Mrs. Young - Room C211

Calculus 1B – Course Syllabus

Spring Semester 2017

Welcome to the first semester of Calculus. Calculus works in real numbers and covers the following topics:

Families of Functions, Limits, Derivatives, Integrals, and techniques to apply derivatives and integrals.

Objective: To have a safe and productive learning environment where every student has the ability to succeed.


·  Mathematics requires much practice and repetition to be fully understood. Completion of all assignments given is vital to your success.

·  Assignments will be given each day and will be expected to be completed by the next class meeting. I will be randomly selecting which assignments from each chapter will be collected for credit. Make sure you keep up with the daily assignments and see me immediately if you have any questions or concerns.

·  All homework should be:

ü  turned in on time, late work will not be accepted unless due to absence.

ü  completed with ALL necessary work shown neatly, papers with answers only will be given a zero.

ü  Write your name, date, period, page #, and problems assigned on the top of the paper.

ü  Kept until the end of the semester.

·  Each homework assignment will be worth 10 points. Points will be awarded based on the above criteria. On some assignments you will be required to access our class website:

·  If you are absent, it is your responsibility to go to the class website and get the assignment(s) you missed and make sure it is completed and turned in for credit. Any work due the day you were absent is due the day you return. Make-up work must be turned in no later than one class meeting after the day you return.

Warm-Ups / Notes:

·  You are expected to complete the warm-ups and take notes on a daily basis and keep them in a composition notebook or binder. Notes should be written neatly, with appropriate heading, and read regularly for comprehension and review. Warm-Ups / Notes will be randomly collected for credit.

Tests and Quizzes:

·  There will be at least one quiz and one test for each chapter. There are no retakes on quizzes or tests. Test and quizzes may be any combination of multiple-choice, true/false, or short answer questions. All work must be shown for full credit. I cannot grade what is in your head, it must be on paper!


If you are absent, all assignments will be posted on our class website, It is your responsibility to check the website for the assignment and notes. If you are absent on a test date, a make-up test will be given on the day you return. For extended absences, it is your responsibility to make arrangements with me to set a test make-up date. Tests must be made up within one week.

Materials (bring to class every day):

·  All work must be completed in PENCIL only, with the exception of your personal notes.

·  Required Textbook: James Stewart, Single Variable Calculus with Vector Functions

·  Binder with Dividers and a composition notebook

·  Scientific Calculator or Graphing Calculator (recommended, but not required)

·  Lined and Graph Paper

Grading Policy:

·  Tests / Quizzes 80%

·  Homework / Classwork / Notes, etc. 20%

Grading Scale:

Grades will be assigned based on the following scale (+/- will be given):

A 90-100%

B 80-89%

C 70-79%

D 65-69%

F less than 65%

Classroom Guidelines:

·  Be in assigned seat READY to work when tardy bell rings.

·  Be RESPECTFUL to teacher, classmates, and all school property.

·  Be RESPONSIBLE…bring required materials and completed homework to class every day.

·  Please refrain from eating, drinking (water only) or chewing gum in class.

·  ABSOLUTELY NO ELECTRONICS: cellphones, electronic games, headphones, etc.


·  1st offense (minor): verbal warning

·  2nd offense (minor): detention and parent phone call

·  3rd offense (major): referral to office and parent phone call

Cheating Policy:

Cheating is strictly prohibited and considered a serious infraction. Anyone believed to have completed any test or quiz, or help any other student on an independent assignment, in a dishonest manner will be given a zero for the assignment and be referred to the appropriate administrator for further consequences. All work must be shown on all assignments in order to receive full credit.

*In addition to the above classroom guidelines, ALL school rules listed in the student handbook will be strictly enforced.

Mrs. Young’s Calculus Syllabus

Student’s Name: (Print) ______

I have read the course syllabus and I will do my best to meet the expectations of this course as stated in the course syllabus.

Parent/Guardian’s Name: (Print) ______

I, the parent or legal guardian of the above student, have read the course syllabus and understand what is expected of my student in Calculus.

Parents or Guardians: Please provide the following information and indicate your preferred method of contact by checking the box:

Home Phone Number: ______

Work Phone Number: ______

Cell Phone Number: ______

E-mail Address: ______

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Note to Parents/Guardians:

Thank you for entrusting me with your student for this semester. I look forward to getting to know your student and doing everything I can to captivate, motivate, and help them appreciate the concepts of mathematics. If you have any questions and would like to speak with me directly, call 951-738-2100 ext. 1360 and leave a message. Please leave your student's name, brief description of your concerns, and a number where you can be reached during the day. I will return calls during my conference period, before or after school, as promptly as I can. You may also reach me any time of day by e-mail and I will reply at my earliest convenience: .