NICOP Submission Format

1. From: Requesting US Sponsor (Name, organization, contact information, e-mail address)

2. Project Title (short title):

3. International Institution(s), Principal Investigator(s): (Name, organization and contact information including e-mail addresses, DUNS, CAGE or NCAGE Code. Be sure to identify name of grantee.)

4. Participating US Institution(s) and PI(s): (Name, organization and contact information including e-mail addresses, DUNS, CAGE or NCAGE Code)

5. Funding: Provide a matrix showing, by fiscal year, proposal funding of the project:

Double Click on the Spreadsheet to open file;

All Highlighted Boxes MUST be completed if $0 then enter 0

If any boxes are left blank, the proposal will not be considered

Sources of Funding
US / Int'l / US / Int'l / US / Int'l
Other US (Specify)
Total Funding for Project / $0 / $0 / $0 / $0 / $0 / $0
Budget for U.S. Share of International Costs (including NICOP)
Cost Item / FYXX / FYXX / FYXX
Fringe Benefits
Equipment (specify)
Other (specify)
Total US Share of International Costs / $0 / $0 / $0
Please note that these figures should match

{Click anywhere outside of the spreadsheet to return to the document}

6. Background and History: Provide perspective and rationale for the project. Describe previous work and interactions relevant to the project.

7. Objectives and Interactions:

  • Describe project objectives, work to be performed by each party, and milestones
  • Discuss the nature, extent, and timing of the collaborations
  • Describe project initiation, including co-planning with international sponsor and ONR Global involvement
  • Relate the project's objectives to documented DoN Corporate Thrusts (specify document); if there is no clear correlation, provide justification for funding the program.
  • Describe other ongoing work in the field and how the proposed work differs and/or contributes
  • Comment on importance, uniqueness, technical merit, potential Naval application (may be long term), etc.
  • List applicable Data Exchange Agreements and/or Memoranda Of Understanding, if the project is military-to-military or government to government

8. Cost Sharing: Describe proposed use of NICOP funds. Describe nature and use of the primary US sponsor contributing funds. Describe nature of any international contribution. Justify in detail any deviations from or exceptions to item 5.

9. Intellectual Property Rights: Describe if not detailed in attached proposal.

10. US Sponsor Comment: The US Program Manager responsible for the appropriate portion of the DoN S&T Program MUST comment on the project's relationship and contribution to the DoN S&T Program, and on previous experience with the Institutions/PIs involved.

11. Project Description: Attach a copy of the proposal or project description for which support is requested.

Broad Agency Anouncement Statement: This proposal is submitted in response to Broad Agency Announcement 13-001 of long-range ONR scientific projects that was published on 27 September 2012.