from any country (Google search “List of WW2 Concentration Camps).






Option 3: Research a Holocaust Survivor

-Description of the life of survivor, from birth to present - (picture of survivor)

-Name of concentration camp they stayed in/description of their time there - (picture)

-Description of their life following the Holocaust and their life now - (picture)

-Date they entered camp (and time in ghetto if applicable)/Date they were liberated - (picture)

The American Holocaust Museum website has a directory of survivors, although information may be hard to find about all of them. It may suit you better to choose a well known survivor.

Option 4: Research Adolf Hitler OR Dr. Josef Mengele

-Description of the life of Hitler/Mengele, from birth to death, including notable character traits - (picture of Hitler/Mengele)

-Description of their activity and whereabouts during WWII, be specific - (picture)

-Explanation of their agenda/quest/vision of world, why did they do what they did? - (picture)

-Life since WW2/Description of Death, including the days leading to death - (picture)

You may include other information or facts you find about these individuals. Be thorough with your descriptions of their agendas and activity.

Option 5: Research the Nuremberg Trials

-Description of Nuremberg Trials/Who held trials and why - (picture of location/map)

-Description of the results of the trials/Aftermath - (picture)

-Description of the difficulties faced during trials - (picture)

-Descriptions and results of people persecuted/Descriptions and results of persecutors - (picture)

There were several people involved in the Nuremberg Trials. If you become overwhelmed, you may chronicle one individual trial, or one individual defendant, etc. See me about this.

Option 6: Research Holocaust Denial

-Description/Definition of Holocaust denial - (picture)

-Description of the leaders of the movements/populations who make up deniers - (picture)

-Explanation of deniers evidence/reasons for denial - (picture)

-Examples of Propaganda/Evidence of denial being spread - (picture)

There are several ways to address this option. Please see Miss Searfoss if this is your choice.