Florida Polytechnic University

Information Request

Residential Operations:

Please provide a copy of Academic calendar.

What are the total number of billable dining days for meal plans?

  • This year we have 228 board days with current contract

Can you provide history of meal plan activity in operations, a sample for a few months?

  • Meal Plans not offered during summer
  • Attached is the meal plan activity for this semester. “Attachment 10 - Meal Plan Transaction Data - July2015-June2016_Units_08 09 2016”

Are you satisfied with current meal plans?

  • Yes, but menu items should be available for complete meal period and would like to see continuous dining option.

Are there any meal plans currently offered to faculty and staff? If so what is the cost and can they be charged to payroll deduction?

  • Yes, Faculty & Staff have a 50 block meal option at a 10% discount, they are also able to purchase any plan available.
  • Plans will have payroll deductions for Spring Semester.

Do you want us to plan on current hours or operation for resident dining hall(s?)

  • We need to have meals available until at least 9 pm.
  • We will need to survey resident students and plan to their needs.

Please provide a breakdown of all meal plan sales during the last year, by plan – please include commuter and staff plans.

  • Attachment #1 –“Attachment 1 - 2015-2016 Meal Plan Sales”

Who sells additional flex dollars Contractor or College?

  • Presently, the University sells the Declining Balance plans.

Who receives unused flex dollars at the end of the year, contractor or College?

  • The contractor receives unused Declining Balance funds at the end of the Spring Semester and we receive commissions.

Please provide a Copy of the results of any recent resident dining surveys.

  • Attachment #2 – “Attachment 2 - 2015 Student Services Survey - Business Auxiliary”

Do you anticipate any future summer school programs?

  • English as Second Language (ESL) estimate to begin Fall 2017

Is there a commission paid on board or flex sales?

  • The University receives 25% on Meal Plan and 5% on Declining Balance plans, retail sales and 10% on catering sales.

Please outline any projected student enrollment growth that impacts meal plan sales?

  • Application for University Accreditation in process.
  • Attachment #6–“Attachment 6 -FL Polytechnic University Growth 5 Yrs”

Is there any free meal plans offered to campus staff or administration?

  • Current vendor provides $25,000 in food credit.
  • This is used for catering, and meals for business purposes.

How are pre-semester meals billed for RA\RD, Athletic groups etc.? What is current dollars volume for this time period?

  • Housing vendor pre-purchased 50 meal plans to award as incentives for housingretention and for support staff.

Are there any opportunities in the Wellness Center for additional storage?

  • All existing space is currently being utilized
  • Vendor must plan for creating or expanding space for storage.

Retail Operations:

Calendar of operating days for all retail outlets, including academic and nonacademic days.

  • Attachment #3 –“Attachment 3 - Board & Retail Days FY 15-16 VS 16-17”.
  • Attachment #3a – “Attachment 3a – Summer Retail Hours”

Are you satisfied with the current operating hours of the retail operations?

  • Would like to see longer dining room hours and night retail options that include pizza.
  • Attachment #4–“Attachment 4 - Dining Hours Fall 2016-2017”

Can flex dollars be used at all of the retail outlets?

  • Yes, declining balance can be used at all food service retail operations.

Is there a meal exchange/cash equivalency program for the resident meal plans? Please describe the program – hours exchange/equivalency is available, locations program is honored. What makes up a meal exchange (each meal period)? What is the cash equivalency rate?

  • No meal exchange or equivalency program.

What percentage of meals served are meal exchange\cash equivalent program.

  • N/A

Who is responsible for the data lines for Credit\Debit Cards?

  • University provides data lines.

Please provide the last 12 months of sales for each retail outlet broken down by cash/credit/debit/flex/charge.

  • Attachment #5a-o – “Retail Sales”

Are commissions paid on cash sales? Flex sales? Credit/debit sales? What % is paid?

Commission is paid?

  • Commissions of 5% is paid on cash, declining balance and credit / debit cards sales.

Has any research been done for desired retail offerings? If so, could you share that information?

  • No research has been conducted for retail operations, we welcome research from vendors to determine future retail offerings.

Would you consider contractor operating vending services?

  • Currently there is a contract for vending services, vending was not included in this request.
  • Vendor does have the option for providing convenience store operations in their proposals.

Catering\Summer Camps:

Please provide the last 24 months of catering sales.

  • Catering: 2015 $70,000 – 2016 (YTD) $17,000
  • Summer Camps: $0

Are commissions currently paid on catering? What % is paid?

Two-tiered incremental catering commission:

• 10% on $0 to $700,000 annual Net Sales

• 20% on $700,001 and over annual Net Sales

Are there any major functions on campus that require special attention?

BOG meeting

BOT meetings

Annual Foundation fund raising

President Residence events

Student Orientation

1st FL Poly Commencement

Does the College encourage outside catering sales? Does the current contractor provide such services? If yes, what are the sales?

  • The University does not market outside catering sales nor does the current contractor.

Can you provide the dollar volume of catering not captured in catering amount provided (given to outside entities)?

  • Information not available at this time

Please provide a list of any camps and conferences during the last summer along with sales volume.

  • Summer Camps and Conferences: $0


Please provide a copy of the existing dining contract.

  • Attachment #8 - Attachment 8 - Signed Sodexo Contract

Please provide enrollment by class for the last 2 years.

  • “Attachment 7 - Enrollment 2015”
  • “Attachment 7a Enrollment 2016”
  • “Attachment 7b - Enrollment 2014”

What is the anticipated growth level of enrollment for the next 5 years (by year)?

  • Attachment #6 – “Attachment 6 -FL Polytechnic University Growth 5 Yrs.”

Please provide the present charges for utilities that the vendor will be responsible for.

  • Estimated Cost: Vendor is to pay for what they consume.
  • Chilled Water600Month
  • Gas2000Month
  • Water/Sewer1000Month
  • Power3750Month
  • Total7350Month

What is Florida Polytechnics position on maintaining existing staff along and benefits accrued by existingstaff?

  • Would like for existing staff to be provided an opportunity to stay, depending on their specialties.

Student employment, please provide average number of student employees, hours and wage rate.

  • Information not available at this time.

Please provide list of employees and current wages, weekly hours and benefits offered.

  • Information not available at this time.

Please provide a list of equipment and small wares owned by current contractor (if contractor is not retained).

  • All equipment not identified by current vendor’s name will become available.

Is there an exclusive beverage contract in place? If yes, please provide specifics of contract.

  • The University does not have an existing exclusive beverage contract.

Are there any current vendor relationships the school wishes to continue?

  • Currently, WFF Facility Services is used for cleaning common areas of wellness building and campus.
  • They provide service on occasions to current vendor.

Please provide enrollment expectations for the next 36 months.

  • Attachment #6 – “Attachment 6 -FL Polytechnic University Growth 5 Yrs.”

May we have copies of the blue prints for the dining hall, retail area and fitness center.

  • Exhibit A, B - “ITN 16-023 Exhibit A, B - Dining Facility Drawings”

May we have a history on costs for, utilities, fire systems, hood maintenance, sewer line cleaning, and extermination?

  • Hood System $2800 per year
  • Extermination $489 per month
  • Fire System $490 per year

May we have the current staffing model and pay for each hourly and supervisory position.

  • Information not available at this time.

What is the current annual equipment fund and the three year history of the fund?

  • 2016 $35,176 YTD
  • 2015 $54,000
  • 2014 $48,381

What has been the history of annual scholarship and in kind funds?

  • The University currently receives $15,000 annually for scholarships.
  • 1% total annual sales for program support.